@TWDDerSharkmarine it is still active, a warning tho: Prepare your Mental when you are active at certain times on the Server because uh... Its some kind of questionable
@WHNineTripleOne im sorry for that, just stating the facts though, even if its harsh, move out from that dark past, im sure the doors of forgivings are always open : D
Reality is harsh man, but let me tell you, the fact you "changed" from your old self to a new self does not distinguish the fact you denied holocaust once and made a auswitch in SP, people's memory wont get erased easily, and digital tracking is scary and you should knew it.
@lewishasnoiq sorry for pinging you twice, but i kinda need help on making a new WC server with improvements based on the last one's experience, may you do it?
@TWDDerSharkmarine it is still active, a warning tho: Prepare your Mental when you are active at certain times on the Server because uh... Its some kind of questionable
@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore idk man i just did
@V where did i place that FT? On the Wing part or what?
The sudden urge to put a buran spaceshuttle on this one 💀💀💀💀
@Neruneten21 yessir
Ayoo blyatnov's first jet?? 😱😱😱
@FlirBlitz the fastest upvote in the east
Oh yeah lmao look at this 🗿
Okay so uh, what tools u use to take these pics? Cool
+1Never seen a T-55 made this good, though using other ppl's chassis i still appreciate it, get a raise!
+2You are officially black now, congrats
Concept of shipgirls had been long ago existed, but a ship that has a girlfriend of a ship? Yeah
+2Give it an upvote because why not
@WHNineTripleOne im sorry for that, just stating the facts though, even if its harsh, move out from that dark past, im sure the doors of forgivings are always open : D
+2@Bobthegeneral69 more on foxtrot class but okay 🗿 👍
I wont dare to try understand this black magic, its just wow
800 more points and you reach 100K
Sniff sniff damn bruh, hot asf
Its a server where we did war challenge, though the main attraction is in the General chat
@SiBangsatYa well uh, okay? Hold on
Reality is harsh man, but let me tell you, the fact you "changed" from your old self to a new self does not distinguish the fact you denied holocaust once and made a auswitch in SP, people's memory wont get erased easily, and digital tracking is scary and you should knew it.
+3@SiBangsatYa you didnt need to know
@SiBangsatYa hol up are you on the WCU server? 💀
Boo spot olny gains u one upvote boo
Nahh im not downloading that 💀
Bruh get a raise ffs
+3Well uh looks.... Okay? Ship is scaled unproperly and damn brudda why it looks so plain? Anyways slam upvote and spot on! Get a raise bud
+1@theDarkclone139 calm down brudda 🗿
+1Get a raise, buddy
+3@Phox bhox madr em planez 😱😱😱😱
+1Lmao, but really if you need help on improving stuff, ask me!
@Adilan 29 days later
Just be patient guys, andrew know us and i belive he wont dissapoint
+1@BlackGearCompany yeah, we are trying to fix the broken
+1@lewishasnoiq i removed all DM's and i aint a friend to anyone 💀💀💀💀
https://discord.gg/bh3qtxbs yeah
*May we do it?
@lewishasnoiq sorry for pinging you twice, but i kinda need help on making a new WC server with improvements based on the last one's experience, may you do it?
But yeah its right, dead asf
@lewishasnoiq who tf invited you here 💀💀💀💀💀
@lewishasnoiq oh yes!
+1Oh no help me step brother, Im stug!
+2Nahh not the Manned Geran-2 💀💀💀
+2Sounds bad, but yeah i'd be fine without you guys (psssh i had a new server in the making, should be an improvement over the old ones sooo)
+5See, im quitting from the server, reason for this is because i want to make one for myself
+2Can you guys add... Nothing! The game is good the way it is! 😀
+4Ada indonesia coy ☝️☝️☝️
+1Bro wth it does not look like a bunker...