"It's an Angel!" - Nerv Staff reaction on sight of this entity. Neon Genesis Evangelion memes. tho the way theses weapons fire, remind me a Pulse weapon carried by a Dreadnought in Homeworld Cataclysm, creating a sphere that would push and damage anything on its path
can i add space engines and mass trivers on it adn turn it into a space ship?! can i?! please tell me! Just kidding, its is awesome as it is, i love the idea
@JoddyFubuki788 ww2 is my hobby when im not doing great with modern stupid concept ideas. good futuristic stuff is just too complex to keep creating all the time... i cant keep up with the "plats" at this rate! Guess i'll be using Strike Witches theme for more WW2 stuff.
@BogdanX @Blue0Bull guess it is more because i tested the landing with less weight, the final testing is most of the time checking for no extreme roll pitch because of detail parts. i'll make a unlisted black paint of it with the other landing gear. free fix
@Blue0Bull i tried to make something like the fusion of a He-219 the bf110 but in the end the cockpit area ended like a A10. i recongnise that even my friends said it looks like one build from this site. and using text reference is hard, since most of the concept i had about this plane was in text form.
@BogdanX tried, not easy to land. but it was looking so good i dont wanted to scrap the whole plane, i use the mouse to land, is more precise and i can make soft moves with it. I'd say you need a soft and long landing place. i landed it with around 200/100mph you approach slow to the ground, pull a little up and reduce the speed as you get down. take time to master it but is not impossible
@typeZERO i may sound random, but seeing a modder and simpleplanes work, i must say.. modding and buildinding in simple planes are almost the same, in time meaning, 3 months... god.. 3 months was more than enough for you to create a masterpiece, it may not work so nice, but for the look.... im speachless.
@JohnnyBoythePilot thanks! yep the afterburner is something i was thinking of doing a more ace-combat style, like the ones from AC-3, glad you liked it!
@Airdude thank you so much!
@FlyingThings many thanks!
very powerfull ship. wondering about the "explosive" reaction your plasma guns make.
tho i was shot by one of my test aircrafts in this and something funny happen, it feelt like this ship was becoming some kind of IRL bug. i mean, it started to shake a lot and levitate, rotating by its own. lol, but anyway like most of your creations, it's really fun to use!
@AstleyIndustries yes, that is a concept, the one i focused more is the angled drawing, the side-view one is what i used to have an idea for a 3D view, "place holder sort of" thats why i worked with the "3d" one. and landing gears have been a problem for me from day-0.
@LESTERLIJX i know right... well at least they are not .50 american guns, with a new stat every update
@LESTERLIJX yes, i played a lot, but now im not having much time to play it as i want... its a great game tho!
"It's an Angel!" - Nerv Staff reaction on sight of this entity. Neon Genesis Evangelion memes. tho the way theses weapons fire, remind me a Pulse weapon carried by a Dreadnought in Homeworld Cataclysm, creating a sphere that would push and damage anything on its path
can i add space engines and mass trivers on it adn turn it into a space ship?! can i?! please tell me! Just kidding, its is awesome as it is, i love the idea
aproved for itasha war thunder mod!
i may join, have an idea to replace the mess of plane i created and called Lily. Lily-II will be born soon, born for a challenge
@JoddyFubuki788 ww2 is my hobby when im not doing great with modern stupid concept ideas. good futuristic stuff is just too complex to keep creating all the time... i cant keep up with the "plats" at this rate! Guess i'll be using Strike Witches theme for more WW2 stuff.
@Mumpsy yeah, just wondering what this plane have of special to be featured :v
best submarine ever, sad we cant have the main laser, overkill any kind of sea trash on its path!
@BogdanX @Blue0Bull guess it is more because i tested the landing with less weight, the final testing is most of the time checking for no extreme roll pitch because of detail parts. i'll make a unlisted black paint of it with the other landing gear. free fix
@Blue0Bull i tried to make something like the fusion of a He-219 the bf110 but in the end the cockpit area ended like a A10. i recongnise that even my friends said it looks like one build from this site. and using text reference is hard, since most of the concept i had about this plane was in text form.
@BogdanX tried, not easy to land. but it was looking so good i dont wanted to scrap the whole plane, i use the mouse to land, is more precise and i can make soft moves with it. I'd say you need a soft and long landing place. i landed it with around 200/100mph you approach slow to the ground, pull a little up and reduce the speed as you get down. take time to master it but is not impossible
time to inspect and learn with Mikoyanster's missile kit. just kidding. very nice weapons pack.
"Hatsune Miku paint scheme greatly boosts crew skills"
@EternalDarkness the hull shape reminded me the little Spähpanzer, tho this vehicle is much more well fitted to a battle, a stronger feeling
looks like SpähPanzer I C grew up a little more.. lol the vehicle feel very adaptive. a great concept!
this would be cool as a map mod, great work
the fusion of futuristic concept with a basic combat craft = beauty.
@typeZERO i may sound random, but seeing a modder and simpleplanes work, i must say.. modding and buildinding in simple planes are almost the same, in time meaning, 3 months... god.. 3 months was more than enough for you to create a masterpiece, it may not work so nice, but for the look.... im speachless.
nice airplane, looks so beautiful landed on water tho
that interior... can i live inside this truck? please? lol this is so well made!
the details level is insane, i really liked this truck, and the color option fit this vehicle pretty well!
BF-109 future germany re-build ?
that is a very good looking cockpit shape
"Ion Cannon Frigate complete"
how i miss homeworld games, your ship reminded me it
that big engine!!
god this thing is soo smooth on flight!
very nice contest, i may try join, but how i know most my planes suck at being stable... well, at least i'll try
thank you @Tessemi
thank you!
thank you!
Thank you guys! a lot
@JohnnyBoythePilot thanks! yep the afterburner is something i was thinking of doing a more ace-combat style, like the ones from AC-3, glad you liked it!
@Airdude thank you so much!
@FlyingThings many thanks!
they are taking a more human aircraft shape... a disguise? Just Kidding.
really nice airplane
awesome work with the details and colors, it really stand out and give a awesome futuristic look to your tank
nice tank!
noh! the ATGM hell! in SP! noohh! just kidding, cleaver idea, tho ATGMs in War Thunder........... rip xD
very cool design, simple and very noticeable
really looks like WR would have, i can imagine a Leo with a pack of these. cleaver idea about the more "civil" variants
very powerfull ship. wondering about the "explosive" reaction your plasma guns make.
tho i was shot by one of my test aircrafts in this and something funny happen, it feelt like this ship was becoming some kind of IRL bug. i mean, it started to shake a lot and levitate, rotating by its own. lol, but anyway like most of your creations, it's really fun to use!
make a flying tank... i could test something i had in mind with this but... not sure if i can complete it in time
very helpfull in creation of super large build, thank you!
insane details just in the cockpit area, the whole plane looks awesome, really nice details, your effort must be more rewarded!
feels like something from Warhammer 40K, really cool concept!
homeworld is real! is here!
i seen this one quite a while ago in a art-work, built by japanese
@AstleyIndustries yes, that is a concept, the one i focused more is the angled drawing, the side-view one is what i used to have an idea for a 3D view, "place holder sort of" thats why i worked with the "3d" one. and landing gears have been a problem for me from day-0.
@LiamW ?
smart concept!
indeed a very good work!