629 Zal777 Comments

  • Embraer B-260 M 1.1 years ago

    @XProAerospaceAircrafts Deve ter sido umas variaçao do F-22 melhoradas e configuradas para ataque anti-navio

    O Embras CAN-44... apaguei🙁😐
    (Não sei se é isso)

    Fiz vários outros projetos 100% autorais mas na época eu não sabia postar acabou que se perdendo.

  • Embraer B-260 M (@Zal777) 4 months ago

    @HariTheSnakk Hello! unfortunately I don't have anything left from the Fifth Generation archive that I created, if I did I would at least show the images... but I went through very big personal problems at that time, it affected me. That's why I deleted everything including the aircraft from my own profile. sorry.

  • Embraer B-260 M one year ago

    @HariTheSnakk You don't need to quote me if you publish it, it's yours😉😎

    The feeling when I went to the bombing competition with him was like being in Ace combat haha.... in short "freedom, it's like swimming through the air" haha

  • Embraer B-260 M one year ago

    @HariTheSnakk Dude, what a WONDERFUL job you did!!! It was excellent!! I'm not praising it just because I did it, but its configuration made it practically one of the best bomber planes hahaha.... I went to do that bombing training, I managed to hit all the bombs at high speed, and without it being blown up now haha... .I got 775 points!! he really proved himself to be a heavy fighter bomber haha... he's lethal!

    I'll put your name on it, can I?

    "Embraer B-260 version G HariSnakk"

    I just don't repost it, with its settings and its name because otherwise I'll lose the positive votes of what's already there haha

  • Embraer B-260 M one year ago

    @HariTheSnakk You can make it public on your profile if you want...😊 I liked the images, I'm glad you liked the project : )

    I'm making a low radar signature flying wing version, based on the B-260 M fuselage... only more compact. but it will have the same power. I think it will weigh around 50 or at most 60 tons in the end.

    for now I call it the Embraer B-20

  • AMX 50 Foch (155) one year ago

    Ótima faixa de dowloads! Sendo que vc postou a 12 dias! E ja tem 85!

  • Embraer Andorinha SPM-8 one year ago

    @HariTheSnakk 😊tanks

  • Embraer AMP-24200 A one year ago

    @TTL Thank you very much, I liked the comparison to a "stingray" haha... actually it was on purpose, at first I tried to imitate a Shark, but the wings were too small... then a Plesiosaurus, but the wings were still too thin and small for all this weight... then I thought about the "stingray" format... I really have a lot of inspiration from aquatic and flying animals to create the projects, this gives originality and a certain elegance even. thank you😊

    When the cabin is far from being "lazy" haha, it's simply because I don't really know how to put those Huds, and functional screens... I really don't know haha, otherwise I would. But I'm glad you liked it😊 Check out my profile if you haven't been yet and check out the other projects! :D

  • Embraer B-260 M one year ago

    @HariTheSnakk Not for now...

    Do you have discord?

  • Embraer B-260 M one year ago

    @HariTheSnakk Thank you for fixing it, I was looking for where these loose parts were but I couldn't find them, and thanks for the tip on "safety when launching weapons at your own aircraft" actually being blown up by your own missile during a battle is really cool haha ​​I didn't know of this configuration.🙏🏼

  • Embraer B-260 M one year ago

    @HariTheSnakk Bro!! Thank you very much!!😊❤... This project is 90% original, the other 10% are just inspirations from "Pinterest" concepts haha😅...

    I appreciate your feedback, you defined it very well, "Bomber hybrid, with fighter" haha...

    Embras' initial idea was really a very agile Bomber, capable of competing even against the American B-1 Lancer. But it turned out better than we expected and we placed it in the “Super Heavy Bomber Fighter” category.

    Thank you for your rating 8.😁🙂.

    Take a look at our lightweight SPM-8 Andorinha turboprop model, and take it for a test drive😁https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/ty4QFI/Embraer-Andorinha-SPM-8

  • Embraer AMP-24200 A one year ago

    @TTL What did you find amazing about it? haha

  • Embraer AMP-24200 A one year ago

    @Apollo018362 ta ai?

  • Embraer B-260 M one year ago

    I've been trying for a few days now to get a Super Heavyweight off the ground weighing at least 1000 Tons! just with the support force of the wings, I've already done several tiring and stressful tests lol... the wings are ready, now I'm stressing myself out trying to make the engines🤦🏽‍♂️kk...

    it is 121 meters long!! and has already decorated 1,400 tons with great effort. just for comparison, this is the weight of a small patrol frigate lol... I'm trying to break the record for weight support in the air. (It is not VTOL)

  • Embraer Andorinha SPM-8 one year ago

    @WinsWings Oops! Embras appreciates your Feedback.

    But as for weapons closer to the roots of the wings, that's not possible, if I launched a missile for example, it would hit the propellers! kk... but when it comes to stabilization, don't worry, all my projects are thoroughly tested so that they fly fluidly and pleasantly.😊 There are several examples of aircraft with weapons at the ends of the wings... the F-18, F-16 among others, they are like this😉.

    Leave an "upvote" if you liked it :D

  • Embraer Andorinha SPM-8 one year ago


  • Embraer Andorinha SPM-8 one year ago

    @LunarEclipseSP try it! It's fun to drive lol As I said, it is actually sub-sonic, not slow... its landing gear is a little big because I added the biggest propellers I had. I did a lot of testing on it, it's not unstable, especially for those who play with controllers.

  • Embraer B-260 M 1.1 years ago

    @XProAerospaceAircrafts Opa!! Embraer supremacy!! 😎🇧🇷🇧🇷 Se depender de minha Empresa Fictícia em parceria com a Embraer vamos amaçar as gringa kkk.... fds Boing kk

  • Embraer B-260 M one year ago

    @HariTheSnakk post your modified version of the B-260 M... I would like to see how it turned out...

  • HE-111 H-1 one year ago

    @HOPKINS234 nao pow kk... e que eu consverso muito com os gringo aqui... kkk nesse momento eu tinha dado uma bugada kk... ai respondi no impulso so vi depois que era tu 😂😂 mas em fim dexa kk

  • HE-111 H-1 one year ago

    @HOPKINS234 Tu é Brasileiro???? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 pqp kkk

    (Eu agora "🤔😐era o Hop kk)

  • MiG-29 UB Fulcrum-B one year ago

    @brians1209 Well, the point I made when criticizing your two aircraft was solely in relation to maneuverability and power; I didn't know whether or not they exceed G forces, much less whether or not they are realistic. That's why I wouldn't be a hypocrite in criticizing these characteristics (realism regarding G-force) in your aircraft if mine don't have them.

    I didn't know about these characteristics and measurements, but even though I now know I prefer to ignore the G forces, as it's a very "simulation" thing... I really prefer to fly aircraft in a comfortable position without worrying about having to slow down in a turn "because I'm exceeding the G force"... haha... but I understand your point. Yours is Pure Simulation of piloting and flight realism. Mine is simplicity, and pleasant vools with virtually no restrictions.

    As for one of my aircraft, it has "vibrating circles" because it is for competitions, like a "race car" haha. I actually don't like strong cires, it even reduces the tones but it was still strong haha.

  • SAAB J-35D Draken one year ago

    @brians1209 Really, if you take this "G's force" thing, the game becomes more boring than it already is.

    I liked you,... because you're diplomatic. you will give your person a positive vote.

  • SAAB J-35D Draken one year ago

    @brians1209 I understand, thank you for your humility.

  • SAAB J-35D Draken one year ago

    @brians1209 My main focus on my aircraft, is firstly!! Maneuverability and Stability, so much so that I focus primarily on these characteristics, which is why their shape and design is for performance more than aesthetics.

  • SAAB J-35D Draken one year ago

    @brians1209 In short, it's a terrible aircraft. It's just pretty, but horrible to ride, I get it.

  • MiG-29 UB Fulcrum-B one year ago

    another one again... it seems that you care more about the aesthetics of the plane than the functionality... bad maneuverability and bad power... it barely exceeds 700 K/h at low altitudes... even my turbo propeller is more powerful.

  • SAAB J-35D Draken one year ago

    Your plane is bad, it's unstable, it doesn't fly well... it doesn't have "TRIM" it doesn't even have flaps...

  • ADFX-02 -Morgan- one year ago


  • Stonehenge Railgun 1.3 one year ago

    Parece aqueles canhões do ace combat 0🤔 que ficam numa base soltando lazers

  • S-70 Othotnik-B one year ago

    Gostei do Zircon kk... MW 😏😏

  • EMB 314 Super Tucano one year ago

    The power of this aircraft is very low!! barely exceeds 600k/h

    I've already made two variant versions of the Tucano, the last one is practically Subsonica (fixed) Without loss of energy, exclusive for very high speed competitions.

  • J-20-BH-Yinlong II one year ago

    The J-20 originally doesn't have dual rear landing gear, but I like what you put on it, it looks impressive🙂...proportional and well done! I love Delta Wing haha... Visit my profile, see my Ship!😁https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/PJhqN1/Embraer-B-260-M I'm going to try your plane.

  • Embraer AMP-24200 A one year ago

    @TTL oops!😊Thanks... It's a shame that I can't put more images in it, so people only have one point of view. I think that's why they "underestimate" him.

  • S-31 Kurowashi "Black Eagle" (Remastered) one year ago

    very slow plane

  • Embraer B-260 M one year ago

    @IceFairy I made a base Tu-160... but it is 98% modified

  • Embraer B-260 M one year ago


  • Embraer B-260 M one year ago

    @WinsWings what did you think of this one?

  • Embraer Andorinha SPM-8 one year ago

    But in fact it will be unstable if the pilot launches just one bomb, and leaves the other behind... that's why I advise you to launch both... or swap them sessions with the long-range missiles so that they stay in the center of the aircraft.

    but as I said initially, this aircraft was designed for the game's racing challenges, and not for heavy ground attack combat. at most air-to-air.

    As for the Embraer B-260 M, yes you can have a lot of fun because it is a purebred Bomber! kk is capable of ascending with up to 180,000 kg!!

  • Embraer Andorinha SPM-8 one year ago

    @LunarEclipseSP lol... it's like that

    I wanted to put 2 helicopter engines on it, but it's very difficult to tame so much power in relation to weight lol... but I ended up doing it, and it goes from 0 to 1000K/h in 2 or 3 seconds... 😅😅

  • Embraer Andorinha SPM-8 one year ago


  • Embraer Andorinha SPM-8 one year ago


  • Sturmgeschutz III (StuPA) (StuG III) one year ago

    Opa! de uma olhadinha no "primo" do super-tucano que fiz rsrs.... ta la no meu perfil

  • Embraer B-260 M 1.1 years ago

    Vou lançar um novo projeto provavelmente ainda hoje! Quem gosta de fazer os desafios do jo podera achar interessante! É uma aeronave leve e extremamente manobravel! Spoiler: ela possui 4 "barbatanas"

  • Embraer B-260 M 1.1 years ago

    @MAPA Opa!🌟... afinal como se aumenta a patente aqui? (No resumo do resumo)

  • Embraer B-260 M 1.1 years ago

    @Apollo018362 kkkk 😎🇧🇷 Aqui é Embraer!! Kk

  • Embraer B-260 M 1.1 years ago

    @MAPA Aff kk precisa de status kk🙄.... pelo menos agora sei que esse app não é ruin a ponto de apenas poder publicar uma imagenzinha medíocre kk😅...

  • Embraer B-260 M 1.1 years ago

    @Zal777 A "Embras" no caso

  • Embraer B-260 M 1.1 years ago

    @MAPA haa sim, Portugues😊...
    Gostaria muito de poder postar mais imagens mais eu nãos☹ só consigo postar uma e eu tenho outras dessa aeronave que são muito bonitas!

  • Embraer B-260 M 1.1 years ago

    @MAPA Tu é brasileiro? Rsrs

    Vi vc falando em Português