BFV pacific breakthrough is decent, gameplay is ok, but they changed the spotting and everything, REALLY screwed the game over, nice job EA @ACEPILOT109
I hope the next BF could be korea, not many games cover it, and that war brought in old era planes tanks and guns and mixed it with new era so it would be an amazing experience...just so long as EA makes it right, cause we all know that DICE ain’t making the decisions anymore...smh @ACEPILOT109
No extremely detailed, which is nice cause that way I can actually play it, I still play battlefield 1 with a massive platoon I’ve been with for almost 2 years Ide say,
It’s quite complicated...but not at the same time. first off if your on android I don’t think it works I’m not sure, but iOS has it. so you can edit size, weight, and a lot of other stuff via activation groups and other listings above. @Dragons103
Very nice!
Vereh naice
One blocky boy
Why am I so late on the upvote with this geez
This is good
@Mumpsy yeah im really curious, hopefully ill find a forum on it somewhere. i know a plane or two has it but ide rather not steal their gear system XD
+1000 :D @SpicyViper problem is I got online classes and I struggle with ideas nowadays but yeah
That was fast, takes me like 7 days :(
............i stole your build, I’m blackmailing you rn >:D @BoganBoganTheMan
Reminds me of that really big Russian Sailing Yacht A
Aka patriotic tank! Looks amazing btw
This is funny because I’m in manufacturing rn for college, learning this is very interesting
Instantly to the top lol
Speed builder
This is really good looking for 444 parts
Astonishing work, really impressive sleek look to it too.
BFV pacific breakthrough is decent, gameplay is ok, but they changed the spotting and everything, REALLY screwed the game over, nice job EA @ACEPILOT109
I hope the next BF could be korea, not many games cover it, and that war brought in old era planes tanks and guns and mixed it with new era so it would be an amazing experience...just so long as EA makes it right, cause we all know that DICE ain’t making the decisions anymore...smh @ACEPILOT109
Absolutely Beautiful
Now imagine if this thing didn’t need rails....>:D
No extremely detailed, which is nice cause that way I can actually play it, I still play battlefield 1 with a massive platoon I’ve been with for almost 2 years Ide say,
This is yes
It’s so cute lol
Ah ok yeah some people are too sentimental imo @Dllama4
This needs more upvotes wtf
Neutral on this tbh
If only we could somehow make the noise for the Gatling, that would be a game changer
I REALLY like this design! It’s super weird but also really cool
Nice one my guy
Very nice work
Omg haha yeah @SledDriver
Bro that’s one THICC bomb 0_o
Absolutely stunning piece of armor! Love the look of it
I can @ u in an unlisted @edensk
GAH!! Boomer Mecca boomer Mecca >:D
That’s some beautiful detail, nice tank
Creatures are rare to find on this and you did a really good job with it. Nice work
Beautiful interior and detail though
trapshot intensifies
The tires lol
vErY NiCe sLoPeD aRmOr
It’s quite complicated...but not at the same time. first off if your on android I don’t think it works I’m not sure, but iOS has it. so you can edit size, weight, and a lot of other stuff via activation groups and other listings above. @Dragons103