8,659 Zkillerwolfe Comments

  • Daredevil 5.7 years ago

    Anyway, back in the day one of my top tournament strategies was to announce the fastest time I get in testing, look on as people make faster planes. Make a slower but more reliable plane myself and watch on as all those planes suffer from reliability issues, how I've missed these tournaments.

  • Shark Tooth REDO! 5.1 years ago

    After having saved humanity from the glitch planes years ago, I failed humanity in the rematch. I'm sorry everyone. I couldn't channel enough yuri-power I guess. GG @bjac0

  • Daredevil 5.7 years ago

    Since this is a repeat though, I do wonder how many copies of my plane I will see this time. :S

  • The Dragon 6.9 years ago

    Rip my dreams of round 2 of me vs @NishiKinuyo in the finals of the Dragon, we came so close. D:

  • Daredevil 5.7 years ago

    @Chancey21 Last time I played tournaments you were at risk of glitching through the finish as well if you go too fast.

  • Lunar Arc 6.8 years ago

    Unfortunately measured times will be a bit inaccurate this time since the game only starts counting after passing the first checkpoint.

  • TE-D 6.9 years ago

    @Jundroo please ban this it is exactly the same as https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/29PZWF/Mehgjik-3-18-Riyu-Elisa and blatant cheating in the tournament.

  • The Dragon 6.9 years ago

    May the AI have mercy upon us all.

  • The Dragon 6.9 years ago

    I improved my plane's time with a whopping 3 seconds seemingly with decent reliability. But now I'm worried that I might need to figure out a better name than 'Himawari-Sakuraku'...

  • Shark Tooth REDO! 5.1 years ago

    Some advice for how to do well in airplane tournaments, for future tournaments:

  • How to win airplane tournaments 5.1 years ago

    In mod tournaments it isn't that is why they are called mod tournaments. I changed my post a bit for clarity about that.

  • Shark Tooth REDO! 5.1 years ago

    Presumably with me being clearly defeated this time.

  • Shark Tooth REDO! 5.1 years ago

    I was kinda looking forward to being crushed by these airbrake propulsion planes, but I guess I'll have to make do with Homura-Madoka vs the shakers round 2.

  • Shark Tooth 5.1 years ago

    @Chancey21 @owenliu
    It's fine as long as all predecessors are your own. I've entered at least a dozen tournaments with planes that had predecessors of my own.

  • Daredevil 5.7 years ago

    Seems like various people figured out why none of the unlimited class tournaments were won by a plane that left its engine on the ground.

  • Daredevil 5.7 years ago

    No I mean opening your plane's XML file in notepad++ to add control panels to structural wings. Structural wings support control surfaces with minimal XML magic.

  • Daredevil 5.7 years ago

    That said, my current plane isn't that slow, it is a second faster than the plane with which KiNo won the mod class tournament. Leaving me suspicious of how a plane manages to complete the course in less than a 3rd of that time.

  • Daredevil 5.7 years ago

    Anyway, my experience with planes that are much faster than my slowish jets is that they usually lose in round 1 or 2 due to massive reliability issues. The AI does not approve of our desires to go fast.

  • The Dragon 6.9 years ago

    I can't wait until I get to see my plane crash gloriously and convincingly, preferably 3 times in the first match. :D

  • The Dragon 6.9 years ago

    56-57 seconds, 5 crashes in 40 runs, all crashes right start against the insides of the pyramid.
    I probably should warn people that planes are considerably more likely to try to roll in the pyramid when they start at the right. Only testing left start is ill advised, I suppose.

  • Shark Tooth REDO! 5.0 years ago

    Where were you? I can't show my full power without a proper rival.

  • Shark Tooth REDO! 5.1 years ago

    Can't really blame him for that time, I kind of totally forgot about multiple tournaments and missed the last few. D:

  • Shark Tooth REDO! 5.1 years ago

    I'm kind of sad that there are only 62 competitors this time. Less crashes to admire and stuff. D:

  • Shark Tooth REDO! 5.1 years ago

    Usually tournaments start a little while after the deadline. Usually within an hour.

  • Shark Tooth REDO! 5.1 years ago

    Don't worry I'm just joking, besides I use T-3000's because MORE POWER

  • Shark Tooth REDO! 5.1 years ago

    Clearly an inferior rip-off of my Homura-Madoka. I recommend adding more engines, there is still time.

  • Shark Tooth 5.1 years ago

    Oh, I see, they crashed the tournament. D:

  • Shark Tooth 5.1 years ago

    I forgot to watch this. And I won??? What happened to the glitch planes?

  • Shark Tooth 5.1 years ago

    Also beware that group 8 won't activate during the race. So using detachers during the race is impossible. (maybe it is possible by doing weird stuff with the xml, but whatever)

  • Shark Tooth 5.1 years ago

    Definitely the wrong place to ask, and the wrong person to ask. Try asking your question to the mod's author on Overload's mod page. https://www.simpleplanes.com/Mods/View/524146/Overload

  • Shark Tooth 5.1 years ago

    Just about everything Overload does can be considered xml modding. Not all xml-modding is dissallowed though. From the top of my head: everything related to engines, fuel, weight or scale are the forbidden parts. If you ever are unsure whether your plane obeys all rules, there is a validate button in the designer's airplanes properties menu.

  • Shark Tooth 5.1 years ago

    Predecessors are allowed as long as all predecessors are made by you.

  • Shark Tooth 5.1 years ago

    Allow me to introduce you to KiNo's DampfWespe, the plane that won Indy air race 2 times, and only didn't win the third because he didn't participate. And I'd argue it is the best racing plane ever made in this game. https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/AWJ57e/D-AMPF-wespe-VI
    It has huge surfaces on his giant horizontal stabilizers bound to roll. He has horizontal stabilizers in front of his center of mass, and gets away with it, somehow. Hardly a conventional design I'd say.

  • Shark Tooth 5.1 years ago

    Hmm, Homura-Madoka needs 1:14-1:15 for this race. Sadly this track doesn't seem to have any difficult corner at all, so I have little hope of slaying the shakers a second time. D:

  • Sandsift Drift 5.4 years ago

    I kind of forgot about this tournament and uploading a plane that could at least finish the course. D:

  • Sandsift Drift 5.5 years ago

    AI doesn't use any AG (and nr 8, isn't activated by default, unlike in the the game!), and you only need a landing gear for lift off.

  • Sandsift Drift 5.5 years ago

    That is why you need loads of drag. My plane needs like 2-3 seconds to get withing 100mph of its top speed.

  • Sandsift Drift 5.5 years ago

    If only I knew how to build a plane that handles properly, I seem to be only able to build planes that can either fly straight or corner tightly, not planes that can do both. D:
    On the bright side, I'm probably the only one with a plane that goes from 0 to 1500 mph in less than 3 seconds, I might be able to sacrifice some more top speed.

  • Sandsift Drift 5.5 years ago

    @SuperSanic It also needs to fly through a tight gate and fly somewhat close to the ground quite often. It feels like some sort of mix between daredevil and Indy Air Race.

  • Sandsift Drift 5.5 years ago

    Anyway, I made a 175 kg plane with the engine power of 45 F-16's apparently. I wanted to make it lighter but the physics engine doesn't approve for some reason. It needs 41 seconds to complete the track and is somewhat reliable. :D

  • Sandsift Drift 5.5 years ago

    But you want to have loads of drag for good acceleration.

  • Sandsift Drift 5.5 years ago

    Oh, joy, my Serpen has a non zero chance of reaching the finish alive. 35 seconds and a reliability of about 10% or so. I'm definitely going to win.

  • Yeti Scramble 5.5 years ago

    And now I'm suffering because I don't have any planes with landing gears that fly well. And I'm too busy with learning Japanese, work, chess and weeb stuff to make a new plane. D:

  • Yeti Scramble 5.5 years ago

    I entered with the same plane that won that race last time. And proceeded to lose in the first round. :D

  • Yeti Scramble 5.6 years ago

    It seems that I don't have a plane that is both agile enough for this course and has landing gear. I will need to actually build a new plane again or just not join this one like some sort of dullard.

  • Daredevil 5.7 years ago

    Also a bit late, but I don't necessarily recommend going faster than my plane, I only made my plane this fast rather than going for more reliability last tournament because I suffer from 'need to be 1 second faster than KiNo' syndrome.

  • Daredevil 5.7 years ago

    So, let's put down guesses on in which round my plane will randomly horribly crash, making me lose the tournament. I'm going for round 3.

  • Daredevil 5.7 years ago

    @beastpilot124 `
    Dunno, I can't see anything odd. Tournament Validator screams modded rpm, but your props are at 1900 rpm which is definitely the default value for Turbo Props.

  • Daredevil 5.7 years ago

    Indie Air Race hates me.

  • Daredevil 5.7 years ago

    I hope my plane doesn't show its not quite 100% reliability at round 2 like in Indie Air Race.