221 aaronorbitalstrikekill Comments

  • Jet Engine 4.9 years ago

    i use that mod for my concorde

  • ?ARS-9 Hyper yesterday


    The current aircraft is being redesigned.
    Suspect another upload in the future of the same aircraft with couple or many changes.

  • Customisable after burner shapes 1.2 years ago

    @Graingy afterburner shape as in the afterburner flame could be shaped differently into any shape

  • DARK FATE Quantum Bomb 2.5 years ago

    like its been 2 years now since this nuke first made it

  • S.B.F-5 "name needed in the comments" 2.5 years ago

    Here is the mod for the engine's https://www.simpleplanes.com/Mods/View/938356/Jet-Engine

  • ship first 2.7 years ago

    amazingly stupid

  • the new russian air forces 2.7 years ago

    my soul feels like it just vanished when i saw the date. the olden days where fun...

  • nuclear engine TU-155 model 2 2.7 years ago

    it has been so long I ever done anything in my life. Its just been empty when 2020 started. And now I'm back and I really miss the old days when simpleplanes was so hyped and everything was crazy. I really hope we can just return the good old days and have our fun and creative mind to make stuff that are purely gold in our hearts.

  • nuclear engine TU-155 model 2 2.7 years ago

    new project coming out and its named migtu-190 with super sonic speeds like the sr-71 but faster and more powerful weapons but no more 100mm auto cannons just high powered super long range missiles. 14 air to ground missies and 36 air to air which is amazing since you dont have to aim the bomber with the lock on it instantly locks and fires at the speeds of mach 3.4 or even maybe mach 5. but still working on it and its not gonna be that of a amazing quality but it has a cockpit with 4 seats and its like the orignal build of the tu-155 model 2 but the wings are more like the tu-160 swept wing and ofc there is a mod for the engine since its very high powered and gives it better turning speed on max throttle and you could do some hover tricks with it if your skilled enough so i hope the dream comes also put down in the comments for what name you want to name this bomber since you might see when you fly to your enemy's and shock them. and have a good day comrade

  • Help I Keep Crashing!?!?!? 3.7 years ago

    none of this works for me

  • nuclear engine TU-155 model 2 3.7 years ago

    oh jezz when I look at my self the planes I made when I was 12 they don't look that bad

  • > A list of SimplePlanes' multiplayer servers 4.8 years ago

    well one of em work

  • project concordeski beta 4.9 years ago

    ok then

  • Auto aiming turret V2 4.9 years ago

    my plane is to fast for that thing it wont move

  • Auto aiming turret V2 4.9 years ago

    someone make a mod of that

  • project blyat complet 4.9 years ago

    newer back wing fixed

  • project blyat 4.9 years ago

    yer lol

  • project blyat 4.9 years ago

    and 2 to open bay

  • project blyat 4.9 years ago

    new fixed plane controlls crazy turret

  • orbital strike 3D 4.9 years ago

    new fixed plane project blyat

  • orbital strike 3D 4.9 years ago

    well i new plane is out its called project blayt i have to fix that part

  • orbital strike 3D 4.9 years ago

    yer just add a big laser

  • project blayt 4.9 years ago

    i was typing to fast

  • DARK FATE Quantum Bomb 4.9 years ago

    bruh i did not know he will do this to my nuke

  • raijin 5.4 years ago

    @The1Big1Finger1111 oh try with moveing you pad difrent ways until you find the right one but you can look at my concorde that i made out of scrach

  • raijin 5.4 years ago

    @The1Big1Finger1111 the A W S D keys