It seems that you don't have enough lift being created by your wings. Even if you start in mid-air it stall at 100% throttle. Try making it lighter and increasing the wingspan. (Also set the blades on the engines to auto pitch mode to get maximum thrust possible from the engines) let us know if this helps. 😀
Make it so that we can choose whether we want the button there or not and also allow us to change RCN inputs and activation groups to make them more versatile.
This is the first craft I've downloaded after having a near year long break from SP and I must say Bravo mate. Real nice welcome back to the game.
+1@VictorXray yes you are right sorry, ignore me it just seemed backwards until I thought about.
Great job mate, but isn't the rudder inverted relative to the yaw pedals?
@oDDDynamics ah it was my error I hadn't updated the mod thanks for your help anyway
@oDDDynamics I mean to scale down or up whole creations or does that use something else instead of XML?
@TimothyWong thank you very much its sorted now! 😁
@TimothyWong yes there is actually but I can't select it.
@SimpleTechAndResearch thanks for the advice but I'm afraid that doesn't work 😥
It seems that you don't have enough lift being created by your wings. Even if you start in mid-air it stall at 100% throttle. Try making it lighter and increasing the wingspan. (Also set the blades on the engines to auto pitch mode to get maximum thrust possible from the engines) let us know if this helps. 😀
Yes I love it!
@SeraphimVault cheers for that it has worked now. 😁
I'm not trying to burst your bubble but this isnt a 4 link suspension setup it's more of an extreme 2 link setup it's still good though. 😀
@FaKuY cheers glad you liked it!
@TheBoeingEngineer thank you.
My fastest time is 32.7 seconds on my dayan zhanchi v5
How about an avro Vulcan as I would to see one made but I don't have the ability nor the time to build one. (Or at least attempt to)
@jheffernan @Jettison cheers for the support I'll try my best.
Thanks for the help im going to try adjusting the COM and COT
OK I see I just did it based off of the COM and COT.@DeezDucks
Probably Bravo.
Make it so that we can choose whether we want the button there or not and also allow us to change RCN inputs and activation groups to make them more versatile.
Your a wizard harry!
+1Fixed it for you its named fix Zanelink03
OK thanks.
OK thanks.
Just do it!
Why can't we just have the bug fix removed?
OK guys cheers
I see what you mean
Cool but has a terrible pitch down problem
@WalrusAircraft your welcome dude
Awesome dude works on highest settings with no lag on my tablet. Thank you for sharing
@YAYITSMAX117 sorry for the late reply but thanks you glad you like it