@ElonMuskOfficial Hey I have a few questions regarding to your cybertruck.
First off, where are those door mirror? Are they replaced by camera hidden somewhere?
Secondly, how does the door handle work? Is it similar to model 3?
Thirdly, where are those windshield wipers?
And lastly, eeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEee
Used to do that back then, I’ve then getting tagged about getting a compliment after upvoting, and I find it annoying. Then I noticed I done the same to others, so I decided to stop.
In my opinion, yes, it’s nice to if you give others compliment. But take a second and think that this is just an airplane building sandbox game and upvote is literally nothing but giving you more useless internet points.
@randomusername @Mod @Supernovaboss504 my personality type is INTP-T.
Also while reading the introduction of my type, it literally just describing me! That was accurate.
when you rarely check the website and the discord server that you missed out so many recent drama and got surprised when reading this whole post.
honestly, i have no idea what really happen on "the discord drama", didn't know that tully left, and had no clue what happen to bogdan...
@DaModder01 you can't just compare like that, in terms of FPS you get in the game. On other games that has multiplayer, some or most mobile phones will have enough CPU to run the game smoothly. Because for those mobile games, like asphalt 8 in multiplayer or mobile legends, each player that is inside the game will add on "a fixed amount of power" require for your CPU to render in your game. And yeah you still won't see a drop in FPS is probably because each player would only add on just a small computing power to your phone which is almost nothing. But in simpleplanes, that would be a different case. If the devs add multiplayer in simpleplanes, the player will have their freedom to choose how many parts he or she wants to play in the multiplayer. That means, if a player joins in your server, the amount of the computing power your phone need to render his or her plane will depend on how many parts (as well as how many moving parts) the player has. If the player decides to become a jerk and spawn a thousand parts plane, it may completely crash your game (unless you are using a phone with a powerful CPU). You have to keep in mind those players with low end phones, they could get a low FPS with just a few hundred parts.
am proud to be one of the 225 users
+3I remembered your username, but not the personality lol
+3@ElonMuskOfficial Hey I have a few questions regarding to your cybertruck.
+3First off, where are those door mirror? Are they replaced by camera hidden somewhere?
Secondly, how does the door handle work? Is it similar to model 3?
Thirdly, where are those windshield wipers?
And lastly, eeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEee
FPS: 0.1
+3@BMilan @Strikefighter04 wait gaijin is removing maus? Damn it, I’m only at king tiger... I guess I’ll just return to playing soviets.
+3Profile still shows 1.9 years
+3Aww 10 more months from now...
+3Oh wait since when there is 19 months in a year?
Oh heck yes, 10 more days left!
Hey mods, we’ve found an underage kid, bring the ban ham-
+3Ok never mind now.
+3You will be banned @Stormfur
+3Used to do that back then, I’ve then getting tagged about getting a compliment after upvoting, and I find it annoying. Then I noticed I done the same to others, so I decided to stop.
In my opinion, yes, it’s nice to if you give others compliment. But take a second and think that this is just an airplane building sandbox game and upvote is literally nothing but giving you more useless internet points.
+3how many times
+3have you not got to bed for the entire night
Can't think of a question
+3Silly goose
@RailfanEthan sacrifice a land rover will get you a platinum rank in no time
I see what you did there
+3@randomusername @Mod @Supernovaboss504 my personality type is INTP-T.
+3Also while reading the introduction of my type, it literally just describing me! That was accurate.
@Minecraftpoweer land rover
+3PlAy SoViEt VeHiClEs
+32702 just for the cockpit? God I can't imagine how many it would be when the entire plane is finished
+3The Ghoul's only weakness is it's hearing...
+3Meh I would rather have a V10 in the Lexus LFA
Jesus christ I didn’t know this car exist lol
+3Jesus christ you guys still on mp?
+3Mhm been playing before 1.3 came out
+3Simpleplanes logo: $4.99
+3Buttons: $1.99
Dev console: $4.99
Graphics setting: $5.99
Controls: $7.99
Controls setting: $3.99
Basic tutorial: $9.99
Weapon tutorial: $12.99
Landing tutorial: $15.99
Full tutorial: $39.99
Combats challenges: $34.99
Racing challenges: $42.99
Other challenges: $29.99
Sandbox mode: $49.99
Stock planes: $7.99
Islands: $9.99
Destructible bridges: $1.99
Ships: $2.99
Runway: $3.99
AI planes: $4.99
Time settings: $2.99
Ground render: $7.99
Shift + K: $1.99
"Mouse pointer" in editor for mobile user: $6.99
Transform tool: $ 4.99
Mirror tool: $1.99
Blocks: $1.99
Wings: $1.99
Proportion: $1.99
Weapons: $1.99
Gizmos: $2.99
Wheels: $1.99
Sub assembly: $0.59 for every part(s) stored
Plane information: $0.99
Download planes: $1.99 for every plane downloaded
Upload planes: $1.99 for every plane uploaded
Mod download: $4.99 for every mod downloaded
Recommended keyboard for playing click here
Everything is my favourite lol
+3Looks like I shouldn’t have place the track near the edge of the terrain.
+3darn that's cool
+3war thunder
+3@Caveman999 it’s funny how you said he is new when he joined 8 months ago while you joined 5 months ago
+3It happens randomly, I had experienced this several times. The bug has been here for a long time, the devs need to eat it.
+3I swear, if this exist, it could have turn into a mega worm and eat every north korean.
+3Oh no, is a new kim jong un toy.
+3@IStoleYourMeme I wish i can be a 666th upvote
+3@WisconsinStatePolice how are people still stumbling upon this crap lmao
+2@MAHADI I doubt
+2This build is truly insane, railfanethan and traindude would love to see this
@DatMaluchGuy19 @Thunderthud @MRM19 rip
+2it's been 6 years and I still remember this
+2@SkyBoogie1the1oringle like when you just spawned? sorry for the late reply, i don't check the website often...
+2@EasternIndustry yes, there will be one that loops around the whole map in the sandbox mode soon
+2love the new glass part at the rear!
+2when you rarely check the website and the discord server that you missed out so many recent drama and got surprised when reading this whole post.
+2honestly, i have no idea what really happen on "the discord drama", didn't know that tully left, and had no clue what happen to bogdan...
@RailfanEthan oh sh-
+2looks like i had found my other twin of procrastinator
+2@Nickil0212 thanks for the upvote spree!
+2@QingyuZhou same?
+2I guess we are used to seeing that worm...
something doesn't sounds right about this post...
+2despite this, I still fall for the trap
@DaModder01 you can't just compare like that, in terms of FPS you get in the game. On other games that has multiplayer, some or most mobile phones will have enough CPU to run the game smoothly. Because for those mobile games, like asphalt 8 in multiplayer or mobile legends, each player that is inside the game will add on "a fixed amount of power" require for your CPU to render in your game. And yeah you still won't see a drop in FPS is probably because each player would only add on just a small computing power to your phone which is almost nothing. But in simpleplanes, that would be a different case. If the devs add multiplayer in simpleplanes, the player will have their freedom to choose how many parts he or she wants to play in the multiplayer. That means, if a player joins in your server, the amount of the computing power your phone need to render his or her plane will depend on how many parts (as well as how many moving parts) the player has. If the player decides to become a jerk and spawn a thousand parts plane, it may completely crash your game (unless you are using a phone with a powerful CPU). You have to keep in mind those players with low end phones, they could get a low FPS with just a few hundred parts.
+2@QingyuZhou every time I see a creation like this from you, it always remind me of the worm.