18.2k exosuit Comments

  • KMS Prinz Eugen 6.0 years ago

    @SimpleMADNESS yeah and then you can't download mods, which actually the one that makes the game better, not being able to use both Overload and Fine Tuner. Oh, did i mention multiplayer? One of the most highly requested feature?

  • KMS Prinz Eugen 6.0 years ago

    @SimpleMADNESS iOS is actually the worst platform to play lmao

  • Something a lot of other games use could be really useful here. 6.0 years ago

    @Mickk the game engine doesn't work like that

  • Something a lot of other games use could be really useful here. 6.0 years ago

    The game engine doesn't work like that

  • Fine Tuner 6.0 years ago

    After updating to 1.8 the icon appears for split second when entering the designer then it dissapears

  • Final farewell 6.0 years ago


  • Tracks 2 coming soon... 6.0 years ago

    An option for variable suspension height like the MBT-70 would be amazing but i don't know if it's even possible lmao

  • Anyone need reference pictures?? 6.0 years ago

    Various bomb bay doors and landing gear assemblies would be appreciated! Also if there's an F-111 please take pictures of it's main gear too😛

  • Operation Gomorrah 6.0 years ago

    @BlackhattAircraft the only part where i replied to his comments was when I'm saying about invading a country based off assumptions and SL still existing, which he replied about the invasion thing, and me being mean.
    After that, it's just back and forth between me, Strikefighter, and Virdi with Bman suddenly jumping in being mad at me for being mean and telling me to go away with my stupid teasers, which is somehow an upvote machine
    I simply ask him whether he actually looked into my post or not, and i do laugh at his stupidity, it can't be helped.
    I mean what should i do when this person is blindly accusing me of using teasers as upvote machine, and i quote him, "UpVoTe To Be TagGeD"

  • Who Is Ready For The American Concorde???!!! 6.0 years ago

    I can't wait to sell my house to buy the plane ticket!

  • Operation Gomorrah 6.0 years ago

    @BlackhattAircraft again, refer to the previous comment Bman01 made. Actually scratch that. If you look at every comments Bman01 made, you'll get my point.
    If someone would flip out over gifs, wouldn't that make the person who's flipping out the childish one? And what's wrong with attaching my actual reaction over the comment? "It's not like the world is going to end if i attach gifs to my comment"

  • Goodbye maybe 6.0 years ago

    -getting $10 a month to test games
    -oh no i have to pay $5 to play SP

  • Operation Gomorrah 6.0 years ago

    @Strikefighter04 also please take my words with a grain of salt, because i believe you can still improve more, than to scream at me for having different opinion (not saying you do) but considering you actually spent time making all the factsheet and all the other things with MyMessage, and actually convincing people to join your RP nation, i will give both of you kudos for the things i will probably never bother to do.

  • Operation Gomorrah 6.0 years ago

    @Bman01 unless you are going to keep screaming random words, i suggest you actually go learn something.
    Like how to communicate, for example. Because i can understand literally none from your comment.
    Also how is my teasers dumb anyways? Please educate me.

  • Operation Gomorrah 6.0 years ago

    @ViridiCinis i don't understand what are you trying to say so I'll just explain it again:
    1. "The list reset so no SL citizens own troops" but in reality Hellraiser and Bman01 is having war between eachother, even fortifying some imaginary border between Nevada and whatever territory SL is having since i have no concrete reference regarding territories owned by SL. Not to mention yourself is in charge of a country when you're part of SL (by being a citizen of said country)
    2. I don't think the world will end if both nations have overlapping territory, but a nation shouldn't have overlapping territory with another country. Take example of India-Pakistan counter-counter enclaves, maybe you'll get my point.
    3. I didn't say you should resign from your position as the vice president thing. I'm just saying that the blackhatt guy isn't even part of SL (i checked both the citizen list) to begin with and somehow he becomes the council with his own state with military power on par with SL
    4. How am i rude for literally telling the truth? Are you mad because i pointed those flaws and now you're telling me a jerk for making the screencap? Also how is it me accusing when it'll literally written on the post???
    5. I posted the image on my image server where i basically post all my screenshots for my post because it's way easier than uploading it to other image boards.
    6. Assuming you left SL to form your own country, since the list is always getting updated when a new member joined it should also remove users that aren't affiliated with SL anymore, since my name is also still on the list although i openly stated that I'm againt SL in both the forum, and the old Discord server.
    Apparently the one that (even manages to complain about you) looks like to know about SL better than it's own citizen. How ironic.

  • War Plan Alpha 6.0 years ago

    @Spacedoge12345plane https://discord.gg/MHRbjmj

  • Federal Republic Of Halcyon 6.0 years ago


  • Operation Gomorrah 6.0 years ago

    This. @ViridiCinis @Strikefighter04

  • War Plan Alpha 6.0 years ago

    @Spacedoge12345plane well i can link you the invite for the Discord server if you want

  • Operation Gomorrah 6.0 years ago

    @ethanplanes yes and I'll report you for being underage in this website.

  • Operation Gomorrah 6.0 years ago

    1. How is your country like a real country? Your citizens are literally at war with eachother and by throwing nukes at eachother and pouring a billion tanks everywhere
    2. Logistics guy 1- . . . So apparently we need a replacement jesus nut for this hubschrauber
    Logistics guy 2- a what???
    Logistics guy 1- hubschrauber. I don't know what that is either.
    3. Trump space force confirmed
    4. No SiMPlElAnDiAn CiTIzEns OwNs TROoPs
    Are you sure about that? Also your citizens apparently also a president of another country how about that
    Also not to mention that your ally have overlapping territory with your country really makes you think 🧐

  • War Plan Alpha 6.0 years ago

    @Spacedoge12345plane Command And Conquer

  • Operation Gomorrah 6.0 years ago

    Plot twist you actually still do
    Like designating your units in German when it's an English speaking nation, bad arrangements of the military branch, and talking about how there's a "research speace exploration" organization under military branches
    Oh and talking about how every simplelandian citizen having like a billion troops and metric tons of nukes
    And tanks

  • Operation Gomorrah 6.0 years ago

    @Strikefighter04 i don't understand what you mean on the previous comment

  • Operation Gomorrah 6.0 years ago

    @Strikefighter04 ?

  • Operation Gomorrah 6.0 years ago

    @Bman01 I'm not being mean
    I'm just saying the obvious ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • Operation Gomorrah 6.0 years ago

    - invading a country from an assumption
    - simplelandia still exists
    Well that's certainly funny

  • Operation Gomorrah 6.0 years ago

    Yeah let's invade a country because i heard someone saying that the country is plotting to take over the world
    Also which part of Spain do you want? I think I'll take this part. Just say that we're the good guy lmao

  • Why the current system of our site is not fair. 6.1 years ago

    Dankdorito : Let's give people with less point an attention because we're supposed to support those who are new into the game and give them tips!

  • XFA-27A Prototype -CHIHAYA- 6.1 years ago

    O no it's my turn now

  • [Other's Opinion] About The featured planes 6.1 years ago

    I never recall seeing a meme build getting featured over 3 years of me being in this site

  • XFA-57D/Mk.6 "Ventress-M" Multirole Fighter 6.1 years ago

    Eternistan weebjet when

  • NTDA CP73A1 PDW 6.1 years ago

    Nice (((pistol)))

  • Teaser: XMT-A2 (PICTURES) 6.1 years ago

    This looks way better than the previous one yo

  • RP NATION: Greater Iran 6.1 years ago

    Is this some sort of discord rp or something

  • SPV-06A9M3 'Archon Mk.II' Squad Mobility Vehicle 6.1 years ago

    @FuzzyAircraftProductions thanks!@Roswell

  • SPV-06A9M3 'Archon Mk.II' Squad Mobility Vehicle 6.1 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 thank you! I salvaged the turret from my old SPAA project lmao

  • XMT-2 6.1 years ago

    @SuperSix capacity of 10 missiles would greatly hamper the tank's ability to operate and would need to operate near an ammo carrier/closer to the base. But then, you would need to store them on the hull where there's no escape path for all the pressure when the missiles got cooked inside
    About the front section it is severly undersized and it will be very uncomfortable for the driver to operate there and it'll reduce the armor effectiveness, and requiring more time to enter or exit the vehicle
    This tank having missile launcher and posessing some sort of anti air weaponry makes this tank a jack of all trades but a master of none. The limited number of missiles to counter against air threats to be considered as an anti air, having insufficient ATGM/shells to be considered a tank destroyer, not having enough small caliber weapons to be considered an anti infantry platform, and the limited range of the missile to be considered an artillery
    For the armor, think of ilit like this; you have two very dirty piece of wood and an expensive bottle of glue. Although the glue can hold the two pieces together, preparing the surface before applying the glue would make the two pieces bond stronger with less amount of glue. It means that a better armor layout would give the same result for less cost, and less weight. Try looking at modern MBTs for reference and try to suit them to your doctrine
    It's even better if you use the same hull and mate different kinds of turret for different kind of purpose for part commonality

  • XMT-2 6.1 years ago

    For an ATGM to fly that far means the rocket itself would be prettt massive in size, coupled with the rather small turret the tank mounts meaning the tank will store considerably less rockets inside the tank, not to mention the awkward placement of the Commander's hatch, would make the option for a closed compartment for the muntions unavailable, drastically reducing the crew survivability rate.
    The driver is located really far to the front of the tank would mean the space in the front of the tank would be used to accomodate the driver's leg, assuming they have them, and the rather steep angling on the upper glacis would make an option to mount ERA plates or some sort of a modular armor plates a better option, or to redesign the entire front section.
    A hull down position wouldn't be the best thing to do with this tank because of the extremely short turret in height the turret has, limiting the ability to successfully having a line of sight on the enemy over a hill, and the lack of MG mounted on the tank makes the vehicle more vulnerable to infantries as it would require the tank to traverse it's turret in order to successfully engage the target.
    Although it's armor profile on the turret is decent, i don't believe 100-210mm of armor is adequate to stop incoming projectile, and the lack of any sort of hard/soft kill systems installed, and the somewhat clunky armor distribution makes the tank although pretty well armored against some last decade equipments, obsolete in modern combat.

  • Is there a way to brake ONE wheel? 6.1 years ago

    @NsNidPL you actually can by nudging two rotators with it's input set to pitch and yaw

  • Is there a way to brake ONE wheel? 6.1 years ago

    @NsNidPL what do you mean by that?

  • Help me understand: 1.8 6.1 years ago

    In 600 years

  • Is there a way to brake ONE wheel? 6.1 years ago

    @NsNidPL just set a piston with hemisphere with alot of friction with input set to yaw, then nudge it inside the main gear

  • XFA-57D/Mk.6 "Ventress-M" Multirole Fighter 6.1 years ago

    The council will judge your jet xd

    Also Syllixian weebjet ftw

  • Is there a way to brake ONE wheel? 6.1 years ago

    You can try only making the rear wheel brake by setting the brakeTorque on the front wheels to 0

  • Get your helicopter U P G R A D E D for free by dank aeronautics 6.1 years ago

    Lmao you gotta remaster the old AWWAM helicopter

  • -Naval Invasion- Brook Besieged and Taken Over 6.1 years ago

    @CptJacobson ew

  • Scorpion V8 Sandrail Buggy 6.1 years ago

    @BRuthless very interesting! is it willl be somewhat mad max related?
    i still remember the problem you encountered while doing the rally car like years ago but since Andrew added the dragScale and other drag related attributes which i forgot the name was i'm sure it''ll help alot with the drag inbalance though