31.8k flame0w Comments

  • Steam Summer Sale 1.5 years ago

    TF2 players 🤝 SP players
    (starving for new contents)

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 3.7 years ago

    As i see, @FartyBob may turn it off in the wrong way




    this is guide to control your balls :
    -Sleep : To sleep your balls, gently hit the right side
    -Power Off : To Poweroff your balls, gently PRESS and HOLD both side of the balls for +/-5 seconds


    -Force Shut Down : Sometimes your balls may overheat and freeze, in this case you need to force shut down your balls, to force shut down you just need to simply hit your balls with Horny Bonk Bat, therefore it will force power off


    (Note after force power off, you cant turn on your balls for 2 minutes for Security & Privacy reason)






    (mods pls dont strike/ban me dis is jus a joke,)

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 3.6 years ago

    Dis is a rndom coment on the higest upvuted build in the SP websitttt , therefor this shuld be upvuted

  • SimplePlanes Can't Share New Plane? 3.7 years ago

    @EternalDarkness hey ED
    WestAviation and AirAccidentCrash is his alt, he upvotes his own forum....

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 3.7 years ago

    @FartyBob @AWESOMENESS360 lmaooo

  • SUBMARINE CHALLENGE (closed) 3.7 years ago

    Looks :0 (im stupid,but im 99% sure this does
    not look like an airplane)
    Manuverability : 0 (dont even fly :P)
    Decals & Details : 4 (nice art)
    Armament : 3 (useless torpedo)



    Tailgun : No (0 Points)
    Cockpit Interior : No (0 Points)




    -69,427points for literally breaking all the challenge rules





    Total : -69,420

  • bonk two 3.8 years ago

    “Bonk-2 is launching”
    “Target is not horny anymore, but hes not really alive...” (._.)

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 3.7 years ago

    @FartyBob ☕️☕️ *AnGrY bRi’IsH sLuUuUuRrPsSs*

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 3.7 years ago

    @FartyBob wha happen mate? Want some tea mate?...

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 3.6 years ago

    @RandomUser09 @FlyingTraxxasRustler @FartyBob ;-;

  • A (not so) simple guide to the future of SimplePlanes 1.5 years ago

    @DeezDucks was found dead inside his home due to suicide and self harm caused by 13 rounds of 9mm to the back

  • Some Sniper Screenshots (SPExtra) 3.7 years ago

    well oh well bud here are your beautiful 2 points

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 3.7 years ago


  • New building techniques 3.8 years ago

    hello, welcome back buddy! i never knew who you are, nor even know that you existed... but welcome back! so first thing first in the list.... Drama yes thats what you need to know... SP Community is facing quite a drama here and there, not really good eh, but dont worry! moderators and developers are trying its best to stop the Dramas...


    Second , new parts!.... yes! you may have a look at the designer and theres couple of new parts... check it out! :D


    Third, dont be annoyed by the German Corsair it will start more drama, we all annoyed bout it but hey....


    Four, theres only 2 ways to get lots of upvotes!
    1. Make a highly as highly detailed build with 1000++ part, good thing ppl like ur builds! bad thing... there might be some mobile users disagree...
    2. make a stupid meme build and tag thousand of ppl, good thing you may get 200 upvotes, bad thing you ask? well u will be hated by the community....


    Five....... ENJOY!... 😸

  • An Actual Discrace To The SP Community. 4.1 years ago

    Like Cmon.....Im not trying to be rude but hey, its not even funny , I can make a plane like that!!!! Just put tons of airbrake and stupid designed wing

    If you standby at the Trending Page for a time you will see the #F-14 Tomcat
    you will say “But the builder of the Tomcat is Silver too
    so The German corsair can get that much attetion too!!”

    First : The Tomcat only got like 130 Upvotes smh
    Second : Even if he/she was Silver but At least the F-14 Creation was a Quality
    While the German Corsair is nothing but only a Block plane that an 9yo can build

    Like the Dev and Mod said, we can upvote what we want but this thing doesnt deserve that (not tryna be selfish)
    Okay maybe 10 Upvotes is deserved by a White user as they need to Improve BUT NOT 320 UPVOTE!!!!!

    Cmon @AndrewGarrison or any Mod or Dev out there, There are many Players making SO GOOD build but they only get like 15 Upvotes smh, i mean if you want the entire community to build a Block Plane that had Too many Airbrakes we can make that too.....The German Corsair is not even funny, NOT FUNNY!!!! There are many Players trying to reach Silver or Gold but this thing over here YES!!! A block plane with too many airbrakes got so many Upvotes? Im not tryna be selfish or smh but this is Not Right, Tr community is slowly gettting destroyed by the OoH tHe GeRmAn CoRsAiR iS fUnNy, LeTs UpVoTe ThIs stop it.....

  • Would a rising sun on a thumbnail be banned? 1.4 years ago

    you can place as many rising suns or swastikas or hammer and sickles and whatever you want as long as its for historical accuracy only, or just for the context in general and not to deliberately attack or offend others. Hell theres even a nude fuselage art for a B24 made by james here, but it is okay because its for historical purpose

  • Does the USS beast escort end? 1.4 years ago

    Basically infinite straight line to wherever they're going, im pretty sure in the PC version (this is an old info tho update me if im wrong) eventually the carrier group will hit those random small islands in the middle of the ocean and get stuck there for eternity.

  • SUBMARINE CHALLENGE (closed) 3.7 years ago

    lolmao why successor of my challenge?

  • Ve-105 "JagdBomber" (Torpedo Bomber Challenge) 3.7 years ago

    Looks : 9 Points (E🅱️ICC)
    Manuverability : 6 Points
    Decals/Details : 9 Points
    Armament : 9 Points


    Tailgun : Yes (3 Points)
    Cockpit Interior : Yes (5 Points)



    Total : 41 Points :)

  • Martin P4M-1 Mercator 3.8 years ago




    1. Go the literally the top page of VR because those are where the new cockpit capable aircrafts are, 90% of them highly realistic and also lots of part counts if thats what you want, new creations like that are constantly being made just go look around in the front page and its filled with them.

    2. Creating highly detailed builds are hard in SP mainly due to the accuracy, the information on the plane such as (flight system, cockpits, informations etc) or even the creator's device unable to handle the massive part count for a detailed builds.

    3. Most players in this site play the game mainly for fun and not trying to get either their device burnt to the ground or comfiguring 20 minutes on starting an aircraft and thise 7000 parts aircraft usually can't even fly due to the plane too detail focused ignoring the flying and its character realism.

    4. I've seen some people complain on things they deem unrealistic just because of the false information that is common or they're used to, and they will try to correct the said builder for getting those "unrealistic" stuff even though the builder know way more stuff about the aircraft than the players that complain themselves, such example ive seen as some players thinking the p51 being an agile 800mph foghter many younglings seems to believe and tries to correct a creator when they create a mustang with slow climb rate, mid turn radius and shitass roll rate, just one of the more common example on why creating a full realistic build is just sometimes not worth it (very petty ik but it is what it is).

  • Hasan-55 Wali Raja 1.4 years ago

    damn jamal be aerospace engineerin'

  • Republic F-105D Thunderchief 1.9 years ago

    @BogdanX aint rlly begging for upvotes, but thanks for the advice! i just got back from a 2 years hiatus and still settling myself in with all of the stuff i missed, will try to improve more in the future, appreciate the feedback a lot :)

  • SOLVED: Is it possible to use the weapon selection as an input? 3.7 years ago

    theres a code for that... try checking out @Natemomog H-13 Mynah transport helicopter, the helicopter door had that code

  • Lockheed F104 Starfighter Taiwan Air Force 3.7 years ago

    dude... this is a sandbox plane game server, its stated in the rules no politica and stuff like so, shut up man... dont ruin other ppl creation comment... i will report you to the Developer rn @Leng0shao

  • Nakajima B-5N Challenge 3.7 years ago

    Looks : 6 Points (Dood its 130+ feet long?!..)
    Manuverability : 8 Points
    Decals/Details : 4 Points
    Armament : 7 Points


    Tailgun : No (0 Points)
    Cockpit Interior : Yes (5 Points)



    Total : 29Points

  • Duh... 3.8 years ago

    @Kangy Đüh...

  • [Teaser] God bless the USA! 3.8 years ago

    remember ya doing this 3 years ago, but with less detail 😸

  • An Upvote (10K Special) 4.1 years ago

    at least this is not as bad as the German Corsair , That kid only make a block plane with too many airbrakes and get 300++ upvotes....this community is messed up.... @MansBestFriend

  • F-35 4.2 years ago

    this is literally only a repost

  • What happend to Schmeckles05? 1.2 years ago

    @DatMaluchGuy19 hes an underaged user lmao so that makes sense


    @TinyMaus nah dont worry lol, these types of forums keep the forum page actually somewhat interesting, no negatives feelings


    @RepublicOfCursedPlanes i sense incoming f15 leaks stuffing the WT forum in the forseeable future

  • B-17 F 1.4 years ago

    whats the difference? its the exact same plane with the original

  • Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat 1.4 years ago

    @Kangy valid points, but everyone in SP knows that the F4F landing gear is definitely the most dreaded godforsaken LG known to human kind

  • Mobile Sale 1.4 years ago

    i regret buying this game 3 years ago when i can buy it now for 2 and a half dollars cheaper!!! thanks andrew!!

  • Grimace Shake 1.5 years ago

    Oh wow!! Is that the newly released Grimace Shake™?!?!?!



  • Simple Ejector Seat 1.9 years ago

    @BlackThuNDR @DameTheMobileFriendly hi.

  • Republic F-105D Thunderchief 3.6 years ago

    Jundroo :
    SP < SR2

  • FP/M-3E "Hantu" 3.6 years ago

    mantap bat! ehehe gw Miaw, salam kenal 😸

  • Torpedo Bomber Challenge [CLOSED] 3.6 years ago

    almost done judging ;) @12705129

  • German Mustang 3.6 years ago

    pls goddamn it no you bloody uneducated people

  • Dassault Mirage III (Remasterd?) 3.6 years ago

    halo, lu umur 12? maaf tapi kau underage... @EternalDarkness this guy 12yo and underage

  • “I don’t use Blueprints” is now officially a joke!... 3.6 years ago

    @JeskoGoesVROOM @Plane66373637 lol pain of using ios

  • USS Beast Carrier Class 3.7 years ago

    People have argue this for like 3/4 years, some ppl think its Nimitz class , and some think its Gerald R Ford class





    But its actually Nimitz class especially the Older ones, how do i know this? by looking at the Arresting Cable/Wire
    As you can see it has 4 Wires, that means its the older Nimitz Class...



    While the newer Nimitz class and the Gerald R Ford class only have 3 wires

  • B-100 class torpedo bomber 3.7 years ago

    this’ll be good for my challenge... hmmm

  • Convair F-106 Delta Dart [TEASER] 3.7 years ago

    @DJ2keroni @tucan @WisconsinStatePolice T* aighty! 😸

  • Lockheed F104 Starfighter Taiwan Air Force 3.7 years ago

    ur just either some bloody 10yo or some stoo🅱️id 20yo fanatic @Leng0shao

  • Douglas TBD Devastator - Torpedo Challenge 3.7 years ago

    Looks : 10 Points (EPICCC!!!!....)
    Manuverability : 8 Points
    Decals/Details : 10 Points
    Armament : 9 Points


    Tailgun : No (0 Points)
    Cockpit Interior : Yes (5 Points)



    Total : 42 Points
