7,308 iPilot Comments

  • J 14 beta 1.8 years ago

    outside markings look great, hud looks too big and too close, probably should change the "push to jett" to "push to eject" or something like that, side consoles in the cockpit could use some more switches maybe unclutter the main instrument panel, really like the exterior detail, the cockpit seat looks almost too big, everything else is awesome tho can't wait to see it finished!

  • >= not working in labels? SOLVED 1.8 years ago

    @HuskyDynamics01 I figured out the problem, on Mac text editor which is where I was writing code, the quotes "" are slightly different then the ones in simpleplanes even though they come from the same key. It didn't recognize them so it ruined the entire line of code!

  • HUD 1P free to use (by dhtv587) 1.8 years ago

    @dhtv587 如果这对你来说太麻烦了,我不想给你带来任何压力.

  • HUD 1P free to use (by dhtv587) 1.8 years ago

    @dhtv587 你能把地平线/俯仰梯和侧空速/高度带的代码发给我吗?
    could you send me the code for just the horizon/pitch ladder and also the side airspeed/altitude tapes please?

  • HUD 1P free to use (by dhtv587) 1.8 years ago

    @2Papi2Chulo is it similar to the F-16 hud? im working on one right now with a HUD, Im breaking it down into the individual parts (horizon bars, airspeed tape, etc) I could share it with you

    also as I understand it the MFDs in the F-16 and F-18 are similar/the same. I am also trying to make functional versions of those and could share them with you ife you want. Not very functional right now but a good start.

  • Stack Empty variable system? 1.8 years ago

    also dont mind the italics, there are quotes in there which mess with it, if there is a way to post it without being messed with by the text editing please lmk

  • J-20A 1.8 years ago

    @hfusiwjf29 do you think it would be possible to add waypoints by entering coordinates, maybe with a number pad in the cockpit? Im trying to make my own VR cockpit and I'm kind of reverse engineering your code, if thats okay with you?

  • J-20A 1.8 years ago

    Really amazing coding and an awesome fuselage. How does the airport navigation work? Also the way the buttons switch functions depending on which screen its on? Also could you add a way to add waypoints with coordinates?

  • How to Reduce Performance Cost Without Reducing Detail? 1.8 years ago

    @BaconEggs Besides the size and shape, whats the disadvantages of the old rotator?

  • Looking for VR Testers/Testers 1.8 years ago

    @XtarsAgency it's only halfway finished... how would 7000 work for u?

  • How to Reduce Performance Cost Without Reducing Detail? 1.8 years ago

    Is performance cost an actually accurate reflection of impact on performance? I know that turning off calculateDrag helps performance quite a bit, but does performance cost calculation factor in that?

  • How to Reduce Performance Cost Without Reducing Detail? 1.8 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii One console panel in my build has a performance cost of 991... To create the labels for the switches on the entire console I used a single text part... the vr parts destroy the performance

  • The Fleetwood Bounder 2.5 years ago

    pimenuh cheese sanwich

  • Mechanical Swashplate & Rotor Physics Discussion 2.5 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 can't wait to check it out, if u need a second look at something tag me, also do you wanna check out a huey i've started building?

  • Mechanical Swashplate & Rotor Physics Discussion 2.5 years ago

    @V @asteroidbook345 the max rpm is 1.4 rp/s (84 rpm) a typical turbine helicopter runs at ~400-500 rpm. here is a forum post talking about it

  • Mechanical Swashplate & Rotor Physics Discussion 2.5 years ago

    @V could you get past that rotator RPM limit by attaching an actively spinning rotator between a free spinning rotator and your power plant? Or can rotators only spin faster than the limit when they are producing the RPMs and not something else

  • Mechanical Swashplate & Rotor Physics Discussion 2.5 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 can't wait to check it out

  • Mechanical Swashplate & Rotor Physics Discussion 2.5 years ago

    also for the drag you could split the blade into 2 sections along the length, the section that's the leading edge could have very low drag and the back section high drag, so when you increase collective the lagging edge would be exposed and no longer "protected" from the air by the low drag leading edge, which would increase drag whenever the back edge comes up

  • Mechanical Swashplate & Rotor Physics Discussion 2.5 years ago

    @TheSeventh have you tried using cyclic pitch? on your design?

  • Mechanical Swashplate & Rotor Physics Discussion 2.5 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 the rpm is probably low no matter how powerful the jets are bc they are too close to the shaft, increasing distance between shaft & engine increases rpm usually, but engines on the tips of the rotors leads to weird performance. Using a rotator as the power for the rotor shaft isn't great bc of fuel usage and hard to program stopping/starting without looking very weird. Could add an engine that doesn't do anything except burn fuel and an FT function in the rotator to stop when fuel=0

  • Mechanical Swashplate & Rotor Physics Discussion 2.5 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 please tag me i'd love to check out how you approach the problem

  • Mechanical Swashplate & Rotor Physics Discussion 2.5 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 also angle of a free spinning rotator can be found using variables so rotor RPM can be calculated also things like increasing collective (which also increases drag on the blades) would have an affect on rotor RPM, which is another element of flying helicopters that's important to check.

  • Mechanical Swashplate & Rotor Physics Discussion 2.5 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 why wouldn't it be able to spin at a fast speed? Also why wouldn't the plates be able to slide? I'm getting suggestions from the FTLab discord rn on it and it sounds like it's possible with some variables

  • Mechanical Swashplate & Rotor Physics Discussion 2.5 years ago

    Mine works it's just sort of wobbly, i think it's cause by the two sets of rotators on each side of the pistons@asteroidbook345

  • P51 Collaboration / Help 2.6 years ago


  • P51 Collaboration / Help 2.6 years ago


  • P51 Collaboration / Help 2.6 years ago


  • SERIOUS wasted potential if this is not implemented 3.3 years ago

    i just want to control autopilot with a cockpit button :/

  • SimplePlanes VR - Coming 2021 to Steam and Oculus Quest 3.6 years ago

    will the lever/switched seen in the video be operable outside of VR? will the option to disable the current in game HUD be a setting? How much customization will you have over the gauges and screens? if track ir is available will there be a property in funky trees for where the player is looking?

  • SimplePlanes VR - Coming 2021 to Steam and Oculus Quest 3.6 years ago

    does that switch part control an action group or can we link it as if it was a car engine to the wheels? Or will we finally get access to channels to broadcast actions?

  • A Discussion of Digital Displays - Tutorial and Theory 3.6 years ago

    @SnOwFLakE0s could you share the craft in the video?

  • Functional FT HUD 3.6 years ago

    can you make a guide to making a HUD like this and how it works in-depth? it's awesome

  • Weapons not detonating on contact with the ground 3.7 years ago

    I have an orbit cam on the bomb and it just passes through the ground. I will try increasing the mass. @Chancey21

  • Weapons not detonating on contact with the ground 3.7 years ago


  • AV-8B Harrier (Night Attack) 3.8 years ago

    the attention to detail is insane, and i have no idea how this HUD is even possible

  • Need Help On T-70 X Wing body shape and fuselage work 3.8 years ago

    @NewmanSTAR @NEWLAGGON029 @AeroAeroTheMen @SnoWFLakE0s @SodiumIodide @spefyjerbf

  • Targeting rotators with limited range? 4.2 years ago

    Is it also possible to detect what the targets name is or if it’s friendly/neutral/aggressive ?@edensk

  • Targeting rotators with limited range? 4.2 years ago

    Would this work with pistons also? To make a sort of targeting screen to display where you target is in relation to the front of your ship? @edensk

  • Targeting rotators with limited range? 4.2 years ago


  • A way to “lock on” to targets with guns? 4.2 years ago

    I know that, I’m talking about limiting it so that it doesn’t go 360 degrees to the target, so that it can be limited how far it can turn@Beanz17

  • Requesting for collabs!!! 4.2 years ago

    Yeah sure, i can do funky trees also@SavageMan

  • Requesting for collabs!!! 4.2 years ago

    Hit me with a tag on the star fighter and I’ll blow your mind

  • Requesting for collabs!!! 4.2 years ago

    Remember me? I made that revision of your Blackhawk with a crap ton of high part chairs and new cockpit. I can make great cockpits but I’m not very good at making the airplanes. Would love to work with you.

  • propulsion xml scale modded set 4.3 years ago

    Lol you don’t need to respond to my comment from 2.3 years ago mate @MtecCommand

  • Reversed activation group 4.4 years ago

    Thank you@rexrexThezion

  • UH-60 Blackhawk Revised 4.4 years ago

    592 parts worth of C H A I R S @Smolguyyeet

  • UH-60 Blackhawk Revised 4.5 years ago

    It loads very slow but it runs pretty well on my iPhone 7. All of the parts I added don’t calculate drag to help it run smoother. Best of luck to your computer tho! @Sarin

  • UH-60 Blackhawk Revised 4.5 years ago

    Thank you so much! If you have time could you find out why this isn’t working?@Blue0Bull