2,335 lordverminaard Comments

  • How to "skin" a fuselage frame with wing panels? 9.0 years ago

    @Thelaw11 No, I have no idea how to do that or to even identify which piece is which in the XML...

  • InputController class for wings? Am I just dumb? 2.8 years ago

    Okay I tried this again with a snippet of code that worked for pitch on the gyro, applied it to a wing control surface and it didn't work. Normally when you select properties for a part and the input will show "Funky", on the wing it just shows my code so it's not taking it. I have a screenshot but I can't figure out how to post it.

  • InputController class for wings? Am I just dumb? 2.8 years ago

    @HuskyDynamics01 Okay great, thank you! I had tried to put my code there but it didn't operate correctly so I assumed it wasn't correct. Probably a syntax error on my part. Thanks again, I will keep trying.

  • PC: In some drop-down menus, it automatically scrolls to bottom 8.0 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison No problem, I'm sure you are a busy man. :)
    Your solution worked. I copied my planes back in, re-set my controls to how I had them and all is working. No idea what would have caused that but thanks!

  • PC: In some drop-down menus, it automatically scrolls to bottom 8.0 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison Using a different browser affects the game????

  • Airstrip Drag 8.5 years ago

    It definitely makes the tournaments more unpredictable. :)

  • Airstrip Drag 8.5 years ago

    I still wish I knew what the magic variable was where my car would complete %100 of the time when I test it, during the tournament it crashed out. I like these car competitions though, requires some out-of-the box creations to do really well.

  • Kite Racer 8.6 years ago

    @MasterKiryu Thanks! Only had about 15 minutes to work on it, with some time it probably could have done a lot better.

  • Yeti Scramble 8.8 years ago

    Wow, mine was quite slow but won 4 matches! Can't be disappointed with that. Great race everyone!

  • Yeti Scramble 8.9 years ago

    Had a plane that would run 1:17's at about a %80 completion from left lane, from right it would crash %100 of the time. Oh well, submitted a much slower plane but finishes %100 from both lanes. Crossing fingers!

  • Steam Beta 9.0 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison OMG thank you so much, this is epic. I really appreciate you guys taking the Steam version to the next level- it has the potential to be developed in to something way better than a kitchy mobile-game. Keep up the hard work!

  • Flyweight - Oceanview Speedway 9.0 years ago

    Gahh this one is hard. I'm done, going to just cross my fingers and hope my plane doesn't derp out. From the left side starting position, completes it most of the time. Right side crashes almost every time, it either flies straight into the water or tries to shortcut through the mountain. :P

  • Flyweight - Oceanview Speedway 9.0 years ago

    Consistent 1.02 but I occasionally get the "missed ring glitch" even though it doesn't miss any rings. Not gonna try to make it any faster, lol.

  • Matchstick T1000 variant 9.0 years ago

    @GrumpyRacing Thanks, not good enough though! One of these days I'll make it out of the first round, lol. Good race though, at least I was close through most of it.

  • Lunar Arc 9.0 years ago

    Man, I wish I could figure out wtf the AI was trying to do. I'll have a plane that flies great, let the AI take a turn and they get through two or three rings then just take off in a random direction until it runs out of fuel. ???

  • How to "skin" a fuselage frame with wing panels? 9.0 years ago

    Well I sorta had some success, I need more practice I guess. Anyway, I uploaded what I have, maybe someone can take a crack at making it better. I'm attempting to do a version of the Lippich Aerodyne. https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/dGNscY/Aerodyne-Need-help

  • Next Tournament is missing 9.0 years ago

    Indeed, I live for these tournaments, they really make me rack my brain and even though my planes suck it's still a lot of fun!

  • How to "skin" a fuselage frame with wing panels? 9.0 years ago

    Great suggestions folks, thanks, I'll have a go and see what I can come up with. What sort of values are to be expected for the x, y, and z axes, are they degrees?

  • No Engine racer (modded) 9.1 years ago

    Darn, it didn't work. I had modified drag so that it would auto-accelerate, it didn't seem to work on the dev version. It would reliably finish around 1:50 or so during my testing.