@JovianPat Probably because it uses some apis from unity that is obsolete in the new versions, and when exporting it tries to export stuff that it doesnt support
@mikoyanster I got it kinda working, i don't get any errors but the ai plane spins out, It might be the ai or the plane its flying. Do you want to try it?
first thing. Remove the easyroads folder from assets folder in the project, just move it out of it.
Second, The picture in the beginning, does the link to it contain
Also the picture in the beginning her, there is no "https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ivan_Pokrovsky2/publication/272514941/figure/fig4/AS:340442550947849%3Ca%20href=" int the link right?
@mikoyanster You dont really need to set physic material, the default one works too. But it can be a good idea if you want to get it the way you want it
1 to create starting point place a map start location.
2 For convoys you place gameobjects and set them as waypoints, then i think it should go from 0(or 1) to the last one. For others you may need other custom scripts. I can help with the ship ones if needed.
Backup the files. https://superuser.com/questions/144402/any-software-to-do-minute-by-minute-backup
If it spins try to increase sideways friction on back wheels
My clock shows 11 hours and 54 minutes.
Amazing work
Edit: it passed 12 hours so now its at 0 lol
@JMicah4 Idk, I'm working on "modes" now. So you can get the game to look a certain way with a click
Also it uses box collider (the one that cube uses), its faster and it works with wheels that has suspension (the car wheels, idk about the others).
1 first right click inside projects somewhere and create a physic material
2 place the physic material there in the terrain, you can either drag and drop or click the circle thing to get a list over available physic materials and select from there
Click the text to see pictures
Put a physic material on it, and on that material you can choose friction
Nice, when is it coming out?
@JovianPat Probably because it uses some apis from unity that is obsolete in the new versions, and when exporting it tries to export stuff that it doesnt support
@Avro683Lancaster You need a script to toggle it, ill send tomorrow
High friction on them can make them shake
@mikoyanster can take a while. For me it has takes up to half an hour
@mikoyanster Nice, what was the fix?
@mikoyanster I got it kinda working, i don't get any errors but the ai plane spins out, It might be the ai or the plane its flying. Do you want to try it?
@FlyingFanatic Nice, does it work? I've wanted to try something like that
@mikoyanster Ill try to make the way point system work for ai as well
@mikoyanster Would automatically setting the player as target be cool?
@mikoyanster Oh you want them to attack in groups? Ill see if there is an easy fix now
@mikoyanster They only attack if you are aggressive i think, unless you set its mode to something aggressive. And for lag https://i.imgur.com/TkVcWnd.png https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/StaticObjects.html, on the buildings in the city
@4404 Im working on a new improved version, very different from this one. Ill add android version as well
@mikoyanster It will only appear if you turn off spawning in settings
@mikoyanster Damn! To prevent random aircrafts change settings in game, do you need it to automatically happen?
@mikoyanster Let me know how it goes
5.3.8 works too
first thing. Remove the easyroads folder from assets folder in the project, just move it out of it.
Second, The picture in the beginning, does the link to it contain
Also the picture in the beginning her, there is no "https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ivan_Pokrovsky2/publication/272514941/figure/fig4/AS:340442550947849%3Ca%20href=" int the link right?
@mikoyanster The whole folder, that way its not there and cant give you errors
@mikoyanster Yeah, move the files when exporting
Don't use links from images you sent on hangouts. Upload to a website where everyone has access
@mikoyanster Idk, I just put 3d models in asset folder
this was made with easyroads
@mikoyanster link
@mikoyanster Yeah, You have to export the road mesh and import it again then use on an object.
@Himynameiswalrus Whats the part you want?
Server time is 11:09:20 PM it looks like. So 1 hour if it resets on midnight
Found on the bottom of the page
@mikoyanster Maybe i should add an arrow on the screen edge to show where the waypoint is?
@mikoyanster Niiice
@mikoyanster Ahaha, nice. I'll try to do some path stuff for boats.
I think the fun part of modding is the coding, idk if you could tell.
@mikoyanster Yeah :)
@mikoyanster You dont really need to set physic material, the default one works too. But it can be a good idea if you want to get it the way you want it
@mikoyanster link to package with waypoints
@mikoyanster hoes does this look? It fades over to the next one as the user moves past it (easy to change) and easy to set color
@mikoyanster Waypoints, like visible beams or something that guide you?
1 to create starting point place a map start location.
2 For convoys you place gameobjects and set them as waypoints, then i think it should go from 0(or 1) to the last one. For others you may need other custom scripts. I can help with the ship ones if needed.
@mikoyanster is 3 for ai or player?
@mikoyanster Lol thanks for the upvotes