Make sure you have saved the persistent object too.
Open dev console before you load the mod, then check it after it's loaded to see if there are any errors/warnings.
Check if the script is loaded by looking for it with ">>NameOfScript" in the dev console.
Make sure you have the right compiler settings:
@Dynamicneedle Damn. WOuld you like a mod that disables small parts over a limit you set? Lets say you set it to 50, it will disable unimportant parts over 50, so you will have engines and big parts left and small stuff will be gone
@SaintNPC To load easyroads roads ingame you can use a script to export the 3d model (search google), then use it like a regular 3d model. You might have to remove the easyroads package from unity when exporting.
The same gun but it doesn't shoot. It has a little gun inside to do the shooting, so the flash is barely noticeable. If you're gonna move it move the little gun too and nudge it into the big one.
Its the best i can do
As jundroo is not a major website with user generated content that can be used to spread copyrighted material without permission (at least what it looks like to me) I doubt there will be any changes.
@GINGER01 Oh. You can enter a keyword that is in the url and it will try to load it. Say its of trump, then try entering trump in the url or remembering a part of it. Thanks for the feedback. If update it i will fix it so it loads again
@DerekSP Set base map distance higher. To set it above the max, add a script and in Start() { here}
it should have getComponent<Terrain>().baseMapDistance = number;
Upvotes do not reflect the greatness of a plane. Followers, rank and authority plays a big role. If a new user does not get upvotes on what he thinks is worthy, let him make a forum post.
The vram is kinda low, so running a lot of textures can be hard. the ram might be enough, but with a lot of stuff some might have to run on hard drive, which can be slow. Last, making mods isnt very easy. You are very limited if you dont know how to code.
Mods that loads 3d files, textures, visual stuff, sp simple scripting (if they make some that cannot interact with other stuff than sp stuff) could be possible, but probably not worth it
+5Awesome. Thanks for sharing the script. You are the man!
+4Make sure you have saved the persistent object too.
+2Open dev console before you load the mod, then check it after it's loaded to see if there are any errors/warnings.
Check if the script is loaded by looking for it with ">>NameOfScript" in the dev console.
Make sure you have the right compiler settings:
@Dynamicneedle Damn. WOuld you like a mod that disables small parts over a limit you set? Lets say you set it to 50, it will disable unimportant parts over 50, so you will have engines and big parts left and small stuff will be gone
+2I have a mod that replaces your aircraft with a flat screenshot of it, looks awful but reduces lag haha
+2The default map name is "Default Map". Use that without the quotation marks.
+1@SaintNPC To load easyroads roads ingame you can use a script to export the 3d model (search google), then use it like a regular 3d model. You might have to remove the easyroads package from unity when exporting.
+1Here you can see the waves at the shore
+1Do you have low fps only when you have big aircrafts (lots of parts) or all the time? I might be able to help with a mod
+1The same gun but it doesn't shoot. It has a little gun inside to do the shooting, so the flash is barely noticeable. If you're gonna move it move the little gun too and nudge it into the big one.
+1Its the best i can do
@mikoyanster Place the script on a gameobject and set the far clip plane. Default is 40 000, so set it to 100 000 maybe,
You can try this script. Just have it on any gameobject that is loaded in the map. And keep in mind what WNP said.
It's the in game camera far clip plane. I'll see if I can find a way to change it.
As jundroo is not a major website with user generated content that can be used to spread copyrighted material without permission (at least what it looks like to me) I doubt there will be any changes.
Or pay attention in class and score well on tests and ask your teacher if you can just not do them.
@Tessemi Never posted that mod, and it's for some people only, sorry.
@USSR I don't know, sorry.
@GINGER01 Oh. You can enter a keyword that is in the url and it will try to load it. Say its of trump, then try entering trump in the url or remembering a part of it. Thanks for the feedback. If update it i will fix it so it loads again
Don't think there is sp for linux (ubuntu).
@GINGER01 Thank you. You don't have to give a deeper explanation, but if you think it's useful, I would appreciate it.
To get it more matte. Go on the terrain, other, change shader to Diffuse
Don't park there. The price I could find is $40.
I am posting this cause I feel sorry for Legoland.
@GINGER01 Idk how well it works. Let me know
@GINGER01 link
@DerekSP Set base map distance higher. To set it above the max, add a script and in Start() { here}
it should have getComponent<Terrain>().baseMapDistance = number;
@chancey21 Sorry I don't know. Download link is broken
try to open it directly.
open C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\
and you should be able to find it
@chancey21 For picture that can't be used for the screenshot thing for posting:
localhost ( or
Your local IP address (Usually (Where x is a digit))
Upvotes do not reflect the greatness of a plane. Followers, rank and authority plays a big role. If a new user does not get upvotes on what he thinks is worthy, let him make a forum post.
Have more sideways drag behind the center of mass. Wings or wheels
People are very strict about upvoting, I have no idea why though. That's why you don't get recognition below a certain level, part count etc.
@EpicPigster1 Yes there is just a button that comes with ios that you can put in the control thing from the bottom
I use shadowplay (nvidia) or other software that supports nvenc (nvidia encoder)
Look up your models and see if they support that
The vram is kinda low, so running a lot of textures can be hard. the ram might be enough, but with a lot of stuff some might have to run on hard drive, which can be slow. Last, making mods isnt very easy. You are very limited if you dont know how to code.
Mods that loads 3d files, textures, visual stuff, sp simple scripting (if they make some that cannot interact with other stuff than sp stuff) could be possible, but probably not worth it
@chancey21 Yeah it was added after this post :/
Wide as the island or runway?
2, script it with a mod. Maybe increasing graphics settings changes it but solution 1 works for sure.
Too hard to be worth it, sorry.
@Patrick20206 You probably ran the game from the exe file or a shortcut to it and not through steam or a shortcut that launches it through steam.
@sexylips35 Modding :P. You?
@sexylips35 Hey
Next to mods folder I believe.
@DemonSniper8 If it's throttling of one service, it will. If it's all but one, no.