this is weird every time im turn on the shadow in this map mod it doesnt make the ground go black meanwhile
in khakikotchauri1 mod everything turn black when i and other android player turn on the shadow, can you explain this
since there is an air asia a320 crash in java sea you could recreate that its easy just crashes this boi in the sea since krakabloa is based on krakatoa island in java
since there is an plugin that made wright regional airport become intl airport so the name of the airport would be change if you have that plugin and use them any suggestions what the name would be
vodka time
kontrolnya realistis nggak?
susu real good enak
bikin susu real good lol
mfs2020 cannot even do rhis
goddammit i always fail at this mission in ace combat 7
illuminati confirmed
replica of saba island near the wright island
@ALRX im just testing my new laptop to see if it send sorry to interrupt you
goddammit mybphone will ded
your fist bild is linda good better than mine
bluben terbang lol
normally my phone can use 2000 part build whitout any type of issues but in this map 1500 part build feels like 3000 part build
the trees get bigger but also get black when i get closer in my phone
sea plane more like an suck plane
+3i name my seat the seat in the sea in sp
if there thicconov 225 so this one is called smalltonov an2
wereis spiritusraptor is he leaving or too focusing on working that he forgot about sp
+2goddammit you will oeave until ypu got 29k more point
after 1 lap my phone got hot
congratulations for getting featured 2 times
amazing car sir and your build speeds was really fast, can you build nissan gtr-r34
time to make my pbone blew up
+2clapping in the background
i hope 2020 is over
just stay at home we dont want anyone to get covid19 right
goodbye man i hope you not delete your account and i hope you have a good day and not getting those covid19
and i know how to fix the car wheel clip trought the ground, simple just turn off suspension and thats fix everything
+1this is weird every time im turn on the shadow in this map mod it doesnt make the ground go black meanwhile
+1in khakikotchauri1 mod everything turn black when i and other android player turn on the shadow, can you explain this
swiss001 use this actually but its now broken
i cant help but im pretty good at placing window at bus and cars
are the ai land right on top of the car?
your bio is really long
mobile friendly normally is around 1 part to 700 part
iam going to make the no pasengercabin version
thats explain why i always overrunning with the a380
my favorite audi
+2this car made me hungry because the name is piazza but for me its sound like pizza
+2since there is an air asia a320 crash in java sea you could recreate that its easy just crashes this boi in the sea since krakabloa is based on krakatoa island in java
jadi krakabloa itu di asia
eng translate so krakabloa is in asia
saya orang in donesia dan saya sangat senang karna pulau krakabloa di sp ada di real life
does brown pearl even existed in th sp world
since there is an plugin that made wright regional airport become intl airport so the name of the airport would be change if you have that plugin and use them any suggestions what the name would be