this is probably the best aircraft i've seen on the website. The details, the vast cockpit interior components, the manouverability, weapons, and, my favorite of all about this build, thrust vectoring. I've now completed every single challenge in the game and shot down 6 SU-57 felons with the help of the cobra manouver and controlled yaw spin. A must-have for all players out there.
So just for example you have 2 switches, one has InputID = COM1 and the other = COM2 and the're both interactionType = Toggle and outputValue = 3. Now in the label paste this
it will check if COM1 is equal to or greater than one (>= 1) and then do another check to determine if COM2>= 1. if COM2>= 1 then it will display "COM2 ON" else keep displaying "COM1 ON". If none of the values>= 1 then it will display "COM OFF"
so when you flick the com1 switch it will say COM1 ON, if you flick the com2 switch as well it will say COM2 ON, if the switches are off it will say COM OFF, also if you want it to display wich one of the two is on independantly you should use 2 labels each with
@NoblePlanes he's right though. This guide doesn't actually have any useful tips or information. The only thing i agreed with was the passion one because when you make a plane you truly love and are determined to add details and spend time on it, it will be a better plane even if your building skills dont reach others'
can someone explain how to make a text disappear with a switch
like when i click a switch the text disappears and then i click the switch again and the text reappears
@UltraLight Thank you and yes i was just looking for it to turn on momentarily in the cockpit to indicate countermeasures launch, like an afterburner light
its not finished yet but i used it a bunch of time, if you want to see how the button LCD thing works, in the cockpit theres a blue screen wich is the radar and next to it is a switch to turn it on. You can see just to get a reference
while for the COM1 type thing, in the right theres a red switch that when turned on will display 4 things you need to turn on to be able to takeoff. each one of those subsequentially turns off when the thing they tell you to turn on gets turned on
@Brandon182003 yeah i found out long ago it doesn't work but the screen made with buttons is honestly genius, i have a build made with it if you dont understand how
ouputValue = 3
interactionType = Toggle
inputId = name1
go to button customization and set the off depth to 10 for example so on depth would be 9, then place the label somewhere between the off and on depth
The only thing is that obviously its not practical on an HUD because it has to be transparent
you can add more countermeasures in the same one by opening XML editor>go to CountermeasureDispenser tab> add variable "ammo" and type in how many flares you want
UPDATE: late but: so you can do this by using if statements.
Let's say you want to turn the hud on and off with a switch and the switch uses Activation group 2
The HUD label part would be:
{Activate2 ? <size=100%>(your entire HUD text thing inside these round brackets) : <size=0%>(HUD text again)}
so for anyone that wants to make it lighter to put it on planes: use scale tool without "scale only selected parts" and with "calculate mass" and scale it to 0.5. Then scale it to 2 again without "only selected parts" and without "calculate mass"
clears throat
+5this is probably the best aircraft i've seen on the website. The details, the vast cockpit interior components, the manouverability, weapons, and, my favorite of all about this build, thrust vectoring. I've now completed every single challenge in the game and shot down 6 SU-57 felons with the help of the cobra manouver and controlled yaw spin. A must-have for all players out there.
+3and almost 4 years later.... someone actually needed this sometime
+2@Brandon182003 I think its possible
So just for example you have 2 switches, one has InputID = COM1 and the other = COM2 and the're both interactionType = Toggle and outputValue = 3. Now in the label paste this
{COM1>= 1 ? (COM2>= 1 ? "COM2 ON" : "COM1 ON") : "COM OFF"}
it will check if COM1 is equal to or greater than one (>= 1) and then do another check to determine if COM2>= 1. if COM2>= 1 then it will display "COM2 ON" else keep displaying "COM1 ON". If none of the values>= 1 then it will display "COM OFF"
so when you flick the com1 switch it will say COM1 ON, if you flick the com2 switch as well it will say COM2 ON, if the switches are off it will say COM OFF, also if you want it to display wich one of the two is on independantly you should use 2 labels each with
{COM1>= 1 ? "COM1 ON" : "COM OFF"}
+2@PlaneFlightX dude you deserve a blessing thank you so much
+1@NoblePlanes he's right though. This guide doesn't actually have any useful tips or information. The only thing i agreed with was the passion one because when you make a plane you truly love and are determined to add details and spend time on it, it will be a better plane even if your building skills dont reach others'
+1can someone explain how to make a text disappear with a switch
+1like when i click a switch the text disappears and then i click the switch again and the text reappears
how about the same pen but 500$ more:
+1i love this
+1dear god, we must stop this Vincent and give him back his position. VINCENT GIVE HIM BACK HIS O2 LOVER POSITION!!!
+1biblically accurate tutorial plane
this is the best plane ever on SP
@Wizza :D
@EvionSystems you can already make MFD with big a green colored square button & then you put some funky trees things in it
clears throat
Thank you ollie very cool
@GuardianVN you connect the pylons directly to the wing
god damn
@Baldovino put - before LandingGear, so the activation group will be -LandingGear
@UltraLight Thank you and yes i was just looking for it to turn on momentarily in the cockpit to indicate countermeasures launch, like an afterburner light
does anyone know whats the input of the countermeasures
i want to make a light that turns on when you release countermeasures
@421stFighterSquadron autoDispenseDelay
its not finished yet but i used it a bunch of time, if you want to see how the button LCD thing works, in the cockpit theres a blue screen wich is the radar and next to it is a switch to turn it on. You can see just to get a reference
while for the COM1 type thing, in the right theres a red switch that when turned on will display 4 things you need to turn on to be able to takeoff. each one of those subsequentially turns off when the thing they tell you to turn on gets turned on
@Brandon182003 yeah i found out long ago it doesn't work but the screen made with buttons is honestly genius, i have a build made with it if you dont understand how
outputValue = 3
interactionType = Toggle
inputId = name1 (example)
ouputValue = 3
interactionType = Toggle
inputId = name1
go to button customization and set the off depth to 10 for example so on depth would be 9, then place the label somewhere between the off and on depth
The only thing is that obviously its not practical on an HUD because it has to be transparent
you can add more countermeasures in the same one by opening XML editor>go to CountermeasureDispenser tab> add variable "ammo" and type in how many flares you want
is there a way to do this but just to hold speed
like you type in the speed you want to keep and the engine will accelerate/decelerate to match it
UPDATE: late but: so you can do this by using if statements.
Let's say you want to turn the hud on and off with a switch and the switch uses Activation group 2
The HUD label part would be:
{Activate2 ? <size=100%>(your entire HUD text thing inside these round brackets) : <size=0%>(HUD text again)}
nvm sorry guys i found IF statements exist
i don't get it can someone explain in finer terms?
like i dont get what "on depth off depth" means by that
@UssrLENIN absolute life saver
cool concept, reminds me of the cyclops from subnautica
i got "IAS Infinity MPH", i honestly didn't even know this feature was in the game
i will try to do a cobra with this thing
so for anyone that wants to make it lighter to put it on planes: use scale tool without "scale only selected parts" and with "calculate mass" and scale it to 0.5. Then scale it to 2 again without "only selected parts" and without "calculate mass"