1.add jointrotator + (or smaller) fuselage block + Structural wing for both sides.
2.then change the Y-axis angle of the rotators & blocks to fit the primary wings (you need the mod "fine turner"),
3. and then change the coordinates of all parts to hide the rotators and fuselage blocks, and to move the flaps to the right place.
4. the fuselage blocks must be moved to the front edge of the primary wings.
@TTHHSSSS @JayDay60 @Rugpeersdude Thank you!!!
@撒打开链接sdklj @Sparrow007 @RailfanEthan Thank you!!!
@zap210 @haidebiany @helilover03 Thank you!!
@AverroesIndustries @LatteCoffee55 @rubbishcraft Thank you!!
@LBYSteven 改完了还是那么丑。。。。
you should have fixed the rear landing gear...
upvote for the pilot...LOL
@Cadillace 垂直喷口不动,两侧再分别加一组垂直方向脸对脸的VTOL喷口,前进操作保持一致就行了。。。觉得速度不够可以再加别的引擎
@Cadillace 陀螺仪啊。。。稳定性调到250%,VTOL垂直喷口放到重心处。
@PhantomBladeCorp NP! Very nice detailed!!
@BismarckBattleship !!!
holy !!!!! great work!!!!!
@TobiasBoon Thank you!!
@JShay @indobastian @aseder Thank you!!
@haidebiany @saturn28 @zyxtom Thank you!!
@ShockRF I would like to control it with one hand, so QWEASD is perfect...LOL
This is fu*king awesome!
@MadBomber @Avro683Lancaster Thank you!!!
@sd1cko @BaconAircraft @Authros Thank you!!
@ElGatoVolador Thanks!!
1.add jointrotator + (or smaller) fuselage block + Structural wing for both sides.
2.then change the Y-axis angle of the rotators & blocks to fit the primary wings (you need the mod "fine turner"),
3. and then change the coordinates of all parts to hide the rotators and fuselage blocks, and to move the flaps to the right place.
4. the fuselage blocks must be moved to the front edge of the primary wings.
@Kevinairlines not that hard, just cost more time....and part count
@Kevinairlines Well, you need a plastic model of the plane(or at least the instruction of the model kit), and a ruler, and the mod "Fine turner"...
@Kevinairlines ???
@QingyuZhou Thank you!!
@TinyToucan @AndrewGarrison @oDDDity Thank you!!!
@Pianoman @Kevinairlines @Benny3053 Thank you!!
@SimpleEric Pianoman Thank you!!
@Epicfail @Mumpsy @MASB29 Thank you!!
@SledDriver @Luuk2909 @kampfer Thank you!!
@CoolPeach thank you!!
@GroundCrew 滚!huaji
@243687034 Thank you!!
@ACGfans0079 Thank you!!
@DestinyAviation @rubbishcraft @GroundCrew Thank you!!
@Dving @Heinrichlin @DeezDucks Thank you!!
@TheRealTDawg @Ownedpilot Thank you!!
@SpartanAirplanes @Epicfail @ChaMikey Thank you!!
@Hyperloop →_→
@Arhitekt @hopotumon Thank you!!
@MethaManAircraft @valaszki @AnonyMoose Thank you!!!
@PaderiegeZ @DethFromAbove @SimpleFlow Thank you!!