that's a lot of antenna
and very poggers tank
veri cool water flanker
absolute cin ma
@Mitterbin inspired by J-10 and F-16 ;o
people be making peak aircraft known to simpleplanes community and not give a desc :sadfac
@UltravioletBlood me when missile with no radar guidance but sheer brainpower
@upperflat error40404040, the last massage in South East Asia Union channeltoo
so how does this work? I joined the DC and idk what am doin
bro forgot the radar
ok so when @Cartooncat32exe
@TheMouse I got a linked in ad 🔥🔥🔥🔥
why you have only fans link in your bio? (I didn't click it)
you should add tags
cool plane, but what part take the most part tho
nice yf-23,very cool
@AtotallynormalAircoDH2 Huh?
smol landing gear D:
@Cartooncat32exe oh the ball turret didn't move?, huh weird its working for me
go to settings and set the "allow to access photo" permission on
its finally done @Cartooncat32exe
can't wait to add "Z" to a certain Russian vehicle!!!!!!
my bomber is almost done, just a few hours left
boeyushin Ilb-63404
fuselage slicing go brrr
rest in pieces autoloader
om telolet om
@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore I recommend watch it, he made some decomentaries abt plane including mig 1.44 mfi
why make desc empty :(
nice fa-
@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore do you watch found & explained
looks similar to the tu-95
great plane
Malaysian or indo?
"79 Parts"
let's go upin ipin reference
crashed my game when I loaded it
also is there a link for the bandit plane?
that's a lot of antenna
and very poggers tank
veri cool water flanker
absolute cin ma
@Mitterbin inspired by J-10 and F-16 ;o
people be making peak aircraft known to simpleplanes community and not give a desc :sadfac
@UltravioletBlood me when missile with no radar guidance but sheer brainpower
@upperflat error40404040, the last massage in South East Asia Union channeltoo
so how does this work? I joined the DC and idk what am doin
bro forgot the radar
ok so when @Cartooncat32exe
@TheMouse I got a linked in ad 🔥🔥🔥🔥
why you have only fans link in your bio? (I didn't click it)
you should add tags
cool plane, but what part take the most part tho
nice yf-23,very cool
@AtotallynormalAircoDH2 Huh?
smol landing gear D:
@Cartooncat32exe oh the ball turret didn't move?, huh weird its working for me
go to settings and set the "allow to access photo" permission on
its finally done @Cartooncat32exe
can't wait to add "Z" to a certain Russian vehicle!!!!!!
my bomber is almost done, just a few hours left
my bomber is almost done, just a few hours left
boeyushin Ilb-63404
fuselage slicing go brrr
rest in pieces autoloader
om telolet om
@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore I recommend watch it, he made some decomentaries abt plane including mig 1.44 mfi
why make desc empty :(
nice fa-
@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore do you watch found & explained
looks similar to the tu-95
great plane
Malaysian or indo?
"79 Parts"
let's go upin ipin reference
crashed my game when I loaded it
also is there a link for the bandit plane?