@jamesPLANESii yup but we have a cockpit block called the angled block, all side of it are a triangle, we need a block version, and we need a 2 block long version of it as well as a 2 long corner block
Am i the only one who notices that the options of things avaliable to use says xml mods allowed then also says no mods allowed? So are allowed to use the xml MOD or does the no MOD over rule that?
@helilover03 This vehicle breaks the rules, one of the rules is no missiles, this vehicle has missiles, it shouldnt be rated, it should be disqualified
Ive made my own, i did modifythe trailer cause it kept exploding because when i hit some of the bumps and edges, the tail of the trailer would smack into the ground and blowup.
@chevygmoney2000 , i have added a gyro to alow for turning at high speeds, i also added a for looks winch. I do hve to say the vehicle is great, tho the suspension is too soft, your wheels are clipping into your wheel wells, which in real life, is really bad, so just a suggestion, either stiffen the shocks or open up the wells more, other than that, im still waiting on your reply if i can post this vehicle as a predessesor for you with all the little gagets i added
Hey, i downloaded this on my phone and very laggly added the bull bar, head lights, working blinkers and cab lights, let me know if you want me to post it for you
We also need props that work underwater so we can have even more acurate boats, like instead of the prop having the engine built onto it, as all current props are, we have unpowered props that we can put under the water and attached them to like a car motor and the prop will work under the water
OH! Hey guys, you know what else we need? Either new wheel hubs, or the ability to add stuff onto the wheels, so we can have like classic dome hubs, we could use the hemosphere piece in strutural and put it onto the wheel and make that classic hub
@Alienbeef0421 No with the camera it does the same thing as the cockpit, if there is a target in site of it it will lock on to it and you can change targets like the cockpit can. And the rescale of the cockpit wont work because the missile launchers will still lock onto you, and also mobile cant rescale parts
@destroyerP hey bro i know u upvoted my vehicle in the challenge but i had to remove and resubmit it cause of some issues i found. Its put back on so go it out again, see how it runs now
@Rugpeersdude hey may i do a quick call back on my submition? I just noticed an issue last night. I tried playing it and realized at some point of fine tuning, my wheels got disconnected from the engine
Not the corner cockpit block
@jamesPLANESii yup but we have a cockpit block called the angled block, all side of it are a triangle, we need a block version, and we need a 2 block long version of it as well as a 2 long corner block
@jamesPLANESii thats not the block i mean, im talking about blocks for corners, like the corner block
Are mods allowed?
@helilover03 its ok, i made nother comment on the challange its self you should look at, cause somethin int right
Am i the only one who notices that the options of things avaliable to use says xml mods allowed then also says no mods allowed? So are allowed to use the xml MOD or does the no MOD over rule that?
@helilover03 it says it in the control instructions
@helilover03 bruh, you didnt create this challange and this one also breaks the rules, rocket pods still count as missiles, they are unguided missiles
@helilover03 This vehicle breaks the rules, one of the rules is no missiles, this vehicle has missiles, it shouldnt be rated, it should be disqualified
@RailfanEthan im not good at making replicas
@helilover03 @Joco80 thx
@Hotwheelsfam the buggy is just a astetic thing, it doesnt actually work and i didnt make the buggy, its on the challange i made this for
@Chevygmoney2000 Np
Ive made my own, i did modifythe trailer cause it kept exploding because when i hit some of the bumps and edges, the tail of the trailer would smack into the ground and blowup.
@Ctracerx2 aww that sucks, i would have liked it to continue, its a great idea for a mod
I just did it for shits and giggles honestly, im better with land and water based vehicles than air except for heli or jet powered vtol vehicles
@Chevygmoney2000 check my posts, it should be there
@Chevygmoney2000 Alright
The vehicle is cool and stuff, but the engine is way to powerful
@chevygmoney2000 , i have added a gyro to alow for turning at high speeds, i also added a for looks winch. I do hve to say the vehicle is great, tho the suspension is too soft, your wheels are clipping into your wheel wells, which in real life, is really bad, so just a suggestion, either stiffen the shocks or open up the wells more, other than that, im still waiting on your reply if i can post this vehicle as a predessesor for you with all the little gagets i added
I try to attach these lights onto my vehicle but they just fall off, good effort tho, hope you get those attachment points fixed
@F104Deathtrap i know but i dont want the windsheild to be painted on, i want the actual cockpit to be the winshield
Idk, i just uploaded it e same way i do with a non modded creation
Hey, i downloaded this on my phone and very laggly added the bull bar, head lights, working blinkers and cab lights, let me know if you want me to post it for you
I cant download it on android, it just comes up as an unsupported pdf
@UssInvincible hey but not much, if you want long distance travel or safe bet of having enough fuel to lad you need gas blocks
The bigger question here is what about fuel tanks, we kinda need those
@Rugpeersdude Thx
We also need props that work underwater so we can have even more acurate boats, like instead of the prop having the engine built onto it, as all current props are, we have unpowered props that we can put under the water and attached them to like a car motor and the prop will work under the water
@Planeengineer31625324 like actual heli rotors? Instead of using plane engines XD
I remember this series when i was a kid^^
Yea it kinda looks like a lambogini countach LP5000 QV mixed with a ferrari 458 italia
@LiamW np bro^^
@Moronindustries oh XD i love it^^ the gen one is one of my favorite things to watch, my dad has the full colletion of gen 1
This vehicle if you remove the wings, looks a lot like a submarine from the top
This truck looks a lot like the gen one optimus prime
OH! Hey guys, you know what else we need? Either new wheel hubs, or the ability to add stuff onto the wheels, so we can have like classic dome hubs, we could use the hemosphere piece in strutural and put it onto the wheel and make that classic hub
@Alienbeef0421 also and with which one that locks on, its what ever one your on
@Alienbeef0421 No with the camera it does the same thing as the cockpit, if there is a target in site of it it will lock on to it and you can change targets like the cockpit can. And the rescale of the cockpit wont work because the missile launchers will still lock onto you, and also mobile cant rescale parts
@MechWARRIOR57 unstable orbit wasnt a dev or dev's mods, if he was it would have said that in the number box
@MechWARRIOR57 Why do you say that?
Im in
@Rugpeersdude Ive got itdone, have fun with it
@destroyerP hey bro i know u upvoted my vehicle in the challenge but i had to remove and resubmit it cause of some issues i found. Its put back on so go it out again, see how it runs now
@Rugpeersdude hey may i do a quick call back on my submition? I just noticed an issue last night. I tried playing it and realized at some point of fine tuning, my wheels got disconnected from the engine
@Rugpeersdude It has been posted, its the bus with a trailer. Have fun with it ^^
Can i give you the link to my vehicle to make it easier on me. Cause i cant add it as an successor because i built myine from scratch
@destroyerP np and i just made my vehicle from scratch so i cant re-upload it
I have an entry that i want to put in but i dont know how to add it as a successor. Please help when you have the time