2,539 squideater56 Comments

  • Underwater Camera 6.4 years ago

    Now all we need is a controlable floatation block that can change its float strength, like a fuselages have, so that way we can stay level where ever we are in the water. So we can do submarine dives and submersable exploration.

  • New Website Feature 7.2 years ago

    I downloaded a tri barrel battle ship main battery cannon

  • Can you guess this project? 6.1 years ago

    maus super heavy tank. made by the germans and only one left in existance, which is made of a turret of one maus and the body of another. :3 love em

  • 747-900 6.6 years ago

    this likes gru's car from despicable me with wings XD @Blue0Bull @AngelaMerkel @randomusername

  • The Mach 6- SpeedRacer 6.7 years ago

    this brings back childhood memories, I used to have toys of this. love it.

  • My Goals in SP 6.8 years ago

    A mod that we could use is one that lets us add text to blocks or at least have a resizable text block

  • Rocket Sled - ICBM - Piloted v1.0 7.2 years ago

    @dogspit Same here, it keeps blowing up before it even reaches the ramp

  • New Website Feature 7.2 years ago

    Heres an idea for the website i think is needed as its been a problem for me is a vehicle download history, i was building a new ship called the u.s.s. alice, and in my rush to create it, i forgot to get the info about its creator, then, the post disappeared, and i was unable to find it no matter how hard i tried, so if we had a way to view the vehicles we've downloaded and be able to access the post so that way we can keep track of vehicles, that would be greatly apprecieated.

  • eggsbenedict's mountain climber 5.0 years ago

    @Thorne i kinda suprised myself as well, no gyros or anything, just runs fin as is :3

  • some speedster build i guess 5.1 years ago

    @Thueerra its probably the hubs for the front wheels that make up a good chunk of that since they are built of individual blocks

  • some speedster build i guess 5.1 years ago

    @Thueerra skill. And i did it all on mobile too XD

  • Tracks 2 coming soon... 6.1 years ago

    oof need asap

  • V-22 (First of the BETA) 6.1 years ago


  • V-22 (First of the BETA) 6.1 years ago

    @ACEPILOT109 im making a wire suspended mega crane with the winches. so far my crane weighs 103,300lbs or roughly 46 metric tons of wire suspended crane. i tried using the tank track mod on it but the weight is too much and breaks the tracks

  • Crane 6.1 years ago


    heres a 46 metric ton wire suspended mega crane for you to admire as it continues to get worked on cause the tracks currently cant handle its weight. and the body of the crane hasnt been completed yet

  • 1.8 Beta now available 6.1 years ago

    im getting giddy. ive learned how to use the catapult and the arresting wire, catching the wire puts your flight skills to the absolute test. it took me 3 crashes and a heli landing before i realized where the wires were. and then took me two more tries to catch one. i was proud of myself when i finally managed to optimize my flying and consistantly land without crashing. and if anyone is wondering how to use the lifts on the uss beast. you just stop on it and after a few moments it will lower automaticaly. no interior design yet tho. pretty bland and empty. catapult is badass as well. huey is ok but tough to manage, even with the gyro active it tends to list to the right for some reason. wish we had dev made tank guns that are not buggy up in this but aint ganna complain too much cause its been too long without and update. great work devs!

  • 1.8 Beta Persisting Issues 6.1 years ago

    also your supposed to report bugs to the beta bug report page that is linked on the beta announcement post.....

  • H-92 tactical cluster bomber 6.4 years ago

    @Jurassicty060 yey

  • Eagle 5 (from spaceballs) 6.4 years ago

    @darthschmuck52 will you eventually add the missing pen stripes onto the side of the van?

  • EXTREMELY DETAILED BOX 6.5 years ago

    @JettStorm its almost to the top of the highest rated. its on the second page, and it got tis far in a day. XD

  • SimplePlane’s First Ever ! Pocket Trumpet ! 6.6 years ago

    @Spacedoge12345plane XD

  • SimplePlane’s First Ever ! Pocket Trumpet ! 6.6 years ago

    I hear a meme song coming on XD

  • LARGE TANK WITH FUNCTIONING TRACKS (modded) 6.6 years ago

    @Al3jandro6304 XD I tried making it smaller but failed miserably.....I cen't englich

  • gunning AI 6.6 years ago

    @randomusername it would. just imagine recreating world of warships in simpleplanes using the multiplayer mod XD

  • gunning AI 6.6 years ago

    @randomusername download tank control and advanced targeting mods and then download my 141-hellbarren,go do some target practice,once you do, imaging an combat AI doing it for you, while your off doing something else, thats what i mean, world of warships has then, the player runs the main guns while anti aircraft guns target and fire apon enemy airplanes automatically. thats what i want,and i want it to also target projectiles such as missiles, rockets, torpedos and bombs.

  • Eagle Pass 6.6 years ago

    @CruzerBlade if you read the tournament rules you would know that xml is not allowed except in the mod class challenges, this is the unlimited class so there for xml is not allowed

  • Wasp X PLEASE HELP 6.6 years ago

    Idk how to fix it too, most of my vtol aircrafts do it too, except my jet powered one tho idk why it doesnt do it


    @MethaManAircraft the mod is still there, its just not adding a link
    heres the link: https://www.simpleplanes.com/Mods/View/586726/Armor

  • RYMA Corinthian Mounted Boom Lift 6.7 years ago

    @RYMA232Aeronautics thanks

  • RYMA Corinthian Mounted Boom Lift 6.7 years ago

    Heres a link to tye original design i was basing mine off of, to give credit where its due and to see that insparation can come from anywhere


  • The Mach 6- SpeedRacer 6.7 years ago

    @nathanmagnus yea XD, its good to see an old show not be totally forgotten

  • Mod suggestions. 6.8 years ago

    @arcues not without mods their aint, if the prop goes under water over half way then they dont work, i need them to be fully submerged

  • Car skeleton read description 6.9 years ago

    Not to be judgemental but whats the purpose of the rotor that the front wheels are attached to? Cause i dont think those will steer a car...

  • Cupcake 7.1 years ago

    @Tolic1222 yea, if the pigeon took some offroad steriods XD

  • Tool box challenge I WIN 7.2 years ago

    @rockcool you litteraly just took the quad copter that jundroo buit and put an orange hoop on the bottom of it, thats just not cool

  • KV2 7.2 years ago

    @Jfalix did you know that this tank in real life was a pain in the as for both the enemy and the user? It was a pain in the but for the enemy cause there is a story of one of these fighting 15 panzer 4's and it was out of ammo, so it kept running around avoiding being shot by the panzers, it was hours before it ran out of gas an the enemy's had to pry open the hatch and kill the team inside after it all, and the reason its a pain for the users cause in the war, the biggest issue it had was its suspension, that huge top of it's cause a lot of suspension breakdowns cause the top was so heavy, its a horrible but also fasinating tank really....

  • Retro Off-Roader - this may make you feel sick! 7.2 years ago

    Hey, you inspired me to build something with a somewhat of a gyro system, its so bullet train coach cars that are used today on bullet trains that ride rails that tilt sidways into the corner

  • What landing on the uss tiny feels like. 7.3 years ago

    Gta 5 with the maze bank all over again

  • BOX - expandable 7.5 years ago

    Doesnt walk, only shimmies

  • The Valley Map 4.3 years ago

    @WNP78 cause sr was a 2D game, it would need to be completely rebuilt in order to make sr into what sr2 is. at that point might as well build a new game, speaking of which, sr2 uses a large portions of codes from sp

  • Gun recoil 5.0 years ago

    @DarDragon thats a good idea but wont work with the setup i have, im going with a gustav railway gun kind of setup so the two giant guns are mounted on a solid frame and uses hydraulics to lift up

  • Gun recoil 5.0 years ago

    @ArcturusAerospace that doesnt slow the barrels movement, the recoil visual is at a set speed that doesnt change, the barrel recoil determains how far back the barrel moves

  • Bouncy pistons 5.0 years ago

    @PointlessWhyshouldi oddly enough that didnt work

  • Gun recoil 5.0 years ago


  • Gun recoil 5.0 years ago

    @Roswell this isnt a block built cannon, this is the in game cannon, the base game one, so i cant use shocks and i cant take the cannon apart

  • Gun recoil 5.0 years ago

    @ACEPILOT109 welp its a thing to look into, as far as overload goes its not possible. Also do you know how to link a piston to the gun fire button? 'FireGuns' 'Fireguns' 'Fire Guns' doesnt seem to work.

  • piston powered car. 5.0 years ago

    @JukeyMN it breaks if you vtol up too fast, you do it slowly and it will operate fine

  • Whinches are not working 5.1 years ago

    @RailfanEthan @MrSilverWolf @jamesPLANESii i do have it attached properly and havent modded them, the winch is attached i got the cable its just it wont wind. But i did get it to work, i found it only works when built in a up down vertical position, if you build it horizontally the whinch refuses to function.

  • just used up all three today's uploads 5.2 years ago

    Ima slap the stupid out of you for that one XD

  • Canon plane V2 5.2 years ago

    i did a cannon powered plane too :3