1,711 srduval Comments

  • Mod suggestions. 6.7 years ago

    Have a fuselage (or other part's) buoyancy or weight be able to be bound to a control, trim, vtol, yaw, pitch, roll. This would be great for ships, subs (finally a way to control diving/surfacing) or planes that are heavily loaded with weapons be stable while in the water. This would also allow you to "hide" from the destroyers if you pick a fight with them at close range

  • Steam Release v1.4 8.6 years ago

    I thought the new features/parts were great in BETA so I'm sure the live will be good as well. One thing i've mentioned before a MAP!! a compass is only good when used in conjunction with a map. Even if the map is blacked out and you have to fly around to revel the map as you discover new islands and such. Seeing your current location and heading information will help me know I need to fly a heading of x degrees from where I am currently to reach the aircraft carriers/ runways

  • FlyingGunboat 7.3 years ago

    Thanks @Stellarlabs

  • Beta 1.7 - Round 4 7.3 years ago

    What is the minimum altitude for the new air to ground super missile? I tried using it several times around 1,000 feet and it plummets into the water first

  • McDonnell Douglas C-17 7.5 years ago

    It's a Boeing C-17, granted they are one and the same company since they got bought out years ago. I think some of the (if not the last) last airplanes made under their name were the Kc-10 and F-15

  • RD-4 Douglas Dolphin 7.9 years ago

    @CALVIN232 again not sure why you care. I could have entered a brick with a propeller for all the tournament cares

  • RD-4 Douglas Dolphin 7.9 years ago

    @CALVIN232 I wasn't expecting it to win just wanted to see how the tournament AI flew it. What does it matter anyways?

  • Déjà vu 8.1 years ago

    This is what happens when an F-22 and the Wright Flyer have children

  • P-38 2 Lightning 8.2 years ago

    @goboygo1 Good point... A gun in the air intake, is a one shot one kill (yourself) if FOD to engines were considered in this game

  • KC-10 Extender 2.0 8.6 years ago

    You should tackle this next:

  • Beta Update - v1.4.0.5 8.7 years ago

    The directional compass is a great add. A Map of sorts would still be great, keep the aspect of discovery by the map being reveled only after you've flown over the area and "charted it" that way we could build a long range reconnaissance plane to map out the simple planes world and direct other aircraft towards them

  • ArrowJet-GunPod 8.7 years ago

    @ahappyape It's about as much as I could get on there without loosing control of the plane completely :)

  • sunken threat2 8.8 years ago

    Thanks @ahappyape

  • STOP, Drop, and Roll 8.9 years ago

    Is it balanced enough to stand straight up in the water?

  • Mobile Beta 8.9 years ago

    @SelectAKey I second this! some sort of directional aid would be huge especially as you add locations to the Simple Planes world. Also in Sandbox mode it would be nice to have tanks or something besides bridges to go after.

  • One day it will ne reall 9.2 years ago

    Looks Really Nice

  • [CLOSED] Civillian Plane Challenge! 9.2 years ago

    @Danillio05 I'll enter with an existing plane I have:

  • C-53 SkyTrooper 9.2 years ago

    @Danillio05 here is my civilian plane entry

  • A-40A2 trident with Available launched gun 9.2 years ago

    Amazing details

  • Quick survey. How often do you use the RCN ON/OFF button? 9.2 years ago

    Never use the rcn on/off more activation groups would be nice having the ability to set the intial state would be nice. So I can set something to a button and use the button to turn off, skipping the step of turning it on first

  • J2Fa Duck (aREX) 9.3 years ago

    Very nice. I just posted a version of the duck as well check it out

  • RD-4 Douglas Dolphin 9.3 years ago

    Very nose heavy, so I cheated and added rotating propeller mounts. It also responds well to pitch correction so a trim tab would help. If you have trouble taking off land/sea do a slow run-up about 30-40% throttle until you are 80-90mph then open up to 100% takes off at a little over 130mph @WeeBabySeamus future feature would be adding a custom rotation instead of the current 90 degree increments

  • Grumman Duck 9.3 years ago

    @ahappyape thanks

  • Reviews on planes 9.3 years ago

    Good idea to help new people get recognition.


    It is very easy to increase the size of the blades to helicopter length if you find the xml file. That being said, it would be nice to have a stock helicopter engine. Especially if it had built in pitch/roll axis of movement

  • Help Please 9.3 years ago

    You put a part on the block at it's smallest state then increase the fueselodge part size

  • New parts? 9.3 years ago

    Like the idea of adjustable wing thickness you can overlay the new fueselodge blocks on the wings that gives you the lift physics but the cosmetic and attach ability of the fueselodge @ShatteredAviation @andrewgarison add wing physics option to the structural blocks

  • We need rope/structural pylons 9.3 years ago

    Arresting hook and cable for carrier landings

  • So we have forums now 9.3 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison and edit function would be nice on the forums :) as my post above is related to the COT issue

  • So we have forums now 9.3 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison I get the same issue where the props are identical and the warning pops up. It is just a clerical thing because there is no impact on flight dynamics

  • Lockheed F-104 Starfighter/ Canadair CF-104 9.3 years ago

    Wow very well done. This should be a featured plane

  • F-16 Fighting Falcon 9.3 years ago

    @WeeBabySeamus Mostly PC. I know how to do some xml edits, but if there is a syntax or something that would be awesome to know what the various parts of a "Part" do

  • F-16 Fighting Falcon 9.3 years ago

    @WeeBabySeamus well done, I love the 16s. I need to figure out more xml mods significantly increase design options

  • B-25 Mitchell 9.3 years ago

    Well done

  • Off-Road Vehicle Challenge 9.3 years ago

    @lordofLego https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/SP8h6M/ASV-All-Surface-Vehicle

  • Kc135 Boeing Challenge 9.3 years ago

    Thanks @Rohan looking at it now, I think you're right the horizontal stabilizers are over sized. Put a camera near the cockpit in the rear for the boomers point of view

  • Blunt Nose Sea Plane 9.3 years ago

    Thanks @ahappyape

  • Hydrofoil 9.3 years ago

    Impressive. I've tried and failed several times to do something like this. Well done

  • Simple Paddle Boat 9.3 years ago

    If you download throw a rating up. Interested to hear how this works for others. Also if you don't have the newest version of simple planes this won't work

  • Spruce Goose H-4 9.3 years ago

    Thanks @ahappyape

  • Spruce Goose H-4 9.3 years ago

    Thanks @Johawks1976

  • Last Great Jet Challenge by JShay 9.3 years ago

    Thanks @jshay, It was actually kinda hard to do, or at least do and have fly well. I had several iterations where it would implode and dissolve mid air without warning. I think I came close to breaking the physics calculator with this.

  • Simple Mig 9.3 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison was "dead weight" intentionally removed from the newest beta on the new fuselage parts

  • Imperial Star Destroyer 9.3 years ago

    Nice job on design

  • Simple Mig 9.3 years ago

    Another idea I had was to have an initial state option on parts (mainly engines, rotators) where I can have it assigned to an action group and the activation deactivates one part and activates another. This would allow you to have two things controlled by one activator.

  • Simple Mig 9.3 years ago

    Add after burner option to engines, where you throttle up to 100% then a action group or some key combination ignites the afterburner for a 120% throttle

  • Shooting Gallery 9.3 years ago

    It will drive me nuts until I do it, I've come close, but it seems to go through it not knock it over.. Anything less than 90% detacher speed will blow up the whole rig

  • C-2000 RoughCountry 9.3 years ago

    @ahappyape it is a little awkward looking :) but it makes room enough to put something in it

  • Gator Chomp Challenge 9.3 years ago

    I think with this "plane" you've single handedly set back development on the beta program. The devs are all to busy playing your game, instead of working :)

  • Tipjet Attack Helicopter 9.4 years ago

    Great design, I like the center body tail rotor.