The Nav Circle in SR1 made it very easy to control rockets in a 2D game. It took me a while to figure out the best way to extend the Nav Circle into three dimensions. I ended up with basically two nav circles: one for heading and one for pitch. The end result is now called the Nav Sphere and it makes controlling rockets in 3D extremely easy.

The blue circle is for controlling the pitch of the rocket and the orange circle is for controlling the heading. You can click and drag the circles to adjust them or you can use keyboard inputs (or a gamepad) to control them. We will probably tweak the visuals a bit before release, but I'm really happy with how they've turned out.


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    1,825 HazardEgg

    My rocket is confused, there are 2 45° and that's confusing for programming, help

    +1 3.6 years ago
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    355 Hmm

    Love it. Just not used to ksp keyboard controls.

    4.0 years ago
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    1,012 Siryonkee

    4D dimension@Pds314

    4.6 years ago
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    I’m sure this will be awesome on mobile, but it’s kind of hard to use on PC. Maybe I’m just used to SimplePlanes and KSP.

    5.7 years ago
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    12 Pds314

    SimpleRockets 3
    Nav Hypersphere.

    +1 6.1 years ago
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    Can't wait for it to come out on Mobile

    +2 6.4 years ago
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    It sucks

    +1 6.4 years ago
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    On my autobiography has been removed and it is literally the word “hi”

    6.4 years ago
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    @Bmcclory Well for one, I was the one saying that the modders would take care of the mechjeb type thing, then you tried to argue with me by agreeing with my stance. Second, I don't care if they add that to the game... I don't need it, not sure where you got "Even if it doesn't come, you can still get enjoyment out of the game" from.

    6.4 years ago
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    @Bmcclory Not meant in a negative way but I'm pretty sure you didn't read any of the comments I was responding to...

    6.4 years ago
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    Mate, will you post or are ye delaying something? @AndrewGarrison

    6.4 years ago
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    @Bmcclory what about the mobile app?

    6.4 years ago
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    I hope you will also have the conventional arrow-key type controls (with a stabilizer like KSP's SAS, hopefully) because with only two axes, you can have a problem similar to Dobson's Hold with dobsonian telescopes (using an altitude/azimuth cannon-like aiming scheme). Near the poles of the sphere it can be difficult to point where you want to go. (Similar problem to Gimbal lock) Also, no way to roll! This can be disastrous if you're trying to dock things in space that need precise alignments. So while this may be useful for simple piloting, I would definitely prefer to use a joystick or arrow-key like system.

    Also now that we have three dimensions, maybe you could display icons for normal/antinormal and radial/antiradial orbit directions, in addition to prograde/retrograde.

    This is still a smartphone game in addition to PC, right? While I think the game COULD compete with KSP on the PC, I am particularly interested in the mobile version.

    6.4 years ago
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    @Bmcclory I'm just saying, something like that requires a ton of work as well as a pretty good knowledge of astrophysics. Not that the devs can't do it, but it would be a huge use of time and resources, and something that I'm sure plenty of modders already plan to do anyway.

    6.4 years ago
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    3,272 Chancey21

    But it will be a downgrade from SP for people making planes @Bmcclory

    6.4 years ago
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    149 iPilot

    There are likely going to be airplanes. Take simpleplanes for example simple(PLANES), and about 1/3 of posts are definately not planes, but trains, ricks, automobiles. I’m sure there will be planes. @Daniel320

    6.4 years ago
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    149 iPilot

    @AndrewGarrison will the rotate a nudge mechanics of simpleplanes be the same we see in simplerockets, or maybe better?

    +1 6.4 years ago
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    532 JoshMan

    @Chancey21 there's blog posts about both screenshots, and wings. Andrew mentioned in this comment section that there will be additional controls.

    6.4 years ago
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    There should be airplanes. ;)

    +1 6.4 years ago
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    3,272 Chancey21

    And again, I will not support SR2 if it does not support airplanes.

    6.4 years ago
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    3,272 Chancey21

    You have to add a screenshot mode

    6.4 years ago
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    And maybe a part moving system so we can clip parts? That would be extremely useful for some designs.

    +2 6.4 years ago
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    Can or will we have probe cores for unmanned missions or for recovering parts (like the ones in KSP) ? The capsule wouldn’t fit into a recoverable first stage design that well from what I’ve seen. They’d also add a heck of a lot more to the play value.

    +1 6.4 years ago
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    532 JoshMan

    @Daniel320 close to a steam release

    +2 6.4 years ago
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    If Andrew is just tweaking visuals then we should be real close to the release.

    +3 6.4 years ago
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