Guys, if you’re gonna make an off-topic post, please give it at least slightly important! We don’t need to know that you found a bee on the ground. We don’t need to know that you when to KFC yesterday! You’re abusing the off-topic tag! This game is called SimplePLANES, not SimpleDYINGBEESONTHEGROUND! If you’re gonna make an off-topic post, give it a topic that’s important/cool/something we need to know about!
I’m not just talking about the post that iLikeiPads made, there have been several others lately. I was just using his as an example, as it pretty much describes what I’m saying in a nutshell.
I can see why. XD @jamesPLANESii
iLikeipads made it, but he deleted it. @GritAerospaceSolutionsLTD
Was the off-topic post about
real?If so, can I have a link to it please.
Because this game really should be called SimpleCreationsButParticularlyPlanes. XD @Stellarlabs
This is an off topic post.
Just like the tin foil tide pod post
How come im making tanks and cannons in a plane game?
"we don't need to know that you found a bee on the ground"
idk why but that made me chuckle xD
@iLikeipads i cant find the bee post? is it still there i want to se, but only if there is a Picture XD
@Blue0Bull Not quite what I was talking about, I'm more thinking of the "Going to the corner store" post by TheLatentImage.
For your info I found @iLikeipads 's bee post hilarious.XD
d i e i n g
I know jk. @jamesPLANESii
Er... that is spam. XD @Strikefighter04
Ok great!
starts spamming SimpleLandia posts
Yeah I’m not talking about those. The roll plays are role plays, and that’s fine. @Strikefighter04
I may make a lot of forums, but everything that is off topic is interesting, and all my boring stuff is to do with SP. @Gestour
Just wondering because a lot of the posts are roleplays, so I thought some would think it was annoying. @jamesPLANESii
No they’re not. Why do you think these things of me? >:( @Gestour
Yeah that’s what the off-topic tag is for. It’s also a role play. @Strikefighter04
Is it ok to have role play posts? Like SimpleLandia and all the other nations interacting? Or is that annoying?
I completely agree with you