Mystery Tournament

Created 7.8 years ago

This tournament will take place on a course that no one has ever seen, except for me....since I just made it. That makes things a bit tricky, doesn't it? How can you possibly design a plane for a course that you can't test? Well, I suppose I can give you a few hints.

Hint #1: Top speed is important. Hint #2: Your plane needs enough fuel to travel 65km. That is all. Good luck!

EDIT: Hint #3: You do need landing gear since the course starts on a runway.


The winner of this tournament will receive a free Steam key for SimplePlanes.

The tournament will air live on Jundroo's Twitch, follow now so you'll be notified when it starts!

Tournament Details

  • Course: It's a surprise!
  • Class: Mod
  • Max Part Count: 150
  • Max Length: 20 meters (65.6 ft)
  • Max Wingspan: 20 meters (65.6 ft)
  • Max Height: 10 meters (32.8 ft)
  • Must be an original (ie - not a successor of another player's plane)
  • No weapons!

Read the Tournament Guide here for more info on how we run tournaments and what this all means.

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    30.5k soundwave

    @LVerb10 what

    6.6 years ago
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    112 LVerb10


    6.6 years ago
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    6,030 Lahoski107

    I lost this race due to drunken AI

    7.1 years ago
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    4,109 JetFly

    but any user on this site can be banned

    7.4 years ago
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    4,109 JetFly

    @DarthAbhinav Will someone ban them?
    They need some punishment

    7.4 years ago
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    4,109 JetFly

    @AndrewGarrison do you will make airplane for this game if you don't have the game bought?
    you assuming that we play on pirated copy?

    7.7 years ago
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    4,109 JetFly

    Again, please =D @AndrewGarrison

    7.7 years ago
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    6,030 Lahoski107

    @AndrewGarrison how often do you think the tournament deadlines will be, I'm going to guess once every 2 weeks

    7.7 years ago
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    @AudioDud3 I'm sorry to hear that. You make awesome stuff, so I'm surprised you haven't been featured yet. The good news is that when you hit platinum, you will get to choose a plane of yours for us to feature. Just tag me on the plane you want featured when that happens.

    7.7 years ago
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    6,030 Lahoski107

    @Iamsilverdahedgie YES ',:( maybe

    7.7 years ago
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    2,662 EarthwormJim

    @AudioDud3 We need a track editor for sure

    7.7 years ago
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    @Lahoski107 Next tournament in two weeks?

    7.7 years ago
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    6,030 Lahoski107

    @Iamsilverdahedgie the match will take place in two weeks maybe

    7.7 years ago
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    @Lahoski107 @Lahoski107 what do you mean

    7.7 years ago
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    6,030 Lahoski107

    @Iamsilverdahedgie the deadline is probably in two weeks

    7.7 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison when is the next tournament?

    7.7 years ago
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    @Geekpride rlly? tks for that. I just played SP for 1 month now. N00b.

    7.7 years ago
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    17.4k Geekpride

    @aceofspades2707 There are prop class tournaments. This wasn't one of them.

    7.7 years ago
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    My plane had a pretty innovative design, two t3000 props at the front and back, reaching mach 1.1. Versus other props? No problem. But mine was a JET plane, so I could say the match was unfair. To Jundroo: please have a prop category and a jet category, to be even. I am happy about how it turned out, well, it's a transonic prop.

    7.7 years ago
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    2,662 EarthwormJim

    @AudioDud3 +3.141592

    7.7 years ago
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    16.4k ThePrototype
    7.7 years ago
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    30.5k soundwave

    My gosh my plane sucked

    7.7 years ago
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    17.4k Geekpride

    Just finished watching the matches now the tournament's been uploaded. All in all, I'm pretty happy with how it went, my entry was respectably fast and giving it good stability helped the AI control it. The main thing for me to learn is that if we have another mystery tournament (and I hope we do), I should believe the hints given and commit to the recommended strategy.
    I'm another one that would like to see this race added to the game, it's a different challenge to the other races.

    7.7 years ago
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    Quarter finals... Not bad

    7.7 years ago
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    75.1k hopotumon

    @Alienbeef0421 This video

    7.7 years ago
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