Cant fly properly, You are way too focused on the detail rather than the flight model it self
Probably banned for being underaged
Surf the internet bruh
Upvoted the plane as a joke, Now it has 200 sooo bye
The Moderator will strike whoever reporting the build, So there is no point making this forum post
@ChiChiWerx Oh nice a 737
@ChiChiWerx What plane you fly now?
@ChiChiWerx Cool! Are you still a active pilot or retired?
Knight of ren, A couple of dude in black robes and cool weapons that got yeeted by Rey and Ben
@ChiChiWerx What aircraft you have flown?
Its not a glitch or any kind of it, It just you breaking the game
Curvy is nice
@MAHADI I know how to but this thing fly very bad
@MAHADI This thing flies like a brick, And get pretty boring quickly i dont know..
@DerVito What mod you are using for the background of your aircraft in thumbnail
@offenator Disconnect from the server and join again
How to get featured
So its taking you a hour to take a picture of your build?
You uploaded the same thing twice
@Empergyd F-117 style
@L3dg3ndary Understandable, Have a nice day
I thought when someone reach "Gold" ranks their build quality increased, This is not iam expecting
Love the design
@XxVirginMary42069xX Read this for fuselage explanation it will help you create something better
Incase there is a jackass troller, Equip yourself with XML Modified missile to counter attack them
Ah yes the smell of the dust
See what the community has done, Waking up the one and the only Lord Latent
John Coen
@Mage2IsTriggered It died for now, I dont know but i think people that want attention will bringing up the topic again tommorow for sure
@KnightOfRen Chibi plane,. Cute
@ZWLenning Its already over lol
Car is too fast since a real car need time to be fast like that and I suggest you change the throttle to pitch and turning to roll for easier control
Try to check the credits page
I think we all know how..
Cant fly properly, You are way too focused on the detail rather than the flight model it self
Probably banned for being underaged
Surf the internet bruh
Upvoted the plane as a joke, Now it has 200 sooo bye
The Moderator will strike whoever reporting the build, So there is no point making this forum post
@ChiChiWerx Oh nice a 737
@ChiChiWerx What plane you fly now?
@ChiChiWerx Cool! Are you still a active pilot or retired?
Knight of ren, A couple of dude in black robes and cool weapons that got yeeted by Rey and Ben
@ChiChiWerx What aircraft you have flown?
Its not a glitch or any kind of it, It just you breaking the game
Curvy is nice
@MAHADI I know how to but this thing fly very bad
@MAHADI This thing flies like a brick, And get pretty boring quickly i dont know..
@DerVito What mod you are using for the background of your aircraft in thumbnail
@offenator Disconnect from the server and join again
How to get featured
So its taking you a hour to take a picture of your build?
How to get featured
You uploaded the same thing twice
@Empergyd F-117 style
@L3dg3ndary Understandable, Have a nice day
I thought when someone reach "Gold" ranks their build quality increased, This is not iam expecting
Love the design
@XxVirginMary42069xX Read this for fuselage explanation it will help you create something better
Incase there is a jackass troller, Equip yourself with XML Modified missile to counter attack them
Ah yes the smell of the dust
See what the community has done, Waking up the one and the only Lord Latent
John Coen
@Mage2IsTriggered It died for now, I dont know but i think people that want attention will bringing up the topic again tommorow for sure
@KnightOfRen Chibi plane,. Cute
@ZWLenning Its already over lol
Car is too fast since a real car need time to be fast like that and I suggest you change the throttle to pitch and turning to roll for easier control
Try to check the credits page
I think we all know how..