7,264 AquiliusEpic Comments

  • Peel P50 4.5 years ago

    P45 next?

  • Simple Mig 4.8 years ago

    Did they ever get around to the supersonic drag calculation?

  • SkyFury I 5.1 years ago

    I feel challenged....but can you rival my TRIPLANE???

  • Vickers VC10 - Tanker 2.5 years ago

    My old man served as a flight engineer on these during his time in the RAF, nice build!

  • HELP PLEASE 3.1 years ago

    @GrFrog Simple fix, the little red plate above the additional headlights and below the grill has a weird connection, just disconnect and auto-reconnect and it should fix the CENTRE OF LIFT.
    Really nice car though.

  • EE Sparkle 3.1 years ago

    @Griffon1 Spot on, the guy I built it for handed me a picture of a Littorio class Airship. Sadly, haven't played PW yet so I was unaware of the complete shape of the vessel, leading to only some level of inspiration. The whole sparkle was based on those embers though lol.

  • X-124 “DartJet” 3.5 years ago

    Pictures look good, how did you manage to get 3 in flight pictures in the upload? I used to use a mod for that but it seems to be broken... :/

  • The Juvenile (pls fix) 4.5 years ago

    Lol would've been first if life hadn't distracted me, uploaded a modification as well, albeit a tad more altered than @LucasSBaru design. Now you have 2 working alternatives XD

  • EE MC Mk II "Poghopper" 4.5 years ago

    @MausTrap1946 glad you like it, perhaps the Pogrado would be up your alley as well then ;)

  • EE Exceedance SST OB 4.5 years ago

    @airlinerbuilder this one has no beta parts in it should work regardless of the warning. I would*ve thought it would at least show the original version as a direct successor, as it is...

  • EE Pogrado A 4.5 years ago

    @Cabbage17 Thank you for your patience and your ongoing support :)

  • Sandwich plane 4.6 years ago

    Well....this is....different. Our internal systems cannot even render the model properly...budget cuts.
    How did you even our base aircraft? The competition was ages ago. Not that I'm complaining...

  • EE MC "Spear Class" 4.9 years ago

    @Modderblyat originally designed as a destroyer, I realized I screwed up the scaling, so it's classified as a corvette.

  • DC-01 Toriel (Revive) 5.0 years ago

    Neat to see the improvements over time, especially with the usage of fuselage blocks! Nice and sleek and hoo boi did you make this a fast one!

  • EE Sunbeam F 5.0 years ago

    @Mustang51 Simple is the name of the game :) Glad you liked it

  • EE Quad C 5.2 years ago

    @Plane66373637 We at Epic Engineering like to shine XD

  • Share Your Under-Appreciated Builds Here 5.2 years ago

    These kinds of posts are a lovely way to give back to a community. Although like others I could write a book about undeperforming (albeit the builds are often admittedly simple...hence the name of the game), I would like to get this out there.
    A mate and I used our big brains together to figure out an automatic variabke-geometry wing sweep system using the new possibilities in 1.9. The plane itself is basic, yet for the amount of work that went into it I think it'd be cool for my mate as well if more get to see, use, evaluate and improve the mechanism.


  • 2030 Airliner Challenge Conclusion 5.2 years ago

    That is a whopper of a post! Awesome evaluation of the competition and thanks for the feedback

  • EE Nordwind P 5.2 years ago

    @teodor99 thanks a lot for the feedback and the upgraded version. Why not make that listed tho? XD
    And @TheBlaster67 why not toss me the link so I can check it out? :) No need to apologise, that is what this game/community is there for.

  • Comparison (>, <, ==) In 1.9 Funky Trees [Flight System Showcase] 5.2 years ago

    meanwhile here I am trying to figure out if I can translate this to a Blade T2000

  • OUTDATED: Input System Explanation & Tutorial ("Funky Trees") [SP 1.9] 5.2 years ago

    @SnoWFLakE0s am trying to big brain that now....but always sucked at stuff like this XD

  • OUTDATED: Input System Explanation & Tutorial ("Funky Trees") [SP 1.9] 5.2 years ago

    This smells like automatic variable geometry wings that adjust to your airspeed......conveniant timing

  • Screenshot as upload thumbnail 5.4 years ago

    @goboygo1 cheers, issue has been solved since then (as seen in newer uploads XD)

  • So I was just walking through New York City... 5.6 years ago

    Don't live in the US of A myself, but down here in Germany we I live near the Air Force base of Rammstein near Wiesbaden. A lot of US transports fly overhead where I live, old school Hercs and C5 Galaxy transport planes are frequent. We also get the occasional Black Hawk, whereas the Luftwaffe exercises their Typhoon and Tornados around my area.

  • Tipps for creating very early planes. 1.7 years ago

    @XxRxX yeah am on PC, I've been looking at a lot of other builds like Wright Flyer replicas but am just not sure what the special sauce is. Figuring out what leniency I can give in way of raw numbers for sake of gameplay. (This one I saw for example had a 700hp engine but still managed to keep the historical flight speed of 37kph)

  • EE ERAA-Y 2.3 years ago

    @HuskyDynamics01 have already entered with the EE Auctioneer, must have merely confused some files, my bad

  • EE ERAA-Y 2.3 years ago

    @HuskyDynamics01 lol did not even realize this was listed as an entry...very odd, must have just been on a file that somehow was linked as a successor. Disregard this XD

  • EE UE25 (S) 3.0 years ago

    @MrMikazuki as stated in the description, go wild XD

  • Daimyo E77 3.1 years ago

    Deja Vu

  • EE SWC "Vergeltungsflügler" 3.2 years ago

    @TheHaggisBasher I am planning to make a more spaceship accurate version of this, but is there any specific reason you need the 1.11 parts removed? The update has been out for quite a while...plus, in the worst case you could modify it yourself

  • Upload with Screenshots 3.5 years ago

    Any chance of this getting fixed? Was really convenient...

  • Simple Race Biplane 3.9 years ago

    Simple is in the name of the game

  • EE VTI 4.2 years ago

    @Ap12909 sure. I did have a few in a backlog, but since then I have been gifted NVIDIA Geforce now, so I can play high fidelity games on my craptop again. I've been putting more time into the likes of War Thunder and games I can play with my mates. But recently I was convinced to play SP for a bit again, I had this plane (and the other one linked in the post) in the backlog still, so I thought eh, why not upload em.
    One more build is ready to be uploaded though.
    Thanks for the interest I guess, wouldn't have imagined anyone would've noticed my absence tbf.

  • Supersonic challenge winners! 4.5 years ago

    @airlinerbuilder weird, is right underneath the winner on my end, maybe as I used the beta version? Looks like there were some nice builds in here nontheless

  • Supersonic challenge winners! 4.5 years ago

    @airlinerbuilder sorry to bug ye, but some feedback for my design would be appreciated too lol

  • EE Lizard 4.6 years ago

    @merrickdaig thank you for your feedback. A few "quirks" in the handling were maintained to emulate the difficult handling of the historic HE 162.

    Ok in all seriousness, I'd recommend not janking the stick around at low speeds, try using trim to level it out instead.

    We will gladly refund all repair costs.

  • EE VHB 4.6 years ago

    @Mastermind1941 @_PolarSpirit yeah It was based on that, however, some details turned out different. Glad the spirit of it came across though

  • Some jet i made 4.7 years ago

    Did I miss something namewise? Looks cute tho

  • GIS Suggestions, Maps, Current and Future 4.7 years ago

    @RAAF yeah, based off his wii sports resort map he did I thought I might as well ask. If I had a decent PC and enough technical know how to do it myself I would

  • GIS Suggestions, Maps, Current and Future 4.7 years ago

    Not entirely sure if this is the right place for this kind of request, but are you able to port over maps from the game War Thunder? The maps in the Air Arcade mode are of particular interest, as they tend to have the more interesting terrain. Alternatively, could a Gibraltar Map be doable?

  • Glider Challenge [20 Upvote Prize] 4.8 years ago

    (2 months later)

  • Simple Chopper? 4.8 years ago

    Let me just hopefully bump this post as I didn't really get a sound answer. Specifically the configuration of the main rotor and tail rotor in a conventional setup.

  • Loads of help wanted 4.8 years ago

    @Mobius1Cyka cheers

  • Loads of help wanted 4.8 years ago

    @SuwongsoMotorwerks thanks for adding the link in. Call me a twat but could you tell me how to add links on this site? XD

  • simple Forssman Pollgiant triplane( with damage model) 4.8 years ago

    A very large triplane indeed, I could land mine on top of that XD

  • Loads of help wanted 4.8 years ago

    Got a fix for it here

  • EE ACC 4.8 years ago

    @Brobear04 if you need something with a bit more uummppf, I added a recommendation to the description

  • EE Tigershark 4.8 years ago

    @Hellosss38 thank you very much, was a neat competition :)

  • EE LC Hexenjäger 4.9 years ago

    @MAHADI thanks for hosting the competition, I'm sure rating all those planes must've taken a long time XD Are you by any chance able to provide me with tips to improve upon this kind of design?

  • EE Ionfire 4.9 years ago

    @Mobius1Cyka Thanks for the competition. I saw you were able to give other participants specific feedback to improve, can you remember what led to point loss with this plane?