@Erc90F4RU 120-метровый трехэтажный лайнер, пятимаховый бомбардировщик с турбопрямоточными двигателями, ударный стратег с дизайном из эйс комбата и 500-мм плазменной пушкой в качестве оружия, транспортник со взлетной массой 1000 тонн, дрон с кольцевым крылом и двумя 50-кг УМПК, кассетная бомба на 400 деталей и еще много всего
@overlord5453 but rockets are accurate. If you're about the part when I launch them in the air and they turn left, it is not because they're inaccurate, it's because they are guided and trying to hit the target (carrier that is behind me). You can download it and check it presonally
@F8boa add it to subassemblies
+1Please add the HUD variables!
+1@Sabertoothyt526 unstability doesn't mean inability to fly
+1And I was the man who gave u 2 last upvotes
Creating successful people :)
+1by great and superior me
If you need another help, write me.
Oh, it's not only too long, it also starts too early, making exhaust penetrate the base...
It's good, fut front seat's engines work time is too long
@PigeeGuy Built on mobile :)
@Erc90F4RU а, да, забыл, еще постройка из трех деталей, которая набрала 80 апвоутов
@Erc90F4RU 120-метровый трехэтажный лайнер, пятимаховый бомбардировщик с турбопрямоточными двигателями, ударный стратег с дизайном из эйс комбата и 500-мм плазменной пушкой в качестве оружия, транспортник со взлетной массой 1000 тонн, дрон с кольцевым крылом и двумя 50-кг УМПК, кассетная бомба на 400 деталей и еще много всего
@Erc90F4RU люди ОБАЛДЕЛИ, увидев, что лезет из моего профиля
Читать далее...
@Erc90F4RU kinda smol cursed Su-25
@Graingy first camo I've made
@overlord5453 guide
@overlord5453 but rockets are accurate. If you're about the part when I launch them in the air and they turn left, it is not because they're inaccurate, it's because they are guided and trying to hit the target (carrier that is behind me). You can download it and check it presonally
@FartResidue 1 for weapons jettison, 2 for canopy opening, 3 for ejection and that's all)
@WaterFlavouredSpitfires soon I'll make the EASA "Sol" livery for this plane
@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore Да.
@Randomplayer I am bronze user and I complain about the tracks
Here we have a solid gold or even platinum level plane from my paper friend. Please support him!
@AircraftExperimental all the tags here are requested or are my friends that don't mind if I tag them lol
@Eustace87 winners have been published more than 2 weeks ago...
@RyadovoiGusenichka слыш возвращайся в чат
But there is only 365 meters
German Crusader
@Nomdef read the description...
@Misterpotato only successor post will count
@Yourlocalhuman i think yes if mod will be really very different from the original
@Misterpotato yes
91-GiM nayokiM
@ErmakSP я же воткнул ее тебе в лево-правый глаз после того, как ты запостил ермак 5
@SiBangsatYa and you need 3 weeks to complete "almost done" tank?