58.2k BMilan Comments

  • Wreck Exploration - RMS Titanic 3.5 years ago


  • Wreck Exploration - RMS Titanic 3.5 years ago


  • PWE Teaser - RMS Titanic 3.5 years ago

    @Tookan they will be bundled in one build, I haven't thought about uploading them separetly but I might do if there is a demand for it

  • PWE Teaser - RMS Titanic 3.5 years ago

    @TheVexedVortex this is a replica of the Titanic's shipwreck. The build also has a research vessel and a submersible, and the latter can be controlled to move around and explore the wreck. This video shows the features of the build with the soundtrack of the 1997 Titanic movie in the background

  • PWE Teaser - RMS Titanic 3.5 years ago

    Comment 'T' to get tagged when the final build releases.

    This build is dedicated to those who were aboard the Titanic on that tragic night. May those, who didn't survive, rest in peace.

    What is Project Wreck Exploration?
    PWE is a side project I've been working on when I felt burned out after building my primary projects. It aims to recreate some of history's most famous shipwrecks along with a decorative research vessel, and a submersible to be used to explore these wrecks. The wrecks themselves are 1:1 size and in some cases are in accurate depth.

  • Dreadnought Battleship Hull (Mobile Friendly) 3.5 years ago

    Nice hull!
    I'd change the "from the 19th century" part in the description as the first dreadnought, HMS Dreadnought (from which these type of battleships got their name) was commissioned in 1906, which is in the 20th century, and as I see your hull was based on either the New Mexico, Tennessee or Colorado class US Super Dreadnoughts and these were all built in the late 1910s and early 1920s
    Anyways, nice hull again! :D

  • SP's Worst Builder, Right In Front Of You, I'm Sorry. 3.5 years ago

    You are being too harsh on yourself. This is a game, nobody expects you to always make spectacular builds, no matter what rank you are at (and if someone does, ignore them, they are dumb). In fact, I recently helped a beginner builder to build a very simple ship, and guess what? I really enjoyed it. I'd recommend you to give it a try. It feels good to sometimes just build something beginner, something simple (the game's name is simpleplanes after all), and get away from all the high quality stuff.
    Don't get sweaty over release dates or build quality, you are not obligated to keep uploading every two weeks, and nobody forces you to do so. I haven't uploaded anything in months either.
    Just take it easy dude :)
    You are a great builder, and your builds are awesome, but you shouldn't push yourself to keep building new stuff if you don't feel like it. Take a break, building something simple, don't burn out. It's a game, it should be about having fun and enjoying it, don't turn it into a full time job. ;)
    Take care!

  • A year ago... 3.6 years ago

    Happy Birthday! and good luck for your final exams!

  • An update on the Type IX. 3.6 years ago


  • BM Requests [TEMPORARILY CLOSED] 3.6 years ago

    @Theaverageman I've been thinking about building the Hood for a while now. As for the Bismarck, I have a special idea for that one which I will hopefully make during the summer.
    I will add the Hood to approved, but I won't add the Bismarck since I already have plans for it.
    Thank you for your suggestions!

  • I'm just curious 3.6 years ago

    @SneakySniper now that you mention it, yes, my 3rd choice would be saxophone. They are awesome!

  • I'm just curious 3.6 years ago

    Either a piano or a violin, my two favourite instruments. They both sound so beautiful, I could listen to them all day long and I wish I could play them myself.
    The electric guitar is great choice too tho

  • Happy Eid al-Fitr for all Muslims in this site! 3.6 years ago

    @Defalt1 Ah I see, thank you for the explanation and I wish a happy holiday for you! :)

  • Happy Eid al-Fitr for all Muslims in this site! 3.6 years ago

    Could you explain what Eid al-Fitr and Eid Mubarak means and what this event is about? I don't know much about the muslim religion and traditions but I'm honestly curious and would like to learn :D

  • Panzerkampfwagen Tiger Ausführung E (Pz.Kpfw.Tiger Ausf.E) 3.6 years ago

    Well done! Looks amazing!

  • [PINNED] List Of Discord Servers 3.6 years ago

    @Tabris SPCS works just fine, you might have been kicked or banned, because when I click on your discord profile it doesn't list SPCS in the mutual servers list (and I'm in SPCS and it works perfectly for me)

  • Which color scheme? 3.6 years ago


  • M4A3 easy eight 3.6 years ago

    @Hawchac123 Hold on, I just checked his profile. You did take his builds tho and just modified them. and you said you built this yourself.
    Not cool man, not cool.
    You should credit him for the original builds! (also I hope you know that going around the auto-credit system is against the rules)
    When I asked if you did all this by yourself, you should've mentioned that you used someone else's build and just modified it.

  • M4A3 easy eight 3.6 years ago

    @Hawchac123 What did aghsan comment? He mentioned me but I can't find it

  • Sea Port Designer Backround 3.6 years ago

    A little advice for posts;
    You can make an url clickable by making it the following format:
    [Click on my new post!](https://www.simpleplanes.com/...esigner-Mod)
    (copy the full url into the second brackets)
    The result:
    Click on my new post!

    Can't wait for the mod, a really great idea to have such a designer!

  • Follower Survey 3.7 years ago

    @Dathcha similar to my latest Arizona so around 2000+ parts, but Im planning to make a mobile friendly version since it was originally requested as a mobile friendly build

  • PnCL.51 3.7 years ago

    @pancelvonat Ah I see. Thanks for the answer :D

  • Follower Survey 3.7 years ago

    @GianluigiBuffon I was not meant to be that...
    I was genuinely intersted to find out why my current followers follow me...

  • PnCL.51 3.7 years ago

    @pancelvonat Oh I see. :D May I ask why are using a hungarian name + sometimes build hungarian related content? just out of curiosity :)

  • PnCL.51 3.7 years ago

    @pancelvonat Are you Hungarian?

  • MV Ever Given 3.7 years ago

    @TheUnsinkableSam Erium CAS battle by mikoyanster

  • Other than SP, what else sandbox games do I play as a Texan? 3.7 years ago

    Oh my god! That's really impressive! Well done! 😀

  • Do you listen to music while playing SP and what music do you listen to? 3.7 years ago

    Usually rock, like Skillet, Nickelback, etc., but I also listen to orchestral soundracks from composers like Hans Zimmer, Henry Jackman etc. plus I recently got into some anime soundtracks as well (Hiroyuki Sawano is a musical god)
    Oh and epic trailer songs are nice too: RSM, The Secession, Two Steps From Hell etc.
    I also like to listen to whatever that fits the mood of what Im building:
    For example when I build a battelship, I often listen to WoWS soundtrack,
    Or when I build a ww2 tank, I listen to Fury's soundtrack.
    I also occasionally unmute the ingame music just out of nostalgia, listen to it for a few days, then mute it again when I get bored of it

  • Fully Retractable Laser 3.7 years ago


  • USS Texas (BB-35) 3.7 years ago

    @Bismarcksurvivor Please give a read to the "Launching" section of the description again, but I'll quote the important part of it for you:

    "To launch the seaplane, you have to set the launch direction by turning the middle turret. Activate AG3 and rotate the turret until the plane is clear to launch. Then turn off AG3 to hold the launch platform in place."

  • EVERGREEN Ever Given 3.7 years ago

    Looks great!

  • BM Requests [TEMPORARILY CLOSED] 3.7 years ago

    @CharlesDeGaulle It's definitely a very unique design, but not really my taste (but who knows. Two years ago I didn't like the look of the HMS Dreadnought at all and yet, yesterday I uploaded it because about a year ago I started to like it more and more. My taste changes often 😅)

  • BM Requests [TEMPORARILY CLOSED] 3.7 years ago

    @CharlesDeGaulle I'll but Bretagne into approved because I like how it looks. The other two are denied.
    Also just to clarify things: I don't build stuff based on their nationality. I build them based on how I like their looks, or if I find them interesting (based on their history, famousness) etc.
    I have no problem with French ships, but their look and history dont catch my attention that much.

  • HMS Dreadnought (Platinum special) 3.7 years ago

    To anyone who might be afraid of the part count: a friend of mine tested this on his phone and it worked fine so I'd recommend giving it a try, even if your device is not high-end.

  • BM Requests [TEMPORARILY CLOSED] 3.7 years ago

    @captainlevi820 I'll put it into Approved (later), which means I'll only start working on it when Im finished with other projects

  • USS Arizona (BB-39) (Remastered) 3.7 years ago

    @captainlevi820 You can send requests to my >>Requests<< post

  • BM Requests [TEMPORARILY CLOSED] 3.7 years ago

    @Lanc Yes it's a nice one, Im just simply not sure how to feel about it. It's sounds like an interesting project (especially because I don't have many destroyers on my list) but I don't get too excited about it to immediately put it on my approved list like other ideas. But I don't want to deny it either because it's not a bad idea. It's floating in this weird void where I can't decide for sure, that's why I'm keeping it in pending for now, but this might change in the future. ;)

  • BM Requests [TEMPORARILY CLOSED] 3.7 years ago

    @Lanc The Haida? I put it into Pending because I can't decide on it yet

  • Thank you for platinum! 3.7 years ago

    @Captaincarroca I'll think about it ;)

  • USS Arizona (BB-39) (Remastered) 3.7 years ago

    @PapaKernels Will do ;) You will be able to follow it's building progress on my Updates feed, once I start working on it. It goes by the name "Project BM Simples".

  • USS Arizona (BB-39) (Remastered) 3.7 years ago

    @PapaKernels Thanks, and sorry about the part count, this project was more about detailing than about performance. But I'm planning a little treat for mobile users too, tho that will only be finished around summer.

  • BM Requests [TEMPORARILY CLOSED] 3.7 years ago

    @ArkRoyalTheDDhunter alright let's see:
    - RN Gulio Cesare -> Approved (post refit version)
    - MNF Algerie -> Denied (doesn't interest me that much, might change my mind in the future, but for now, it's denied)
    - MNF Mogador -> Denied (doesn't interest me that much, might change my mind in the future, but for now, it's denied)
    - MNF Champagne -> Denied (doesn't interest me that much, might change my mind in the future, but for now, it's denied)
    - USS Worcester -> Denied (doesn't interest me that much, might change my mind in the future, but for now, it's denied)
    - SM-511-38/USS Seattle -> Denied (I'm not really into building Wargaming's made up ships, I prefer either replicas or completely orginal designs that I create myself. HMS Impractical is an exception to this)

  • BM Requests [TEMPORARILY CLOSED] 3.7 years ago

    @ArkRoyalTheDDhunter Now that's a long list lol
    I will go through it later

  • USS Arizona (BB-39) (Remastered) 3.7 years ago

    @ArkRoyalTheDDhunter Yes xd maybe I should add this to the changelog

  • HMS Dreadnought (Platinum special) 3.7 years ago

    @Lanc Check out my Updates post, you can follow the progress of my builds there and see what Im working on at the moment :D

  • Thank you for platinum! 3.7 years ago

    @Captaincarroca Sorry Im not really into modern ships :(
    But if you have any further recommendations, leave them in the comments of >>This post<< :D
    If you find a unique/famous ship from Brazil that fits my preferred time period (mid 1800s to 1945) I'd be glad to build it! :D

  • Thank you for platinum! 3.7 years ago

    Platinum Special build: HMS Dreadnought is coming soon! Stay tuned!