60.6k BMilan Comments

  • Spitfire MK VB "Spuckfeuer" 3.0 years ago

    @xNotDumb Because it's still a british made aircraft, just captured by the germans

  • MY ROFLCOPTER 3.0 years ago

    So what exactly did you change compared to the original?

  • Uhh.... Okay? 3.0 years ago


  • Jundrorian 3.0 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison This is the way

  • We Need Albums/Folders! 3.0 years ago

    Oh my god yes! I'd love this!

  • All hope... is lost. 3.0 years ago

    @WarHawk95 iirc, they expressed their wish to restore it, tho they said they will do it at Russia's expense, which I doubt the Russians will agree to pay, but let's wait and see how the war turns out first. If the Russians refuse to pay (which I see a high chance to happen) I can still see a chance for a crowd funding option. I'm pretty sure there are many, many airplane enthusiasts around the world who would be willing to pay some amount for this historic aircraft to be restored. Even if just a fraction of the cost is financed this way, that would still help and the rest could be paid by the Antonov company with some governmental support, and maybe with some other international help. But I may be a bit too optimistic. Still, I don't think all hope is lost, as they say "Hope dies last"

  • All hope... is lost. 3.0 years ago

    The wings and the rear end seem to be in a repairable condition (maybe the engines too). Combined with the second, unfinished airframe, I see a chance for it to be rebuilt, so maybe not all hope is lost

  • USS Arizona (BB-39) (Remastered) 3.0 years ago

    @happybee @Bismarcksurvivor100 Unfortunately, I'm not that good with FT to make an auto aim system, but I don't think it's a problem because in my opinion, trying to hit the enemies yourself adds to the immersion.

  • We have lost a fat boi... 3.0 years ago

    Dmytro Antonov, a Captain of Antonov Airlines and a pilot of the AN-225 reported that the Mriya is safe and has not been damaged

  • F for chonk boi 3.0 years ago

    Dmytro Antonov, a Captain of Antonov Airlines and a pilot of the AN-225 reported that the Mriya is safe and has not been damaged

  • PWE Teaser - RMS Titanic 3.0 years ago

    @PotatoMan42 Just look around in my uploads, it has been released for more than half a year already

  • BM Updates 3.1 years ago

    @Atoka220 Oh, sajnálom :(
    Remélem mihamarabb rendbe jönnek körülötted dolgok. Pár éve nekem is volt depresszióm és hasonló cipőben jártam, szerencsére azóta már kilábaltam belőle, de tudom, hogy nem könnyű. Ha tudsz és úgy érzed segíthet, esetleg próbálj meg keresni egy pszichológust, velem csodákat tett, talán neked is segíthet.
    És ha esetleg szeretnél beszélni valakivel, engem discordon bármikor megtalálsz, szívesen meghallgatlak és ha tudok, megpróbálok tanácsot is adni. :)
    Ja és pacsi, én is idén leszek 23 csak én szeptemberben.

  • BM Updates 3.1 years ago

    @Atoka220 Régebbi verzióban valszeg 4000 körül lenne már vagy még több is ha ugyanilyen részletesre akartam volna, de a legutóbbi update-nek hála egy csomó helyen tudok spórolni a Label darabbal, meg a fuselage cutting-al. Az ablakok pl mind Label-ek, és így szinte végtelen mennyiségű ablakot tudok megcsinálni mindössze egy darabbal. Vagy pl a szellőző rácsokat is így oldottam meg. A fuselage cutting-al meg egyszerre tudok mind pl két oldalt korlátokat csinálni így ami eddig két darab lenne, az most csak egy. De még van egy rakás dolog ahol így kreatívan tudtam darabokat spórolni.
    Te amúgy dolgozol mostanában valami jón vagy nincs rá időd/kedved?

  • BM Updates 3.1 years ago

    @Atoka220 Around, ~2400 at the moment, I expect the full version to be somewhere over 3000 when finished, but I'm planning to do a mobile friendly version as I promised in my BMS announcement post.
    Amúgy miért is írunk angolul? xd

  • Long March 3.1 years ago


  • BM Requests [TEMPORARILY CLOSED] 3.1 years ago

    @Samflugzeugpanzer Why did you write that in half German?? Like, it serves 0 purpose in this context. If you were to write something like "PanzerKampfWagen VI. Tiger" or something, that'd be understandable because the 'PzKpfw' was one of the official vehicle designations of Germany in WWII... but translating "WWII" and "Battleship" into German makes no sense here.
    Also I recommend you to check out my Updates page, where you can find my current list of plans, Bismarck being one of them although not in a WWII configuration (there are literally dozens of Bismarcks on the website, I want to build something more unique) but in a fictional 1980s configuration (based on the Iowa-class' 1980s refit)

  • M4A3 Sherman Firefly 3.1 years ago

    @CRATE52PART2 The US never used the Firefly. It was a British modification of the Sherman (with the British 17 pounder gun) and was used mainly by the British. The Yanks created their own tank hunter variants of the Sherman (with the long barrel 76 mm gun variants) for the same purpose as the Firefly. So leaving the stars on it is inaccurate

  • M4A3 Sherman Firefly 3.1 years ago

    Ont thing tho: you forgot to remove the white star (which is the US army insignia) from the sides and the top of the engine bay

  • Normandy 3.1 years ago

    @MisterT Could you add some air and water spawn points (I know custom spawn points can be created but some default spawn points would be better) that are coming from the direction of the allied fleet? For those who want to simulate coming with aircraft to destroy the beach defenses and also to spawn in with ships and fire at the beach as part of the fleet

  • yes 3.2 years ago


  • Arm tracking test 3.2 years ago

    Can't wait for VR Mecha Suits

  • BM Requests [TEMPORARILY CLOSED] 3.2 years ago

    @IrlTransportatioN ohh, really? well in that case, the USS Oklahoma you requested back then is ready, I'm still working on the mobile friendly version but it should be released soon

  • BM Requests [TEMPORARILY CLOSED] 3.2 years ago

    @Samflugzeugpanzer I'm sorry but I'm not interested in building a bison, I don't really like it's look, sorry

  • [PINNED] Useful Links 3.2 years ago

    @SupremeDorian you should add V's post about the rules of curation

  • BM Requests [TEMPORARILY CLOSED] 3.2 years ago

    @IrlTransportatioN Thanks! I'm happy to hear that! :)

  • BM Requests [TEMPORARILY CLOSED] 3.2 years ago

    @IrlTransportatioN I've been thinking about building an airship for a while now but building an airship is actually not that easy so I'd need to do some consultation with someone who is good at it. If I'm gonna build one, it's not gonna be a replica tho, but rather something fictional where I can go wild.
    Thanks for the recommendation tho, I'll add "Airship" to the Approved (later) category

  • Snek Game 3.2 years ago

    Thus, we are one step closer to SP in SP. We'll get there one day

  • Messerschmitt is my milestone 3.2 years ago

    Oooh I love this!

  • BM Requests [TEMPORARILY CLOSED] 3.2 years ago

    @Maestro1527 I have to refuse that one, I'm not into aircraft carriers too much. Thanks for the recommendation though.

  • Update v1.12.116 beta is live 3.2 years ago

    @MRpingouin part count isn't always the reason for lag. A 400 part build can lag if it's large enough and has a lot of drag, meanwhile, a 1500 part build can still run well if it's perfectly de-dragged and is not too big

  • BM Requests [TEMPORARILY CLOSED] 3.2 years ago

    @Maestro1527 hmmm, I might but not any soon, my favourite ships of the ww1 US super-dreadnoughts are the Nevada and Pennsylvania class, both of which I've already built in instance of (USS Oklahoma and USS Arizona respectively) and now I want to work on different ships other than ww1/interwar US BBs. But I do want to try building a cage masted ship so I'll put this one on the accepted (later) list, thanks for the recommendation!

  • Pearl Harbor 80: USS Arizona Memorial 3.3 years ago

    @Clutch actually, it was SOE trained Norwegian Commandos who destroyed that facility and later the Norwegian resistance sunk the ship that was supposed to take the remaining heavy water from Norway to Germany

  • Messerschmitt Bf-109 G-6 RHAF (fixed - final) 3.3 years ago

    @HungarianLad Köszi és király vagy hogy elolvastad a bio-t! :D

  • Hungarian MiG-29B Fulcrum 3.3 years ago

    Nem rossz! csak így tovább! :D

  • Kotonoha-sisters 3.3 years ago

    This amazing! you are an absolute genius!

  • U-Boat Type VIIc Teaser 3.3 years ago


  • Curation and uploading new XML to your craft posts 3.3 years ago

    How is performance cost calculated? @AndrewGarrison

  • SP Unity crash issue 3.3 years ago

    @Tetrodotoxin numerous times

  • SP Unity crash issue 3.3 years ago

    @Tetrodotoxin I don't think it's because your laptop is weak.
    I remember that this problem started after the 1.10 update and I read it somewhere that a similar problem can be caused by a specific Unity update so it might be that Jundroo updated the game's Unity version in 1.10 and that caused some compatibility issues with certain systems.
    for some time I suspected that mods might cause the problem: but I tried disabling every single one of my mods and the problem still persisted. Now I have the same mods enabled on both of my laptops (Mod Settings, DesignerSettings, DesignerSuite, Color Editor, Overload, Fine Tuner, Underwater Camera, SP Multiplayer) and the game crashes upon alt+tabbing on the old laptop while it doesn't on the new one, it's a weird thing

  • SP Unity crash issue 3.3 years ago

    I've been fighting with this exact issue on my old laptop too. never found a solution but it is not happening on my new laptop
    Would you mind sharing your PC specs? We might be able to find a solution
    My old laptop's are:
    OS: Windows 8.1
    CPU: i7-4720HQ
    GPU: Nvidia Gefore GTX 950M
    RAM: 8GB

    New laptop's specs:
    OS: Windows 10
    CPU: i5-11400H
    GPU: Nvidia Gefore RTX 3050 Ti
    Ram: 16GB

  • KMS Deutchland/Lützow 3.4 years ago

    @Raiquaza19AirComp In that case, I'd recommend you join the Port SP discord server if you have discord. It's an SP themed discord server specifcally for ship builders. It's a great place if you want to improve you ship building skills because many of SP's ship builders are there and everyone is very helpful.
    Here is an invite link if you want to join: https://discord.gg/kXnJxsH

  • KMS Deutchland/Lützow 3.4 years ago

    @Raiquaza19AirComp this is already very a great work so I think you can be proud of yourself.
    Are you planning to make more ships in the future?

  • KMS Deutchland/Lützow 3.4 years ago

    Awesome! very well done, especially considering that it was made on android.

  • 1.11 Beta is now available 3.4 years ago

    @SimpleHelper In you Steam library, you right click on SP and click on Properties. A new window will appear, the you go to "Betas" tab. There, in the dropdown menu you chose "public-test - Public Test". The game will the download a small update, and then, you are ready to play with the beta version

  • Is There Female Players?? 3.4 years ago

    Rule 30 of the Internet: "There are no girls on the Internet."

  • HMS Dreadnought (Platinum special) 3.4 years ago

    @AlphagamingWw2 my mobile can run it, so does a friend of mine's, plus someone in the comments also claimed that it ran smooth on their phone. Thus, I determined this build to be mobile friendly based on these feedbacks ans experiences.
    "Mobile friendly" is a very vague term because there is no way to determine what type of phone each and every user has, so there might be devices that can run even 2000+ part builds without a problem, while there could also be devices that have a hard time dealing with a 200 part build.
    I'm sorry your device can't run this, but I'd recommend taking a look at my latest forum post where I announced a future series of mobile friendly rebuilds. Your device might be able to run these future builds but I can't promise it.

  • Secret in SimplePlanes xml files (storage) 3.5 years ago

    @Ryn176 yeah, that would be an interesting experiment for sure. Let me know about the results (tho I might try it myself too)

  • Secret in SimplePlanes xml files (storage) 3.5 years ago

    This is probably the color theme that game uses when it creates the orthographic images for the uploads. Very interesting find.
