26.4k BRuthless Comments

  • Keep calm! 9.0 years ago

    @SimpleName11 It will be "SHEILDed" for sure. :)


  • Keep calm! 9.0 years ago

    @SimpleName11 Nope. Maybe I could get a realistically sized 200m ship going. I've got some good ideas for one already. :)

  • Keep calm! 9.0 years ago

    @SimpleName11 No. I have a theme for it already, but I am still thinking about a fitting creation. "50 shades of gold"...

  • Editor bug with modded parts 9.0 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison Have you looked into it already?

  • F1 Junk Drawer 9.0 years ago


  • Anyone knows what this is supposed to mean? 9.0 years ago

    And you don't care about the Blasto BFE122, which is probably Engine-Jet-7???

  • EEV Cruiser 9.0 years ago

    "A big one" xD

  • Torpedo Challenge 9.0 years ago

    @Halfstrike I could count that as an entry, though it's supposed to be like this: You remove the sign, build a torpedo design, put it on the bottom of the testbase and then, after testing and optimization of course, upload it as a successor. :D

  • SilverSurfer v1.3 Long-Range Torpedo 9.0 years ago

    @stormy780 It depends on what you've set it to in the control settings. I think standard nudge controls are Shift + W, A, S, D, Q, E. I'm using 7, 1, 4, 6, 8, 2 on the Numpad. :)

  • Torpedo Challenge 9.0 years ago

    @Halfstrike To be realistic...it won't have a chance when I launch it in the air with that testbase (which is only a cockpit). :D That's why my testbase is already included for those who don't want to build their own ones and for better reference.

  • SilverSurfer v1.3 Long-Range Torpedo 9.0 years ago

    @stormy780 I have placed them on the end of the fuselage and then nudged them into place. You need a keyboard to nudge. Also they are modded to be this small and thick.

  • Live Stream 9.0 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison Stream name should be "Tournament - Mod Class - Typhoon Circuit". Don't be so sleepy. :D

  • Torpedo Challenge 9.0 years ago

    @Waemoth I'm looking forward to it. :) You can also take my SilverSurfer v1.3 as reference if you want to.

  • torpedo challenge 9.0 years ago

    @Halfstrike Better put the link (https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/ITrtwC/Torpedo-Challenge) in there. :D

  • Speed Challenge Winners 9.0 years ago

    @Geekpride Thanks :)

  • Torpedo Challenge 9.0 years ago

    @Halfstrike Spread the word!

  • xml edit problem. help plz. 9.0 years ago

    Have you tried other creations with 200-300 parts yet and do they perform just as bad?

  • Speed Challenge Winners 9.0 years ago

    Well, that was...expected. :D

  • SilverSurfer v1.3 Long-Range Torpedo 9.0 years ago

    @TheMajesticMrL Here it is. It should fit on 90% of all planes. Just read the description to see how to prevent the bug. :)

  • SilverSurfer torpedo technology demonstration 9.0 years ago

    @SimpleName11 Watch the video then. Yes, it explodes very well. :D

  • SilverSurfer torpedo technology demonstration 9.0 years ago

    @SimpleName11 Already did that so many times, but I left out the Tiny most of the time.

  • SilverSurfer v1.2 Long-Range Torpedo 9.0 years ago

    @TheMajesticMrL It seems like it's just a bug that occurs after exiting a flight, landing in the editor and opening the settings tab of the first part you click on. It will then be set back to the limits the settings tab allows. It doesn't happen on any following parts, so you should be fine as long as you don't go into the prop's settings first after a flight (choose an unmodded part, go into the settings tab and then proceed to the props). I'll do some more testing on that and @AndrewGarrison might also want to take a look at that.
    It happens always when you enter the editor, it doesn't occur when a design is loaded and parts being modified while you are already in the editor. I'll probably make a video for the devs, so they can sort it out.

  • SilverSurfer torpedo technology demonstration 9.0 years ago

    @SimpleName11 See, it doen't even care that I destroyed it. :

  • SilverSurfer torpedo technology demonstration 9.0 years ago

    @SimpleName11 But then it has destroyed it two times...What a waste of time and ammo.

  • SilverSurfer v1.2 Long-Range Torpedo 9.0 years ago

    @TheMajesticMrL The good: It works, just as good as this one. I only had to mod the prop-engines and nudge the detacher further into the torpedo. It now has enough ground clearance for use with normal landing gear. The bad: You can't change anything on the props, not even their activation groups, as it will resize the rear prop somehow and it will blow you up if you don't mod it again, making simultaneous launches impossible for non-modders. The ugly: I can't find a fix for that.

  • SilverSurfer torpedo technology demonstration 9.0 years ago

    @SimpleName11 That would be one of it's own ones. Only Yeager is on my side.

  • SilverSurfer torpedo technology demonstration 9.0 years ago

    @SimpleName11 Nope

  • SilverSurfer torpedo technology demonstration 9.0 years ago

    @SimpleName11 USS Tiny can't hear you where it is now. Oh, and the USS Tiny is the worst enemy of any pilot as soon as he tries to land on it already, so I don't really care, I'll just go shooting it a bit more. :D

  • Radar??? Helicopter autopilot??? Destructible buildings???And more. What do you think??? 9.0 years ago

    @Ngoat ![You missed this](And also the brackets) and at the end there is no ! needed, it will just show as a ! then.

    NVM, you got it now. :D

  • SilverSurfer torpedo technology demonstration 9.0 years ago

    @SimpleName11 USS Tiny doesn't hear you down there in the deep sea. :)

  • SilverSurfer v1.2 Long-Range Torpedo 9.0 years ago

    @TheMajesticMrL The propellers would then collide with your wings or fuselage. I could try modding the props even smaller and increasing their thickness so thrust should stay the same, also I would have to lower the main wings of the torpedo. I'll try it, but I can't guarantee it to work yet. :)

  • SilverSurfer torpedo technology demonstration 9.0 years ago

    @SimpleName11 Give me a honey badger, please! I'll kill it. :)

    Let me show you the three steps to endless happiness:




  • Radar??? Helicopter autopilot??? Destructible buildings???And more. What do you think??? 9.0 years ago

    @Ngoat Like this:

    ![this won't show anyway, just type something in here](direct link to picture goes here)

    Don't forget the ! otherwise it will only be a link.

    If you want to post pictures of screenshots, load them up on a platform like imgur first.

  • Radar??? Helicopter autopilot??? Destructible buildings???And more. What do you think??? 9.0 years ago

    @Skua To give you an idea:

    Just white, far distance:

    Just black, far distance:

    Black and white, far distance:

    Just white, close distance:

    Just black, close distance:

    Black and white, close distance, white clipping into the foreground at half the length of the trail, most of the time black is clipping into the foreground:

  • SilverSurfer torpedo technology demonstration 9.0 years ago

    @SimpleName11 Killed it several times already. And I would do it again >:)

  • SilverSurfer torpedo technology demonstration 9.0 years ago

    @SimpleName11 The USS Tiny is just as slow as the USS Beast and it's even easier to kill. :D Though I have only killed it with guns yet, not with torpedoes.

  • Radar??? Helicopter autopilot??? Destructible buildings???And more. What do you think??? 9.0 years ago

    @Skua It depends on how far I'm zoomed out. When I'm zoomed out it totally mixes up, when I'm closer the back portion (at ~50% of the trail length) jumps between the colors and the front portion still mixes up.

  • Radar??? Helicopter autopilot??? Destructible buildings???And more. What do you think??? 9.0 years ago

    @Skua My compromise also has a good side; I can bind the black smoke emitter to the afterburner, which is pretty realistic.

    I'm feeling a bit bad about giving you another suggestion, but if you already get to modifying the code for the density sometime, you could also make throttle input a modifier of it I guess. More throttle = higher smoke density. Wouldn't be that much more work but a way better result. :)

  • SilverSurfer torpedo technology demonstration 9.0 years ago

    @Halfstrike Sadly it doesn't work. The editor just has very limited space. I'm only at a quarter mile now without targets and without rocket sleigh for launching. Guess it has to be quite an unprofessional challenge then with subjective rating and aiming. :/

  • Radar??? Helicopter autopilot??? Destructible buildings???And more. What do you think??? 9.0 years ago

    @Mod It's the only one available to the public. :D I'd just like a stronger variation of density (especially lower density). All levels seem almost identical. Maybe also a more greyish color to choose/adjustable color saturation, as the smoke is pretty black and I am using a combination of white and black emitters nudged together to get a better result. Other than that it's awesome!

  • Plz paint this 9.0 years ago

    @Halfstrike Great, he learned something! :D

  • SilverSurfer torpedo technology demonstration 9.0 years ago

    @Halfstrike I have a whole list of spawn points for torpedo attacks. Some just for torpedos and some for torpedo carriers for which you need an approach and acceleration path. I'd rather have something like a scale where I can see how far they have come, if they stayed on the predefined path and if not then how long they stayed on it (maximum range and precision), how long they needed to drop into the water (minimum range) and how much destruction they cause (simply a large target at the end). :D I'd also rate speed and maximum launch altitude. Everything from 0 to 10 points. The winner in each class (most points in the class) will recieve 5 upvotes and the winner of the whole challenge (most points in total) will revieve 10 upvotes. If there are several winners in one class with the same amount of points, the one with the highest overall score will be chosen as the winner of that class.

  • Plz paint this 9.0 years ago

    @Halfstrike But his fans totally don't seem to care.

  • SilverSurfer torpedo technology demonstration 9.0 years ago

    @Halfstrike I better build a torpedo test range for that purpose. :D I hope SP likes such large creations.

  • Plz paint this 9.0 years ago

    @Halfstrike I know that. I meant I wonder why nobody has taken and painted it to upload it for Jelly yet. :D

  • Plz paint this 9.0 years ago

    I wonder why I didn't see it in Jelly colors already.

  • SilverSurfer torpedo technology demonstration 9.0 years ago

    @Halfstrike I was also thinking about making such a challenge. Haven't done a single one yet. :D

  • Mig without weapons 9.0 years ago

    @Campsafe Thanks! :) Your brother should update his version of SimplePlanes. Weapons are working on mobile since the last update. It will be a lot more fun.

  • Radar??? Helicopter autopilot??? Destructible buildings???And more. What do you think??? 9.0 years ago

    The turbofan (BFE120) actually mimics an afterburner, but the transition is very smooth and the power/thrust with afterburner is just as high as a turbofan would have without afterburner in reality. Also the effect isn't completely realistic with that small purple stream. I'd also like contrails and slight exhaust smoke, I'm currently using a mod with smoke emitters.

  • SilverSurfer v1.2 Long-Range Torpedo 9.0 years ago

    @Wakescar It has been completely stable with very nice touchdowns in my testing now. I'll try putting five of them on my XB-3 Penguin and see if everything goes right. :D