I’m on mobile so the attachment editor won’t work so can you make a missile base with 2 interceptor missiles with every xml option?I’ll give you credit I just want to make a realistic aim 9,aim 54, and aim 7@DwiAngkasaAeronautics
Divide the engine power you want by the default engine power on the default engine then put that number as your engine power for afterburner let’s say your engine make double the thrust in afterburner you need to either make a input that is half a input in throttle in afterburner or a second engine that has half the power I’m afterburner hope that helps
For 37 I don’t know if it’s to late but I would recommend a white gray and black not in any order paint job to be more accurate since that aircraft would probably be a high altitude bomber interceptor
(RED) F-108 RAPIER A Mach 3 interceptor for the usaf comparable to the Avro arrow MiG 25 and 31 with 2 engines folding wing tips and a internal weapons bay look down shot down capabilities and the BVR fire and forget aim 47 it would be a interesting build
I know your already making these projects but once your done you should make the XF-108 rapier it’s a Mach 3 dual engine interceptor for the usaf that never got past mock-ups but was basically a mini XB-70 please make it and if you do please have a working radar in it also I’m interested @SavageMan
I know but the challenge is not about that it is about how fast and high you can go with the limitations it makes you have to be creative in how you design it@AsteroidAsteroidTheBook
This needs fixed I second it@Suica
Have you gotten it to work?, I haven’t it still locks and the ai detects it since they start launching missiles at me@MintLynx
I’m on mobile so the attachment editor won’t work so can you make a missile base with 2 interceptor missiles with every xml option?I’ll give you credit I just want to make a realistic aim 9,aim 54, and aim 7@DwiAngkasaAeronautics
I think you found out how to make missiles that block RWR
Tutorial on how to make a 2 stage missile
How do you make a input that turns on a pitch rate when you don’t use pitch
I’ll do it
MiG 25
Then how do you make a rocket engine in general?@PioThePioneer
Yes if the weight is correct and the thrust is it is@WholeLottaBread
Here @WholeLottaBread
I can do it for you if you want
Divide the engine power you want by the default engine power on the default engine then put that number as your engine power for afterburner let’s say your engine make double the thrust in afterburner you need to either make a input that is half a input in throttle in afterburner or a second engine that has half the power I’m afterburner hope that helps
What would be a input that activates a airbrake at 55000 feet not gradually just when it hits 55000 feet
Would this be iOS friendly?
I do not abide with the laws of the geneva convention @BeryllCorp
The Terminator be looking different
Bruh just call a local Waffle House if it’s open your fine
It fixed it I tested the codes on a wasp i was able to land at 50 mph@GuyFolk
Clamp(Pitch + PitchRate/100,-1,1) Is not working can you tell me what i did wrong with the code
Yes it’s all like that you can try to fix it if you want@asteroidbook345
Yes sirrrr the ye-150-1 with k-9 missiles that don’t wanna work@asteroidbook345
I need help can someone make funky tree code that makes a detacher detach when a g limit is broken for a couple seconds
You don’t need to@Haikuotiankong
No but you can do it@UsualPiooneer
March 1st@Norag33
The improved version is up just go to my profile and newest and you’ll see it@ChiChiWerx
Thank you I might make a improved version just for that@ChiChiWerx
How do you get it to work it just makes me pitch up or down?
I could as long as it’s straight and doesn’t change size @RadiumOxide
N o@RadiumOxide
For 37 I don’t know if it’s to late but I would recommend a white gray and black not in any order paint job to be more accurate since that aircraft would probably be a high altitude bomber interceptor
B O Y@AzureCorp
Thanks it worked@AsteroidAsteroidTheBook
I’ve already got basic body right so it shouldn’t give me to much trouble @AsteroidAsteroidTheBook
I’ll try that but the problem is I’m making the yb-49 a flying wing so it had to be pinpoint to work@AsteroidAsteroidTheBook
(RED) F-108 RAPIER A Mach 3 interceptor for the usaf comparable to the Avro arrow MiG 25 and 31 with 2 engines folding wing tips and a internal weapons bay look down shot down capabilities and the BVR fire and forget aim 47 it would be a interesting build
Yes but it you can’t change the weight @NexusGaming
Make a airbrake input minus a number the bigger the number the less drag
I know your already making these projects but once your done you should make the XF-108 rapier it’s a Mach 3 dual engine interceptor for the usaf that never got past mock-ups but was basically a mini XB-70 please make it and if you do please have a working radar in it also I’m interested @SavageMan
Go ahead I wanna see the u2 look like child’s play@WarshipDude
Upload It as soon as you can wow! @Spastic444
Well then I’m sorry but but that’s the rules@AsteroidAsteroidTheBook
I know but the challenge is not about that it is about how fast and high you can go with the limitations it makes you have to be creative in how you design it@AsteroidAsteroidTheBook
Found it it’s called the yak 1000 look it up it’s interesting to say the least @Cyan