More missions like multi aircraft dogfight missions and long range bombings and a longer range for locking on to ships because 10 - 15 miles is to close to engage ships with cruise missles
I’m on mobile so the attachment editor won’t work so can you make a missile base with 2 interceptor missiles with every xml option?I’ll give you credit I just want to make a realistic aim 9,aim 54, and aim 7@DwiAngkasaAeronautics
Divide the engine power you want by the default engine power on the default engine then put that number as your engine power for afterburner let’s say your engine make double the thrust in afterburner you need to either make a input that is half a input in throttle in afterburner or a second engine that has half the power I’m afterburner hope that helps
@Mustang51 I know this is YEARS later but by any chance do you have any planes that use this?
@Mustang51 I know this is YEARS later but by any chance do you have any planes that use this?
I have found a way to make weapons glide with no thrust but it takes multiple parts and is a pain to make but it works extremely well
+3I’m here for planes not whatever the hell this is 💀
Oh hell nah
+3Nah twister is where it’s not into the storm that “movie” is horrible
That’s cool and all but what affects does this have on lebrons legacy?
+4These problems need addressed
+1I mean the 2.75 inch unguided rockets @Bryan5
+1Can you do the unguided rocket instead of the guided rockets?@Bryan5
+1I can’t make one myself I’m on mobile@Bryan5
+1This way to good for a first plane it’s better then 90% of the website 💀
+4How tf is this your first plane I just logged in to up vote it 💀
+2I don’t care about your gender i care about planes
+18Customizable radar part
missiles being able to glide and turn after engine burns out maybe even a basic customizable missile
More missions and maps for both PC and mobile
Rocket engines
Customizable landing gears like SR2 with and without gear doors and xml inputs
XML inputs for RCS, Flares/Chaff,etc,etc
+4So uss beast?@TheSolarFlare
This needs fixed I second it@Suica
Mission creator?
+13More missions like multi aircraft dogfight missions and long range bombings and a longer range for locking on to ships because 10 - 15 miles is to close to engage ships with cruise missles
+3Heat seaking missiles and realistic missiles and radar
Have you gotten it to work?, I haven’t it still locks and the ai detects it since they start launching missiles at me@MintLynx
I’m on mobile so the attachment editor won’t work so can you make a missile base with 2 interceptor missiles with every xml option?I’ll give you credit I just want to make a realistic aim 9,aim 54, and aim 7@DwiAngkasaAeronautics
I think you found out how to make missiles that block RWR
How do you connect the missile to both detachers@DwiAngkasaAeronautics
+1Tutorial on how to make a 2 stage missile
How do you make a input that turns on a pitch rate when you don’t use pitch
I’ll do it
MiG 25
Then how do you make a rocket engine in general?@PioThePioneer
Do you ever think before you talk because no... JUST no...
+3Yes if the weight is correct and the thrust is it is@WholeLottaBread
Here @WholeLottaBread
I can do it for you if you want
Divide the engine power you want by the default engine power on the default engine then put that number as your engine power for afterburner let’s say your engine make double the thrust in afterburner you need to either make a input that is half a input in throttle in afterburner or a second engine that has half the power I’m afterburner hope that helps
What would be a input that activates a airbrake at 55000 feet not gradually just when it hits 55000 feet
Would this be iOS friendly?
I do not abide with the laws of the geneva convention @BeryllCorp
Unsinkable? My missile says otherwise
+1The Terminator be looking different
Bruh just call a local Waffle House if it’s open your fine
It fixed it I tested the codes on a wasp i was able to land at 50 mph@GuyFolk
Clamp(Pitch + PitchRate/100,-1,1) Is not working can you tell me what i did wrong with the code
Yes it’s all like that you can try to fix it if you want@asteroidbook345
Yes sirrrr the ye-150-1 with k-9 missiles that don’t wanna work@asteroidbook345