Reduce parts automatically for other players to reduce lag and make it not server side to where your build is still at full parts but there’s isn’t @Freerider2142
The bell x-5 was a variable sweep wing experimental jet that was used by nasa for testing then proposed to the usaf and navy for a cheap lightweight fighter could I make a variable sweep wing aircraft since that aircraft was first gen
I did this and went 15 million feet under the ground broke the bridge by bandit when I was at bandit runway and went infinity mph IT LITERALLY SAID INFINITY and my screen was black with a 1 Frame per second
Well use fuselage blocks make the handling realistic and make the weapons realistic basically the aircraft cannot be improved on to the level it should have Been at but your winning @LUFTWAFFALES
That’s not it it had smaller wings than a f-104 and it had its air intake in the nose@Cyan
Make a paver next
I think someone made a group b challenge you should make a 2 door racing variant for that challenge
Yep i put a lot of thought into the flight model you can go to 100,000 feet and there will be barley a difference @Trainzo
I know it must be a successor but can you check out my ye-150 it’s on my profile @KnightOfRen
Part 3 of f-104 when?@BagelPlane
Hamood wer es th lambo Chevy @thebanbehindtheslaughter
Well that don’t work and I put those inputs in a gyro so idk@BurkeAircraft1
You have two options big hidden vertical stabilizer or 2 small ones on the wingtips with control surfaces to correct it when it slides automatically
Can you make a custom fitting cockpit with zero mass and drag for this build I’ll credit you@MRpingouin
Sure I’ll wait a couple days if I have to@NormalPioneer
Reduce parts automatically for other players to reduce lag and make it not server side to where your build is still at full parts but there’s isn’t @Freerider2142
When you chillin in a plane and suddenly get hotel WiFi “somethings wrong I can fell it”@BRRRT
Try (PitchRate/x) the smaller the number the more it affects the aircraft @BagelPlane
Hmm I’ll think about it@WarHawk95
It’s not a invasion it’s surprise democracy
It’s subsonic with a slight swept wing and was test flown in the 40s 50s yes it is a first gen fighter@OliveAerospace
I don’t think it is@MIAW26PERSIAN
The bell x-5 was a variable sweep wing experimental jet that was used by nasa for testing then proposed to the usaf and navy for a cheap lightweight fighter could I make a variable sweep wing aircraft since that aircraft was first gen
What does that mean@XPco
I have a b-52 that’s a successor to another challenge on my profile if you want to add it to your thing
I may make a XB-52
The flight model and missles and guns@mackenzie1
I look it up and it’s not there can you make it a successor@RM115
I might make a racing version thank you for making this can you make more car replicas?
Oh ok den
You should the president is the most powerful person in the world and has global influence @WarHawk95
Yea I tried to launch it form a plane and it didn’t work@ZHUAREVONI
Can you try to make one that’s smaller and doesn’t require the cockpit to be attached so I can launch it from aircraft?
There’s a trick you can do by taking a screenshot then putting in the blue print picture thing and taking a thumbnail picture of that@MangoBuilds
I did this and went 15 million feet under the ground broke the bridge by bandit when I was at bandit runway and went infinity mph IT LITERALLY SAID INFINITY and my screen was black with a 1 Frame per second
I have a better version with thrust vectoring now lol@MangoBuilds
I have a idea xml mod the nozzles to auto correct I’m no expert in xml but I’m sure it could work
Now this is 🅱️ R U H S I O N 🅱️ I A S
I submitted my plane @PinePineTheApplz
Here’s your winner
I got a fighter jet with fly by wire I’m working on I might enter the challenge
No problem @GRANDAYE
Thank you!@MartinMartinTheAviator
Cuz German bias @AzureCorp
I have a version armed with nukes too@Sadboye12
Well use fuselage blocks make the handling realistic and make the weapons realistic basically the aircraft cannot be improved on to the level it should have Been at but your winning @LUFTWAFFALES
I’m gonna be honest I don’t like it@LUFTWAFFALES