7,366 Bellcat Comments

  • LTS-IS 3.2 years ago

    • An unknown mechanism gives the appearance of torsion bars.
    • Your tank looks unrealistic and large to me.
    • Camouflage is essential (green is preferred). Grey does not count as camouflage.
    • The main gun looks like it belongs to an 80s to 90s science fiction film.

    That’s all I can say about this tank.

  • NorthAmerican_P-51D_Mustang_v.2 Philippine Army Air Force RESKIN 3.2 years ago

    Pretty good recolor. Too few thumbnails to measure accuracy. What if you do the same to the stock P-51-D?

  • T-096 Juggernaut (Old verse.) 3.2 years ago

    @AdibWakaranai, when doing so, please place a redirect to your remaster on your old post. Instructions can be found here.

  • T-096 Juggernaut (Old verse.) 3.2 years ago

    That seems to be designed as a breakthrough vehicle for fortifications. I like your attention to detail. I can notice that the external fuel tank is, in fact, a weak point, since they’re explosive and can ignite by enemy fire. Also, the main gun mantlet’s a bit too large and weird for me.

  • Aircraft 3.2 years ago

    You know the basic shape of a jet, but I don’t like the asymmetry. I like the cockpit though, but I cannot inspect the controls closely and it seems to be misaligned. Learn some more so you can be a better builder. Sometimes things need more time to be made.

  • SimpleBomber V1.1 3.2 years ago

    I like the unique style, but the hellkeska is technically a bomber.

  • Michael Jackson--Smooth Criminal 3.2 years ago

    @realSavageMan, can you please check this post again? It appears your video has been DMCAd by a record label.

  • More Paint Slots 3.2 years ago

    You have added more paint colors in your XML files, I see...
    That’s a good step in XML editing.

  • SU-30/J-16 3.2 years ago

    Pretty good plane you got there lad, but the droop of the nose is too exaggerated.

  • SU-30 new upgrated4 3.2 years ago

    You got good effort modifying a plane into a better successor post. I can say your cockpit looks complete even though it’s so blurry I cannot see the gauges. XD

  • Me-262 but... 3.2 years ago

    I can make a good guess, it’s likely a prototype based of a captured Me-262 from Germany after it’s capitulation. Nice cockpit job by the way.

  • F.Corp Snowcoat 1 3.2 years ago

    @BeastHunter, well not anymore. :)
    Also edited my bio.

  • Nissan Skyline GTR (R32) 3.2 years ago

    The first thumbnail made me feel it was like in underground tokyo or a cyberpunk setting like bladerunner. The other two thumbnails resemble a typical Japanese city. Sadly, the Nissan Skyline R32 GTR could not be imported into the United States because it did not meet import requirements set forth by the United States government.

  • Vertigo 3.3 years ago

    And now this got into the front page as well.
    This has become a beauty pageant it already is, and Jundroo is joining the crowd!

  • Anyone else notice the Asterisk in the "Military" font?? 3.3 years ago

    @Griffon1, did you know that my device read the mph count you wrote as a phone number?
    Well, that’s how the star fleet captain gets to call help whenever they’re in warp and something goes horribly wrong. If there is a symbol in the number, they get to call starfleet command give them a high-speed chase!
    May use this symbol in my future projects.

  • Robot soldier (Laputa) 3.3 years ago

    Ah, yes, the basis for the iron golem. I wonder what are the villagers based on?

  • Pancake devil 3.3 years ago

    So you like the pancake planes now. Why not make a jet pancake? Anyways, why didn’t you use smoothing?

  • Edited Photos in Upload/Photos in Description? 3.3 years ago

    As for custom thumbnails, put a screenshot of your plane in the game. Then reuse the screenshot using designer suite, position your screenshot away from your plane, take picture of the screenshot you made and voila! More information can be found here.
    Also, take my upvote!

  • BTR-90 3.3 years ago

    This looks like the real BTR; it is a bit friendly to low-end computers either. Sad it does not have any interior at all.

  • !A car that can drift a lot (izu) 3.3 years ago

    This car is pretty good for a good ride. If you don’t wan’t your car to flip over, add some weight to the bottom, and reduce the engine’s horsepower, so you don’t need a gyroscope anymore. Use fuselage blocks, while hard at first, they become easier the more you learn and you soon realize that they are much more useful than blocks; you can tweak the dead weight and fuel and even slice the fuselage and make custom contours. Thanks.

  • Sea Horse Class Powered Boat 3.3 years ago

    I thought it was powered by classes.

  • Vertigo 3.3 years ago

    Actually the jump jet is an attack aircraft.

  • Toyota Hilux technical 3.3 years ago

    @VladXDnt, it’s okay. As you learn more, you become better.
    A tag in the description likely would not work.

  • Toyota Hilux technical 3.3 years ago

    Where did you get the machine gun from? credit the maker of the gun too.
    The Toyota hilux is a good base for technicals and is common in many African and Middle East countries. I think the truck should be of a bit older model, since newer ones are pretty unreliable.

  • Sea Plane 3.3 years ago

    How this plane, originally made by DeezDucks, even made it to the front page?

  • The Wok 3.3 years ago

    Make the wok grabbable (make sure the base is detached or use a detached with a button trigger); so you can make an Asian cooking simulator!

  • Gloster Meteor F. Mk.4 3.3 years ago

    @meteorbook345, I am sorry you feel bad, but you might want to consult assistance for help. Go to a low mental state hotline like this one(although you can only use this hotline on Mondays through Fridays); that should cure your depression eventually.
    Get well soon. :)

  • THK-126 3.3 years ago

    This plane would have been better off if you experiment more with wings and not put a gyroscope for stability. I like how the plane’s got a pretty unique styling and a decent fin though. Only things that I don’t really like is 1. the engine position because it’s vertical stabilizers interfere the engine exhaust, which would corrode said stabilizer in real life, and 2. The seat is piercing through the canopy. It’s only got one joystick for controls as far as I know.
    Learn some more and you become a better builder. Learn some science, use references to make good planes.

  • electric standfan/electric fan 3.3 years ago

    This is an accurate representation of an electric fan. The only thing is that the “bruh” does not make a good placeholder logo.

  • Airport model(no ATC and no radar) 3.3 years ago

    Really needs some decorating. Maybe good for human walker builds though.

  • 1k parts of pain 3.3 years ago

    Now this is 1k, don’t put this in MP!
    Looks like an anime fantasy designer designed this.

  • If you want more islands or ships and buildings in Simpleplanes, then tell me why. 3.3 years ago

    @Neruneten21, the instructions to create your own map mods can be found here.

  • If you want more islands or ships and buildings in Simpleplanes, then tell me why. 3.3 years ago

    @Neruneten21, about the “upvote this post” thingy...


    People will see you as trying to beg for upvotes with this.
    Why don’t you just replace the “Upvote this post.” with “Give a reason why.”? It encourages users to give a reason why and that makes your idea more believable.

  • how can I make more stable airplanes 3.3 years ago

    @CrimsonOnigiri, oh yeah sorry, my bad. @Selcukk, my apologies for your inconvenience but please reread post I have edited due to an error CrimsonOnigiri has found. Thank you.

  • How Update 1.7 Should Have Been 3.3 years ago

    Some parts jitter and get a bit off the usual place if the craft bumps the ground fast enough. This can be seen on parts connected to rotators where they are not connected to the main fuselage and as such are not so rigid.

  • map 3.3 years ago

    This map made me feel like we’re in an usual fantasy setting.

  • “Tornado” 3.3 years ago

    Looks like a raider from battestar galactica. Unique though.

  • An advice for new players. 3.3 years ago

    Rant = Feelings.
    This post is quite unnecessary. Simple planes is made for players to use crafts and create derivatives (or successors) off them to encourage creativity. Without this, would there be any creativity? There are rules in place to prevent copies and those copies to be removed have little or no effort in place to modify said successors, such as bad and simplistic recolors, adding a bunch of weapons randomly without any effort, or just plain effortless. Would it be very damaging if the automatic successor tag is removed from a successor post and the user plagiarizes it?

  • I need help (New project) 3.3 years ago

    There is NO way for funky trees to detect health. But you can see that a fuselage jitters when your craft hits a solid piece of terrain.
    Nice cockpit by the way.

  • Tips for building for VR 3.3 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii, @GrentonAircraftCo, and you can only use the base game VR, once you bought SPVR.

  • Bionic Model A 3.3 years ago

    There aren’t any pedal controls for the car to work, so a lever is instead created as a substitute. I liked how you used a joystick to solve the throttle problem and to replace the wheel. I also liked how it can be used as an easy plane to explore things and discover locations. Maybe a good UFO substitute, LOL.

  • Model 16-11 Experimental Cannon 3.3 years ago

    Spectacular, feels like we’re in a Mad Max style apocalypse setting.

  • HMS Warspite 3.3 years ago

    A simple looking superstructure makes a durable one. If you’re into a Japanese superstructure, you feel the jittering. These super structures are called “queen Anne’s mansions” for their resemblance to such.

  • I did my first successful aerial refuelling 3.3 years ago

    Congratulations, @Bryan5! Here’s your prize for completing your first refuel!

  • A10 Thunderbolt (Remaked) 3.3 years ago


    I like the unqiue styling of the A 10. What I don’t like is the fact that it seems simple but is actually complex.

  • F4 Phanton 3.3 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii, I do not understand.
    Nice plane though,

  • The Main character 3.3 years ago

    You should add the following tags to be submitted into the challenge:

    • VR
    • Challenge
    • Mobile Friendly
    • Civilian

  • Redemptor Dreadnought with Drive Seat 3.3 years ago

    When a princeps-pilot takes control of the dreadnought in it’s cockpit, imagine the agony the dead space marine preserved and encased inside said dreadnought would have to bear.

  • Messerschmitt Bf109E (349 Parts) 3.3 years ago

    Nice. The advanced HUD did not exist in that period though.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 3.3 years ago

    Hi. Unfortunately, I am unable to play in MP, due to a weird glitch. The summary of the glitch is the any server’s always empty and any attempts to return any chat in the console always ends with an error saying that an exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. Please investigate.
