@MoldyBread im pretty sure you can make one, you are really good at building planes, and this one that i made is pretty scuffed so i can imagine you making something better.
Muy buen avion che!
Tenes discord por casualidad? tenemos una comunidad de habla hispana con bastante gente, aca te dejo el link si te interesa https://discord.gg/z5YQrrgY
@TatsuTheDemonLord Thanks!
@SemedianIndustries thanc
@MemrWii 😎
@Trainzo Thanks!
@BreadDoBeKindaSus Thanks! I might make some new tanks, but atm nothing, and regarding the airfoil, it could be a lot better indeed, im just lazy :(
@AWESOMENESS360 Thank you!
@MemrWii Thanks!
@TMach5 Np!
It's only a game why you have to be sad
Nice, i also have one of these in my basement, in wich i forgot i have one and never bother to upload it
Reshade 3 looking kinda hot ngl
@Bush43 Very cool Mr.Bush!
@Guiso 😎
very nice!
aint nobody got time fot that
@MulletMan001 Thanks!
Very nice
@LLutter Thanks!
Same, only that i like playing with my old planes for some reason
@Raichu047 Np!
@Elicushman Np!
@Trainzo Np!
@LeviTheCleaningFairy thanks!
@MoldyBread im pretty sure you can make one, you are really good at building planes, and this one that i made is pretty scuffed so i can imagine you making something better.
@AWESOMENESS360 Small but deadly, so yes!
@tucan lol
@POTETOZ Re rapido
Muy buen avion che!
Tenes discord por casualidad? tenemos una comunidad de habla hispana con bastante gente, aca te dejo el link si te interesa https://discord.gg/z5YQrrgY
@TMach5 Np!
@Easternairlinesisnotdead Yes, as long as you upload it as a succesor
Eu estava apenas fazendo um Super Tucano, Que coincidência.
jaja paja
Latvia, out of all of the planes i have ever made it had to be latvia (im refering to my most upvoted build)
@WarHawk95 Yeah, It's going to better for both of us if i do something better known lol
Just to be sure about this, does the SAB AB-20 qualify?
@MrShenanigans It's based on it
Canards are pog
@Trainzo No problem!
NoOoOo como va a ver una malapalabra bañado
@AzureCorp lol
@Hardy1 Not that old, about 20 years only
@SyntheticL It is, it's difficult trying to take off
wn qliado
No image :((
@Felzin Thanks!