@Panzerwaifu69 jadi gini bro, gw pen bikin meriam itu bisa diubah fire ratenya kyk AG 1 utk 100rpm(round per minute) dan AG 2 utk 200rpm, kyk system autocannon helikopter atau pesawat gtu. ide bermula disini
oh no... i'm still confused, i try using google translator to translate the english to indonesia, but i'm still confused. Thank you very much for helping me, i appreciate it @HuskyDynamics01 @DerekSP @IceCraftGaming. i'm gonna figure it out when i got time
I want to ask, is it necessary to tags all participant of M-War in a built related to M-War? Just wanna know if i want to post relate to M-War, do i need to tags them all or not.
@JSTQ Alright... Oh yeah anyway, what should i do now? I have several built that still unlisted and maybe a little modification to already existing build.
@SuperSuperTheSylph Heh, maybe i'm going with reformist.
tbh, i still dont knw how it works since i still new around something like this. But, maybe i want to see others first. Anyway, thank you for explain it to me, man.
Oh mein Gott
+3Holy shit. Heck Yeah! 🔥
Panzerkampfwagen 6 Ausführung B mit 10,5cm Kampfwagenkanone
+2@Panzerwaifu69 ok bro
+2@Panzerwaifu69 jadi gini bro, gw pen bikin meriam itu bisa diubah fire ratenya kyk AG 1 utk 100rpm(round per minute) dan AG 2 utk 200rpm, kyk system autocannon helikopter atau pesawat gtu. ide bermula disini
+2Indonesia: bro, 'using instrument' dan 'air to air' maksudnya apa bro?
+2English: Bro, what do you mean by 'using instrument' and 'air to air'?
Man, what happens with your Proflie? I cannot open your Profile?
+2@WisconsinStatePolice @Bo1233 Thanks Bro
+2oh no... i'm still confused, i try using google translator to translate the english to indonesia, but i'm still confused. Thank you very much for helping me, i appreciate it @HuskyDynamics01 @DerekSP @IceCraftGaming. i'm gonna figure it out when i got time
+2@mahardika btw, workart lo keren cuy modelnya
+2Bro, pas gw coba jadiin AA, pas saat turret-nya ngejar target tepat diatas tiba-tiba meriamnya lepas
+2Njirlah aku suka yg bagian langit malam
+1Nice, cool video btw. And about that...
+1@SuperSuperTheSylph Hmmm, interesting
+1@SuperSuperTheSylph Damn. How...
+1I want to ask, is it necessary to tags all participant of M-War in a built related to M-War? Just wanna know if i want to post relate to M-War, do i need to tags them all or not.
+1Whoa that's cool
+1@BARREND Alright that will do
+1@JSTQ Oh alrighty then. I'm still new at this, and so maybe i will grow used to this new thing to me by the mean time
+1@JSTQ Navy eh? For making ship i am not the person. I am more to ground and aerial. Maybe naval aircraft... i can do that.
+1@JSTQ Alright... Oh yeah anyway, what should i do now? I have several built that still unlisted and maybe a little modification to already existing build.
+1I guess, i'm joining Reformist and now what?
+1@TheUltimatePlaneLover yay, thank you
+1Anyway, can i ask detail about this M-WAR II? I'm kinda new to this
+1@SuperSuperTheSylph Heh, maybe i'm going with reformist.
tbh, i still dont knw how it works since i still new around something like this. But, maybe i want to see others first. Anyway, thank you for explain it to me, man.
+1@SuperSuperTheSylph oh i see, alrighty then. So, anyway, how can i join with you guys?
+1I want to know and maybe i missing something. What is M-WAR II ?
+1Bro, lu bilang lu bikin negara fiksi kan? Boleh denger? gw soalnya tertarik nih
+1@overlord5453 thank you bro
Anyway, can i use your part, especially the jet engine and 'strapped' it on my own build?
Ofc, i'll give the credits
+1Cool, i like it.
+1I liked wheeled SPH
+1@overlord5453 Alr mate, thanks for answering my question.
+1@overlord5453 Yes, thanks for the suggestion. I'll take a break
+1Hell yeah
+1@overlord5453 Yeah
+1@overlord5453 Yup, but i dunno what should i do... Maybe i should see what other people did.
+1@LJh1 Wha- the... Bruh, i'm speechless.
I dunno what should i do.
Man, Thank You very much for your upvotes!
+1Smol, and cute
I like it.
+1@ManfredVonRichthofen wdym? I-it's too far.
+1bang, gw boleh minta izin buat make ini ke tank gw gak bang?
+1Ay, that's cool
+1Cool, i like the design
+1Credit to @PUMPKINSIDD for the screenshoots
+1ive heard that the maximum tagging is only 3 in the comment section(?) so i just gonna separate it
@GeneralCorpInc Hm, i'll think about that later. But hey, thanks.
+1@Mousewithamachinegun122 Yes, there is supposed to be a picture. I use discord image.
+1@TheHamburgerCorperation Hey, how's going? How is it with WCU?