Nice! You seem to like your German aircraft. I’m working on a N1K2 Shiden (it’s basically finished), a B-26 (honestly don’t know if I’m ever finishing that lol), a Avia S-199, and a Ki-51 Sonia (Kinda) @Blueskies
@BagelPlane @BuiltBionixInd10 I miss the SimplePlanes where everyone just built and talked about planes and cars. When I first joined there wasn’t to much drama, and when there was, it was few and far between
I’ve seen some of these and bits and pieces of others. The things people get into a fuss about when points are involved. Why can’t we just build and talk about aircraft? Points are fine and all, but seriously the stinks that people get into @BagelPlane
This post was made 2 years ago, why do some many people come to this post lmao, when I published this egg planes were everywhere @stevemc01
It’s simple everything at this point lol, I remember a time before weapons were added @stevemc01
Dang, nice man
It’s like aerobatic smoke!
As that’s what everyone said when it got to 1000 and 1111 xD @AWESOMENESS360
So your a Nihilist then @CrimsonOnigiri
Don’t focus on upvotes
I think this would be great
Oh ok, me too lol @Blueskies
Not impressed xD @Cyan
It was loading really slow yesterday when I went on, which was probably around 10-12 hours ago
Airplane boi
I don’t know if I actually ever talked to you or not, maybe I have. If I have do you remember me lol?
Go to an Apple store I guess?
Lol this is epic
Me making an A-10??? I could try, but it probably wouldn’t be very accurate @gamepro9000
xD well done
Ok you have to understand, 2 years ago they were everywhere @gamepro9000
Aaaaaaaannnnnnnddd this is why I left....
Wait you like how what looks? @Blueskies
This is still going on lol
Nice! You seem to like your German aircraft. I’m working on a N1K2 Shiden (it’s basically finished), a B-26 (honestly don’t know if I’m ever finishing that lol), a Avia S-199, and a Ki-51 Sonia (Kinda) @Blueskies
Oof, what kits have you built? @Blueskies
Wow, it’s been so long since we’ve talked! @AWESOMENESS360
Pretty good, I’m almost done with a custom Zaku 1, completely custom painted and I’m planning on possibly giving it some modifications. @Homemade1
Well I’m glad I missed all of that lol @SodiumChloride
So I guess I’ve missed a lot, sounds likes things have gotten worse @SodiumChloride
I’ve seen things go beyond jokes before, don’t want to risk it @KnightOfRen
Please, we need none of that here @KnightOfRen
Heyo @SodiumChloride
Hello @Strucker @FLOWRIDER0
Wait what? @tsampoy
Yeah I better lol @DOX
I can see that! @Roswell
That seems to be the case @IStoleYourMeme
I’ve regressed to much lol @DOX
What????? I... huh?? @QuitePossiblyMangled
@BagelPlane @BuiltBionixInd10 I miss the SimplePlanes where everyone just built and talked about planes and cars. When I first joined there wasn’t to much drama, and when there was, it was few and far between
I’ve seen some of these and bits and pieces of others. The things people get into a fuss about when points are involved. Why can’t we just build and talk about aircraft? Points are fine and all, but seriously the stinks that people get into @BagelPlane
Hello there
Oh I see @WiiMini
Can it shoot itself down lol
W a t ? @WiiMini
A while, I haven’t been very active this entire year @BagelPlane
I’m drooling
I should? What makes you say that? @Blueskies
Of course! I actually recently completed the Avia B.35 listed above @Blueskies