Modern tools, like targeting pods & variable radar, would be very useful for realism. For example, there could be the addition of smart/guided bombs that could only be aimed if there was a targeting pod present, else they would just act like dumb bombs. For the radar, the targeting HUD featuring the distance and position of the enemies would not be present without a radar somewhere on the aircraft. The variable part of the radar would be designating what era the radar comes from, like the earliest wire radars to the F-14's radar, and then today's modern radars, with some other progression sprinkled in between. Infrared or heat-seeking missiles would be another logical addition to the game, which wouldn't require radar to fire, unlike the Interceptor and Guardian. This has concluded my rant about what should be in the 1.13 update. Thank you.
@Mousewithamachinegun123 Can verify: this works, but you can use a VTOL engine & nozzle to create the look of an afterburner. However, the VTOL option does obliterate your fuel tank.
@Thedingus Nice! For jets, I recommend you shape the wings in a way that makes them look like a right triangle or something similar. Another tip is to place the weapons closer to the fuselage and only on the primary wings. Other than the changes that I would make, it looks great!
@Thedingus You're welcome! I wish you luck in designing your own aircraft, if you need any help, you can contact me via Discord for advice and building tips (link in player bio).
what happened to the Gator 1...
+9Ah yes, windshield wipers are a necessity while going 550mph at 35,000ft. Honestly, I think it's really cool how much detail there is.
+6does it have airplane mode?
+6simple planes 1.11 is just the simple rockets update lol
+6oh boy... someone didn't read the blog post.
+4obama prism
+4good luck with your operation!
+4i thought that this was simple planes, not complex cars lol
+4well, rot tends to spread...
+3It has armrests & a gun, double the arms!
+3Modern tools, like targeting pods & variable radar, would be very useful for realism. For example, there could be the addition of smart/guided bombs that could only be aimed if there was a targeting pod present, else they would just act like dumb bombs. For the radar, the targeting HUD featuring the distance and position of the enemies would not be present without a radar somewhere on the aircraft. The variable part of the radar would be designating what era the radar comes from, like the earliest wire radars to the F-14's radar, and then today's modern radars, with some other progression sprinkled in between. Infrared or heat-seeking missiles would be another logical addition to the game, which wouldn't require radar to fire, unlike the Interceptor and Guardian. This has concluded my rant about what should be in the 1.13 update. Thank you.
+3epic, i forgot that Space Balls existed for a minute there
+3why does this have 1244 upvotes
+3Interesting; I would like to see a smoother fuselage, engine shroud, & wing surface. Other than that, looks good!
+2Keep up the good work!
+2reminds me of myself before i was born
+2@tsampoy that's jus a 747 if it was made during WW2
+2mmm, yes. gun make plane go boom. good job.
+2so this is how that one wheel breaks...
+2we need to get this to 420 upvotes
+2this hurts my perfectionist eyes
Gluten tag
+2lmao, epic
+2@ThomasRoderick lmao, good point
+2D R O O P S N O O T
+2my early days in a nutshell
+2W A Y better than my tanks, good job.
+2nice one dude
+2how was the buffet?
+1@Majakalona makes sense
+1could you do the upvote button next please
+1@Mousewithamachinegun123 Can verify: this works, but you can use a VTOL engine & nozzle to create the look of an afterburner. However, the VTOL option does obliterate your fuel tank.
+1@Bryan5 Dang, ok. Thanks for helping as much as you could though.
+1@Bryan5 Do you know this one too?
+1Nice job!
+1@Bobyo & @Bryan5 , thank you! I'll tag you in the finished product if you want.
+1@MrTrolling09 Thank you!
+1Number of Parts 0
Make sure to add the tags 'VR' and 'Tank' for this to be found easier!
+1@Thedingus Nice! For jets, I recommend you shape the wings in a way that makes them look like a right triangle or something similar. Another tip is to place the weapons closer to the fuselage and only on the primary wings. Other than the changes that I would make, it looks great!
+1@Thedingus You're welcome! I wish you luck in designing your own aircraft, if you need any help, you can contact me via Discord for advice and building tips (link in player bio).
+1i really phelt that this captured the most phabulous and incredible moments oph the f-4, it was a very phreaking cool philm.
+1i had to spotlight before i upvoted lol