5,449 CDRxavier Comments

  • ISS icarus 4.4 years ago

    This is enormous ... and reasonably detailed too.
    32 might seem low ... but the numbers are now quite difficult to get high.
    Games' dying, you know.

    Anyway, make that 33

  • Ho 229 -!- Pure stable flying wing -!- 4.4 years ago

    And exactly.
    So add drag-creating rudder. I am waiting for that.
    Hint: just create control surfaces that says "yaw", then offset them into each other. remember to turn "inverse" on
    Hint Edit: NOOOO WHAT ARE U DOING YOU ARE CREATING DRAG ON BOTH SIDES. You do not have liftoff today.
    Hint Edit Edit: You can mod the input controls. That should do the trick
    Hint Edit Edit Edit: You can use airbrakes too, but they generate a small amount of ... roll. Maybe just put them on both up and down (and mod then so they don't create huge drag so to slow down the airplane)
    Hint Edit Edit Edit Edit: xD

    Aww you are also playing SR2.
    I am playing KSP1.10. Dunno why but the SR2 idea just don't get me.
    Perhaps some-time-in-the-future there will be a "MMAerospace" for SR2 instead of "C7 Aerospace" for KSP. I'll wait for it.

  • Ho 229 -!- Pure stable flying wing -!- 4.4 years ago

    You need some kind of vertical STABILIZERS
    Or, have your wing pitch changed so it can help stabilize things
    The reason for that is because if there is no v-stab then the aircraft have all reasons on the world to flip out (and probably result in the flat spin of death)
    Make the v-stab bigger and you will end up better.

    But how do the B-2 "Spirit" manage to fly?
    N/A ...
    Ok it had "split-drag rudder" (which basically creates drag on wingtips when needed) so it can help turn the plane.
    Same as the A12A.
    Just don't go crazy with the stick and I guess it will be okay ... they flew, after all.

  • Pioneer Mk 10 4.4 years ago

    Well, it do is capable of going 2280Km/h (mach 2.8, 800m/s) at the altitude of 15,000m (sea level).
    Simpleplanes is broken. It does not intake more air as the speed went up (general trend), and all engines are linear.
    The reason this is so powerful in KSP is because this thing is speed boosted -- the thrust increases linearly as speed goes up, up to 750KN or something.
    But Mach 3 at high altitude also mean lots of air for your intakes, so it flies REALLY high (yes, the engines flare out at 26km but it can climb, using pure momentum, to 33Km), and REALLY fast (over 1200 m/s at altitude 15Km)
    I do not have any comment on Simpleplanes. Perhaps it's too simple.
    That said, I will surely return to KSP now to do other cool things. until time calls for some other coincidences ...

  • J-X4 "Whiplash" Turbo Ramjet Engine 4.4 years ago

    Oh wow you are ... that make me even older :P
    I am 19

  • Pioneer Mk 10 4.4 years ago

    This is ACTUALLY my REAL pioneer series spaceplane (using mostly stock parts and .. "small landing gear bay")
    spotting those parts shouldn't be difficult for you.
    And yes, that bulge in the fuselage is intentional. That is the engine nacelle.

  • (OPEN) Decoration challenge 4.4 years ago

    Nice try but ehhh I genuinely don't think this is for "flying".
    Maybe you should (or I should, if I had time) take a look at flap- wing aircrafts (that actually fly)
    It behaves like toothless when it can't fly, though. That's the ... emm, good part of it.

    10 minite into it

  • J-X4 "Whiplash" Turbo Ramjet Engine 4.4 years ago

    That "part" is the pointy ... cone inside the the engine exaust
    How did @Fedgame did it was a mystery

  • J-X4 "Whiplash" Turbo Ramjet Engine 4.4 years ago

    Does it also have 130KN at sea level?
    Does it flare out (well, never, for SP physics) at 2.6Km (actually a constant number?)
    Dude this engine is FIERCE. I got one of my smaller birds up to 33km (was doing science runs in kerbin atmosphere). I was thinking that Panther was cool, but clearly I am wrong.
    the air bleed is kinda ... shallow, though.
    (does it have a front-end in ksp? it can be (almost always) only attached to the back of a fuselage, so i had not really noticed)
    Time to jam this thing up against a TD25 decoupler

  • Leopard I 4.4 years ago

    Lol true I can just remove it
    But I don't think it bothers THAT much.
    Also consider that ... really. SP don't have much to offer (I am over at KSP now)

  • Going the distance 4.4 years ago

    My mom took my iPad air and replaced it with a iPad 6th gen

  • Lego City 60117 Van And Caravan 4.6 years ago

    Well I hadn't been split finger by any lego pieces. Their plastic wrapping, maybe. Or just improper scissor usage.
    Ah, the good old days ..
    I like this build. Lego style, but not overdone.
    Does it have the Lego letters on the ...
    Nah, it didn't. Counterfeit lego pieces ...
    Just kidding. Very very good job. Bravo!

  • Peccary S 4.6 years ago

    oh that predecessor? Ignore it -- it's unimportant. It's unlisted, too.

  • Experimental test wall 4.6 years ago

    lol for that
    "not suitable for planes over mach 1"
    Simpleplanes physics, right?

  • Lego 42009 Mobile Crane MK II Carbon V II 4.6 years ago

    Definitely. Call me in when you are about to tackle something this crazy, too!

    You know, it's perhaps one of the few vehicles under the new "construction equipment" category...

  • LEGO Set 8053 4.6 years ago

    Immensely Impressive. You did end up building it the Lego way.
    My (only) lego build is the 42009, and I reasoned that it's impossible to build it the lego way (because when I started it, there is no hollowed fuselage)
    It would still be immensely difficult to make it have those lego bars' holes -- consider the sheer size of that thing.
    You are welcomed to try (or just drop a vote) :P

  • Imperial Shuttle 4.8 years ago

    Public Transport lol ...
    Not a problem for a space shuttle this size, I guess ...
    very good job. Slightly challenging (but hey man, it's VTOL) so I have nothing against it.

  • THE GREAT PYRAMID of GIZA 4.9 years ago


    Only 419 parts pfft it’ll run smoothly
    Edit: loads build and game crashes

    lol. too true.
    probably because the spawn had to be as big as Wright (or north runway) otherwise it would run into buildings and stuff.
    Let's try this again ...

  • Experimental test wall 4.9 years ago

    Lol I don't even know this build exists until ... I saw one featured in another build
    if they want big ones you can always scale them

  • T-54 55 4.9 years ago

    Damn these are some real sëxy tracks. Too bad they really never work well ...

  • Desert Skies 4.9 years ago

    Don't worry about it.
    I am not too surprised to see it wildly off the scale. It's extremely difficult to make things tiny in Simpleplanes (beside scaling, and even that the attachments mess up).
    I had kind of gave up on my builds, although I admit they are "cute" and they "drive nice".

  • Desert Skies 4.9 years ago

    No the body curve was fine for me. Subtle, but it's a square car in most sense.
    Dodge Stinger? Or Swinger?
    Looks like a Dodge in every sense.
    That decorative inferno is very cool. Idea's nice too.

  • Surfin' Bird 5.0 years ago

    "This bird may look like she's lost a few chromosomes"
    Nice attempt.
    The idea here probably is the fact that it is not realistic-ness that would make it a good ... person, but a person that ...
    You did fine.

  • SPITFIRE!!! 5.0 years ago

    I do not know what a Spitfire have to do with Initial D, but ok.
    And I'm trying very hard to ignore that long poem ...
    AND trying to ignore "spitfir" typos.

    Oof this acceleration. I'm sure it's neither historically accurate or film-accurate, but it handles well.
    And ... at this speed I'm not sure if anyone would need flaps

  • E-100 Reconnaissance vehicle 5.0 years ago

    The plan closest to what you had built is a Panzer with a Leopard turret (because the gun won't stick out of the hull, so in dense jungle it won't get tangled)

  • Realistic Walkers: Biomechanics in SimplePlanes 5.0 years ago

    Let's say that I had a broken browser.
    Why care? I'm now watching it on my laptop anyways.
    lol Desmos. I'm very ...
    Well, very glad that you guys almost made it work in SimplePlanes.

  • Realistic Walkers: Biomechanics in SimplePlanes 5.0 years ago

    @SnoWFLakE0s I can't watch Ytube on my iPad, but I believe it would be awesome.

  • huwahuweyha F1b 5.0 years ago

    Maybe let's stop building these crazy things and focus on something that's somewhat more realistic.
    I had a metallic model of Mitsubishi Pajero sitting on my table top. Should do something about it ...

  • huwahuweyha F1b 5.0 years ago

    Does this have more downforce? I'm curious.
    OK it DID have enough downforce but I'm rather ...
    You are trying to have suspension on wheels which is a good intention
    But suspensions that are built into the wheel are generally horrible, especially on speedy builds.
    I was expecting all wheel turning, but I guess it's OK too.
    Did the gold prix in 28 seconds

    Tried to "improve" it with 4-wheel turning and connections of wheels using wings, but end up in the same 28 seconds.
    Did mine run smoother? I don't know.

  • EQUATION! 5.0 years ago

    check this out

  • foch 5.0 years ago

    Don't worry about it.

  • EQUATION! 5.0 years ago

    of course. This is lightning fast. Understeering and oversteering still kicks in, though

  • 200 cm Howitzer 5.0 years ago

    I liked the feeling of setting the cameras to "chase" camera and then watch the shells fly through
    clearly the big 250cm did not have the correct velocity or the camera.
    Damn that shot was so close ...
    Using this feel more like a doomsday device rather than a proper cannon, by the way. Feels good.
    WHAM! There you go, bridge!

  • Michael Jackson (Smooth Criminal) 5.0 years ago

    Amazing, although the favorite part is, of course, the leg motors.

  • The best suspension I’ve ever made! 5.0 years ago

    I am considering it, right now I'm using standard vertical shocks.
    You can ... figure out a way to link me to a private build. I'd like to test it out first.
    You can comment on any build I had done so far for safety reasons and I'll know.

  • vehicle 5.0 years ago

    Fine. This is probably the literal worst build out.
    but check this out. No?

  • The best suspension I’ve ever made! 5.0 years ago

    You did take it to proving grounds for a spin.
    Interesting design, perhaps. Lots of things doesn't work the way reality does (and a lot of things don't work the way SimplePlanes does)
    Doesn't pack a lot of travel, so ehh. Still goes on to see how it would compare to a single-suspension swing arm, but good impressions.
    Why? You should upload the build (at least privately, because I had a coming vehicle project lying around)

  • How to strengthen connection rigidity/ strength ? 5.0 years ago

    For starters, pistons have perpendicular slip (against the direction they had) hence the wobbling around.
    I also did notice that the ... mechanism is a bit off.
    For double wishbone suspensions, I thought that the two links (the above and the lower) should have the same length, otherwise it won't ... it won't flex up and down as expected.
    See my Trophy Truck for suspension examples (observe front shocks)

  • GunnerySuite 5.0 years ago

    Good gun breech. Good handles.
    I assume you took more time in those cranky numbers than the actual building, but they are very cool.
    And yes, I do return from playing to give upvote.

  • What's wrong? 5.0 years ago

    How long? About ten days I guess.
    In reality, after about 2 days if there is no upvotes the build is largely wasted.

  • What's wrong? 5.0 years ago

    Sure, but why? Are they not tolling in enough profit from Simpleplanes and Simplerocket's? It wasn't there before, if you ask me.
    Nice vehicle on avatar, by the way.

  • Mark. IV Tank in WWI (REAL TRACK) 5.0 years ago

    yeah, the tracks themselves still can't take the weight. Still need the roadwheels.
    Some day, I'll get myself a CNC table to make my own stuff

  • Panzerkampf-wagon 5.0 years ago

    I'm curious why are there so many people upvoting this ...
    I mean, it wasn't even your tiger ...
    but it is very creative. No upvotes from me, sorry

  • Suspension-III 5.1 years ago

    despite how it looks the front wheel is NOT protruding outwards. They are the same as the rear wheel -- at x-axis 1.3500.

  • Accucraft "Dora" Steam loco 5.1 years ago

    I have this girl in the class that I go along with.
    and her name happened to be Dora and I did kind of miss her ...
    for non-modded version I still suggest the good old VTOL. Trust me better than infinite rotators.

  • Abandoned project 5.1 years ago

    it looked great! I mean it is simple, but what's wrong with that?

  • Unis Flat-12 791KP 5.1 years ago

    look at that.
    And FLAT? dude this is awesome.
    ahhh but you mod those engines ... bruh.
    Was looking for a flat non-modded. a little help?

  • 88mm Flak Cannon (WWII era) 5.1 years ago

    You need two things to hit a aircraft. A german gun, and a set of german optics!
    Nice modeling.
    Perhaps they used a different variant in their tan ... * cough * Pz. SFl. IVc ... * cough *

  • My Walking Grasshopper 5.1 years ago

    Infinite rotators do remind me of a thing ... called VTOL nozzle + infinite fuel ...
    Nice mechanism, but the shoes on the rear legs started to fell off pretty soon ...

  • FH-37A 5.1 years ago

    looks tiny ...
