Absolutely stunning! Great way to use the new features! Seeing as you actually flew military aircraft and have a good understanding on how they fly, could you help me with a flight model for an F-4c Phantom? Flying this was a blast and I would love to incorporate similar realism in my build
I think this would make the game too easy, but I do agree with the idea. Maybe system could groups many parts into a single one. This would save so many parts, because say if you have a logo with 50 parts, you could combine it into 1, thus reducing physics needed to simulate it, thus reducing lag
Use really strong magnets
+1Thanks! I've tagged you on an unlisted post @ChiChiWerx
Absolutely stunning! Great way to use the new features! Seeing as you actually flew military aircraft and have a good understanding on how they fly, could you help me with a flight model for an F-4c Phantom? Flying this was a blast and I would love to incorporate similar realism in my build
Ya same lol @Chancey21
Yeah, I can't wait to be able to drive it. Do you think you could help with a funky tree problem I have? I'll tag you @Chancey21
Oh, I'm pretty sure its long range with duel motors @Chancey21
I believe its the Model 3 @Chancey21
Sounds good! My dad actually has a Model 3, so I have become quite attached to Tesla @Chancey21
Awesome! I remember sitting in one and it was a great experience, I bet this will be just as good!
+1I tagged you on an unlisted post @SnoWFLakE0s
I vote plain old skis, it would be quite unique
Awesome! Can't wait to test when the new inputs funky tree stuff releases. Would you be able to help with a funky tree issue of my own please?
Awesome job! One typo though, it's VTOL not VOTL. It stands for Vertical Take-Off and Landing
Awesome! Tag me please!
+1I don’t get it, what do the new features do?
Oh I didn’t know that already existed. Oof @edensk
This is awesome! It would certainly help with my overly complicated landing gear
+2Very nice! Best one so far!
Awesome job, well done mate!
+1Awesome job! Tag me please
+1Great job! Love the engine detail
Nice! I love radial engines!
+4Awesome plane, but you beat me to it! It's funny to believe someone wanted a swing wing version of the phantom, very interesting...
+1Well... Im also really good at plane spotting, but the canopy really gave it away. @DeezDucks
Looks awesome!
My dad was, but then he moved to the 757/767 @Diloph
Would the formula be "round(AngleOfAttack/180)" for a circular gauge? @jamesPLANESii
Could you make an angle of attack gauge in this style? The light one is really neat but its too modern for a Vietnam style cockpit
I wish I could help but I cant use mods. Sorry @ForeverPie
Hmm, thats strange. Could I look at it?
Looking great!
Awesome! I might play around with this and put him in an ejection seat
Looks great! I love the engine
Very unique, I love the colors. Very fun to fly around too
I swear, each sub keeps getting better! I love the escape pod, its very fun to use lol
+2Awesome car, but wipers are broken
I think this would make the game too easy, but I do agree with the idea. Maybe system could groups many parts into a single one. This would save so many parts, because say if you have a logo with 50 parts, you could combine it into 1, thus reducing physics needed to simulate it, thus reducing lag
+5Awesome job!
When it comes time to it, yes you can @Dinoairplanes
Awesome job! Could you make a speed display that goes to 9999 mph please?
Awesome job mate! T
Awesome job! I love the cockpit!
Thats awesome!
This looks amazing! I’ve always loved the jet trainers, just something about them that makes them look so good