32.3k CRJ900Pilot Comments

  • Advertisements 5.2 years ago

    I hate ads just as much as anyone, but I understand your position. I appreciate that you disabled them for logged in users

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.7 years ago

    Random aspects of adventure. ie, structures that generate in random spots that can be interacted with, similar to convoys except they wont move. Some examples could include a crashed plane/heli, beached ships, or cargo that can be rescued.

    I have a forum post that goes into more detail

  • 1.10 Beta is now available 4.6 years ago

    This changes everything! Such a minor update but groundbreaking at the same time. I have one question though: Is glass just a different version of each part, (nosecone, sphere, fuselage, etc) or does it have its own specific part?

  • Caption This Photo! 6.8 years ago

    🎵 They ask you are you are and you have to say fine, even though your not really fine 🎵

  • SPVR - Fuselage Slice 3.6 years ago

    This, does put a smile on my face

  • Flying iPhone 5s 7.0 years ago


  • SPVR Update - Gauges 3.6 years ago

    Awesome work guys! Do they have a back light feature, where tic marks and numbers will be visible at night?

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.7 years ago

    Scroll bar and search on subassembly/aircraft list

  • Airbus A330-343X Swiss International Airlines [LX] HB-JHA 5.6 years ago

    Swiss001 would like to know your location

  • FAS 25A Tactical Reconnaissance Fighter 5.6 years ago

    Very nice! What Nasa quantum computer do you use???

  • I am AdlerSteiner, signing off 5.8 years ago

    Dont delete your stuff please

  • Funky Trees! 5.3 years ago

    With the addition of overload to the stock game, could everyone use these features? If so, could you write a cheat sheet with all the inputs and what they do? I’d also like to say thanks to everyone at Jundroo, these features are amazing and the game wouldn’t be anywhere close to where it is without you guys

  • New Team Member 5.7 years ago

    Sweet! I’d love to get mods in a stock game! What mods in particular? I would suggest XML, designer suite, and the underwater mod, but any mod coming to iOS would be a game changer

  • this guy in minecraft chat 5.6 years ago

    You’re not just wrong, you’re stupid. (Not you the other person) They’re all great games, it just depends on what you want from them

  • Hollow fuselage weight (?) 5.9 years ago

    You actually bring up a really good point. @AndrewGarrison

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.6 years ago

    Fix aggressive AI ramming, and maybe update maneuvers for more realistic dogfights

  • A6M2 Zero 4.7 years ago

    Someone put a red sock in the wash lol

  • Update 1.9 - High Caliber 5.2 years ago

    I have a little issue concerning the overload settings for the cannon part. The issue is that there is no way to disable muzzle flash. Some cannons, mainly rotary cannons like the Gau Avenger and the M61 Vulcan don’t have a visible explosion. I’m no game developer, but I think it would be an easy fix.

  • Cessna 204 Skygoose 5.6 years ago

    Uhh, doors?

  • JM-P15 'Brigade' 5.7 years ago

    Na this is a B-17 lol

  • CMRH-200 5.8 years ago

    Nice jet, but it needs to have cockpit windows. It looks strange without them

  • {Solved}How do I Unblock myself? 6.0 years ago

    What spefyjerbf said. You have to wait like 3 days

  • How do i make custom landing gear 6.8 years ago

    Use a rotator on landing gear activation and use disabled aircraft collision parts for the gear itself

  • All my unpublished mods 3.6 years ago

    I can't see the full list, but perhaps the New Wright Airport you teased here

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.6 years ago

    A scroll bar on a part's connection list.

  • Super Tiny Beta (v1.10.105) 4.4 years ago

    Are base and tip thicknesses visual or do they just alter the wing performance?

  • A new block "Decal Block" 5.1 years ago

    I think this would make the game too easy, but I do agree with the idea. Maybe system could groups many parts into a single one. This would save so many parts, because say if you have a logo with 50 parts, you could combine it into 1, thus reducing physics needed to simulate it, thus reducing lag

  • jet wings 5.6 years ago

    Awesome! I’d love to try one of these irl

  • APOCALYPSE AIR CAVALRY 5.7 years ago

    Ride of the valkeries intensifies

  • Japanese Super Pusher 6.6 years ago

    A short story of why to not buy planes from ikea
    Insert nose gear 3A into hole B in nose and bolt in place
    (Dumps out rest of the box)
    ”There is no nose gear 3A”!

  • The best unlimited smoke 6.6 years ago

    Sweet! How could you disable it, and then reactivate it again?

  • Well guys... 7.0 years ago

    Rest In Peace. You should try to sue or get some kind of money out of the owners of the German Shepherds. Even if you get all the money in the world your dog probably meant more. I’m sorry for your loss

  • A suggestion that can prevent plagarism 7.1 years ago

    makes a unlisted to make a colab off of, start editing plane, find our you can’t post it TROLLED

  • HS class transport 4.8 years ago

    Mmm mint ice cream flavored

  • Plane 4.9 years ago

    I like it, I just haven’t seen any of them until now. Keep up the great work!

  • Dornier do.31 E3 Bundeswehr 4.9 years ago

    I saw mustards video too!

  • Cobra Manuever in an Airbus A340-600 4.9 years ago

    No! This isn't how you're supposed to play the game

  • Blade 2500 8 cylinder 800hp Raidial Engine 5.1 years ago

    Nice! I love radial engines!

  • M1A2 Abrams (Performance Update!) 5.3 years ago


  • i am extremely upset... 5.3 years ago

    Most users like to test a build before they upvote, and since the tanks use a mod and beta parts, very few people can actually use it

  • NEW RULES 5.3 years ago

    How would this work in regards to adding effects to images? Say a silhouette of the craft in front of a moon, or image effects not in the stock game (smoke, engine exhaust, etc.) I do understand the removal of the upvote link, but we need something to skip to the bottom of the page. Many users put long descriptions with lots of pictures, including me. It would be nice to skip that if one wanted too without scrolling

  • Who agrees with me on this? 5.5 years ago

    It all depends on the aircraft, the screenshots taken, and when the craft is posted. Users who put “CHALLENGE ENTRY” before builds usually reduce upvotes too

  • F/A-87 Filibuster 5.6 years ago

    But it flops around when pitching and makes flying unenjoyable @Leehopard

  • Lets all find the truth about this why im being inactive posting airplanes.. 5.7 years ago

    You're not just wrong, you're stupid.

  • a better paint system 5.7 years ago

    I agree, but I think it wont be added because it "takes away creativity," or something like that. It would allow for much more detailed planes without the high part count. For example, take @jamesPLANESii 's recent Freedom Fox. Its a great plane and I love everything about it, but with a decal system like you're suggesting, it's 3338 part count could be reduced too about 500. Airliners, warbirds, cars, helicopters, and so many more creations would benefit from this. Besides, interiors and cockpits would also be greatly improved by this. @AndrewGarrison I know me and several other users have asked for this, but it would mean a lot if it were to be taken into consideration.

    Oh and sorry James for tagging you, but your opinion would be nice, even though this isn't my forum. But hey, your plane gets a shoutout :P

  • Cockpit aircraft instrument 5.7 years ago

    Amazing detail for such a low part count! Do you mind if I use this technique for some of my planes?

  • DiSpROviNG the CONSPIRACY! 5.7 years ago

    Naw this just two regular planes on top of each other

  • Concorde ( version 1.0 ) 5.9 years ago


  • Lockheed A-12 Oxcart 5.9 years ago

    Cool! The forgotten predecessor to the blackbird

  • Build Request: could use a license plate. 5.9 years ago

    Do 3JOH22A
    Read it backwards and you’ll get it
