@Diloph this is some constructive criticism but there are no weapon hard points on the swing-wing that’s on the f 111 not the f 14 and also the hard points are on the wing glove.
Actually the ones escorting the UNSC Infinity are the Autumn class heavy cruiser and they are longer because of the big sensor boom coming out of the front and they are about the same size the UNSC Infinity is 5.6km long starship.
@psychoslayer no it was originally made by the US Air Force to test canards and thrust vectoring and the active program changes the engines to 3d thrust vectoring while before it was 2d and the active program was run by nasa
@Diloph this is some constructive criticism but there are no weapon hard points on the swing-wing that’s on the f 111 not the f 14 and also the hard points are on the wing glove.
+1@TrislandianAlliance I watch mustard
+1Smashborthers meleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
+1Looks like a masterpiece!!!
+1Actually the ones escorting the UNSC Infinity are the Autumn class heavy cruiser and they are longer because of the big sensor boom coming out of the front and they are about the same size the UNSC Infinity is 5.6km long starship.
+1We are at 66 the Demon Lord
+1So have you found a reason to fight yet... Buddy.
+1This was in ace combat zero
+1This is from a re floated American battleship
+1@ShermanFirefly what about Zero
+1@WO7FGrey will you do a super sylph next?
+1I do to@T7real
+1@JetFighter wanted to know
+1I like trains
+1This isn’t related to this but can you make a new or remake of your Cosmo Zero from Space Battleship Yamato 2199
+1Sol squadron?
+1It all makes sense now
+1Thanks it takes time to get details just right@ImColin
+1In the last image I saw a reference to Ace Combat zero the Belkan war with Cipher fighting Pixy in the Morgan
+1Can you XLM mod it bigger?
+1To bouncy
+1Tomcat vs Hornet how would win?
+1But think if it was the size of a Nimitz class aircraft carriers @TheFantasticTyphoon
+1If this was really part of the game as a dlc just shut up and take my money!!
+1Check out this https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/BiX0Q2/a-warthog @JumpingJack
+1Ok because I’m a big HALO fan@JumpingJack
+1Turn of the mod and make another upload of it because I’m on ios
+1Thank you!@Axartar
+1How do I start the engine?
Well done
You got the MAC gun Cortana
@Ilikeacecombat so like the new aircraft carrier the us navy has
Belkans: I fear no man but that thing, it scares me.
Nice only thing that I would change is make the nose longer
Definitely not a Paris class heavy frigate
Best MAC on the site
@BMilan I just want tank treads
I have one complaint of not being to turn the turret 360 but other than that good tank
@psychoslayer no it was originally made by the US Air Force to test canards and thrust vectoring and the active program changes the engines to 3d thrust vectoring while before it was 2d and the active program was run by nasa
This looks like an American mig 25
Idk man this screams UNSC frigate
@bjac0 understandable have a great day
When that fighter coming
Damn proud