424 Cephalobyte Comments

  • NTMR “Hammerfall” F3-AR 6.9 years ago


  • The Answer to the gyroscope-powered turret! 5.8 years ago

    thank you SO MUCH for this!

  • Mitsubishi A6M5 Reisen 6.6 years ago


  • Drift Go Kart 6.9 years ago

    Lol ok it still looks accurate @Strikefighter04

  • Drift Go Kart 6.9 years ago

    From which game? mk8 ? @Strikefighter04

  • Drift Go Kart 6.9 years ago

    Looks like mario’s kart :)

  • my most stupid thing yet 6.9 years ago


  • Modded vtol engines (for lowobservable) 6.9 years ago

    It looks like you’re completing a lot of requests ;) I got one too
    Could you make a
    1:vtol engine
    -0.25x it’s original weight (about -627 lbs)
    0.001x power
    2: Vtol nozzle
    0* of rotation
    Exhaust 500x bigger
    Exhaust purple color

    You may feel confused with that request like, who would ever want that?
    I’m trying to make an engine exhaust with no trust (only for the look). If I’m not wrong, the more power you put on an engine, bigger will be the flame, right?
    If it’s not the case, replace the « 500x bigger exhaust » by « 0.5x exhaust size » please
    The negative weight was for my replica. I’m 627 lbs over the real weight so...
    I need to remove some but the minimal weight of a fuselage block is 11lbs under (.25;.25;.25) size so the details are heavier than they should be.

  • Engine Exhaust XML Question 6.9 years ago

    Too bad
    I already posted twice, nothing came out @RyneKuczy

  • Engine Exhaust XML Question 6.9 years ago

    Oh ok
    You know a bit about xml modding? I would ask you a favor: recently I posted a spitfire replica in which I used vtol nozzles like exhausts on the front of the plane. So would you be able to xml modify a vtol engine to be unpowered, or underpowered and very small? I will tag your name once the updated aircraft is posted @RyneKuczy

  • Engine Exhaust XML Question 6.9 years ago

    There’s exhausts in SP?

  • Singula ETS 6.9 years ago

    Looks SICK

  • Armor and no Sams 6.9 years ago

    I like it

  • Messerschmitt Me-410 A-1 U-2 6.9 years ago

    Oh wow, way over my level

  • semi-truck 7.0 years ago

    Hey That’s really cool!
    Nice use of pieces, mostly for the front radiator

  • Supermarine Spitfire MkVb(tropical)(0.3mi) 7.0 years ago

    @GINGER01 Thanks a lot! I will probably post a second version of it
    Wing thickness is in my checklist!

  • Supermarine Spitfire MkVb(tropical)(0.3mi) 7.0 years ago

    I just noticed the ailerons aren't resized
    I shortened the wings on the final touches but forgot about ailerons

  • Supermarine Spitfire MkVb(tropical)(0.3mi) 7.0 years ago

    @GINGER01 thanks! it's just a bit harder on IOS but I'll try
    @AlexRol05 yeah, I find it cute too

  • Supermarine Spitfire MkVb(tropical)(0.3mi) 7.0 years ago

    😅 @Zippy6

  • Britain spitfire MK.Vlll 7.0 years ago

    It sure is a good model, but some details are so unsignificant!
    The landing Gear! It has too Many parts! I would personally remove the camouflage...
    But where is the front inlet? And the propeller is too small, it would help your plane to look and fly better
    Sorry I didn’t say much compliments...
    But let’s say you made a good cockpit!
    (You can now critique my Spitfire MkVb tropical as much as you want! 😉)

  • The countless variants of the Panzer 38(t) 7.0 years ago

    Everything’s Explained

  • The countless variants of the Panzer 38(t) 7.0 years ago

    Sturmtiger, yep, exactly
    Sdkfz... well, no...
    When a german commander asks for a Sdkfz, it’s like if an american asks for an M1...

  • Spitfire xml request 7.0 years ago

    Correction: the prop diameter is 129 (or 130) inches

  • The countless variants of the Panzer 38(t) 7.0 years ago

    One thing I like from German WWII armament:
    Choose the longest and the most unpronouceable name for each tank you create, so the ennemy will loose time trying to type it correctly In morse code

  • Spitfire Xml request 7.0 years ago

    Note that I’ll tag anyone who helps me with this

  • real gun pack 7.3 years ago

    Can you please make a 7.92mm Mauser (MG42) gun?
    1250 bullets/minute
    12 seconds of firing then 5 sec of cooldown
    7.92 mm of caliber
    The rest is facultative

  • Raketenjagdpanzer II 7.4 years ago

    Eyeup @Planesandwhatnot

  • Fiat G.91 R1 7.4 years ago

    @ChaMikey you're welcome

  • Fiat G.91 R1 7.4 years ago

    Looks really cute

  • Why we need 1.8 to be as big as 1.2 7.5 years ago


  • Why we need 1.8 to be as big as 1.2 7.5 years ago

    Oh thanks!

  • Why we need 1.8 to be as big as 1.2 7.5 years ago

    @SHCow @Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing @Kerbango @saturn28 @Bman0101 @UssInvincible @MechWARRIOR57 @Gestour @Shmexysmpilot @Sauce @Bothfinder @BrianAircraftsNew @BaconAircraft @ThiccBloke @Yellow @CoolPeach @PhantomBladeCorp @SlowJet @Ian1231100 @BaconEggs

    Ok, sorry for tagging all of you but I don't know how to create a discussion on a forum so... here's some of the things I would do with baconeggs' ideas (and some of mine too)
    All of the following statements are suggestions dedicated to Jundroo and these are IDEAS, They can be done in multiple updates

    What would be nice is to be able to customize all FACES of a fuselage block, that would replace the cutter tool
    ALSO, mobile users would be REALLY PLEASED with a precise ROTATE TOOL (at least 45 degrees!)
    and same with Move and scale (like you decide with precision the value of the thickness etc.)

    I think everyone would like to see challenges with BUDGET (but still facultative) or returning to the base with the minimum amount of ressources used would determine the quality of success of the mission

    I would add fuselage wing (fusion of fuselage block with structural wing to replace the body lift) customizeable engine properties, weapon characteristics (with some sorts of bullets) and maybe density and armor tool? Structural Hull for boats and materials like plastic, metal or wood option

    A lot of people talk about tracer bullets... but almost no one talk about the fact that they are OP!! It should detach pieces, not blow them up as soon as It touches something that doesn't even contain fuel!
    Advanced physics shouldn't let pieces explode as they slightly touch the ground, or resist a 2000 Mph impact with water!

    That being said, underwater camera should be enabled (with darker blur and lower sound) high quality should let the water have transparency on mobile and, if you feel lazy, just make sure the bottom of the water have a sand plane so submarines won't pass under islands.

    Speaking about other vehicles, a short option could be really helpful with races and dogfights with AIs is to determine the type of vehicle is your creation (plane, car or boat? maybe two types or the three of them?) so the player/ai doesn't spawn as a boat in the air :/
    A preset window could be added to check which AG is enabled, height of vtol or trim, etc
    Also, commands would be defined as functions on certain conditions (like pitch frequently used as throttle on cars or vtol are used as vtol on vtol aircrafts!) to make sure ais ar

  • U-boat VIIC Lite Edition 7.5 years ago

    I touch the vtol BAM
    i touch trim... ... nothing
    1% of throttle BAM
    Yaw left/right BAM
    AG1 activates Mg backward ok cool
    AG2 activates Flak foward ok cool
    Pitch and roll control them nice
    AG3 BAM
    AG4 BAM
    AG6 BAM
    AG7 rear torpedo travels few meters...
    AG8... nothing as well!

  • [Dive and Hunt] U-96 U-Boat Type VIIC 7.5 years ago

    Even made a mobile version?! You're so lit... I mean, cool (cause it's a submarine)

  • Suggestions: About dogfights and guns 7.5 years ago

    I am still searching for nerfed wing gun

  • Build Request: Explosive MG 7.5 years ago

    Logically, as soon as you hit an airplane with guns in SP, it explodes... I'M SEARCHING FOR LIKE 2 HOURS FOR SOMEONE WHO CAN NERF THIS LOGIC... @MechWARRIOR57

  • CF-105 Avro Arrow 7.5 years ago

    Ok then you got Lucky for this one!
    (Also, you made it well; the only Avro Arrow plane that had the chance to fly was rl 201

  • Gun mod request 7.5 years ago

    This may not be the exact same thing but if you search "TOG II" then you'll find in the cannon a bigger machinegun with Low firerate (I'm on IOS too)

  • CF-105 Avro Arrow 7.8 years ago

    How did you make this on IOS? I mean, the little Canadian logo on each wing is made out of pieces or it's just a texture? How can you download textures if it's the case?

  • F-22 Raptor 8.0 years ago

    Thanks a lot!😅