315 CyberBot17 Comments

  • R-360 Neptune 2.1 years ago

    me omw to sink the Russian Navy Flagship with a missile from a country with almost no navy:


  • General Dynamics F-16C Block 52 Fighting Falcon 1.9 years ago

    @FenderBender821 Ukraine doesn't have the F-16


  • wtf gaijin 2.0 years ago

    my ps4 when more than 4 bombs explode at the same time

  • Prideflag 2.7 years ago

    i legit came out the closet to my mom this morning, epic

  • SU-40 Undying Flanker 2.0 years ago


  • IA110 Aguara Guazu 2.1 years ago

    the Great Eagle carajo

  • 25 PARTS CHALLENGE 9.30.22 [CLOSED] 2.3 years ago

    @SpaceJunkee008 okay thanks

  • 25 PARTS CHALLENGE 9.30.22 [CLOSED] 2.3 years ago

    @WinsWings hey but can i upload 2 planes? one with the tip tanks and another with the bombs, the airframe is the exact same but i wanna know if i can

  • 25 PARTS CHALLENGE 9.30.22 [CLOSED] 2.3 years ago

    Okay so I just finished my build and I have a question...
    Since it is a trainer, and doesn't reaaaaally need weapons, I was wondering if I should take the blocks worth of weapons to make drop tanks that the real one has, OR I need to keep the weapons, either way is just as undergunned.

  • Messerschmitt Bf-110 G-2 2.9 years ago

    se ve re epico kp

  • Dodo 3.0 years ago

    i had suffered a lot trying to "fly" this thing when i was 6 on my uncle's ps2... i will have my second round with this bird

  • Boy kisser 1.8 years ago

    @114player514 around 51% of all furries aren't straight

    quite literally

  • Salvation 1.9 years ago

    I may turn this cross into a fighter jet one day

    or not idk

  • General Dynamics F-16C Block 52 Fighting Falcon 1.9 years ago

    apparently making fictional fighter jets for ww2 Germany is okay but an airplane with a different paint scheme over it is political and thus cringe

  • MAPA Challenge [CLOSED] 2.0 years ago

    just uploaded mine for the fear that i might not have time after 20th february and i see the pinned comment

    alright then

  • [25 parts] Ju-87 Stuka 2.3 years ago

    @SimplyWorking i did that for the first time with this plane and it clearly made a difference

  • [25 parts] Ju-87 Stuka 2.3 years ago

    with every 12 hours i keep rethinking my entry needed more time in the oven, this looks so nice

  • Macchi M.5 2.3 years ago

    when i saw it was a floatplane i said: "it ain't turning that much but i guess i could still do some good head ons"

    No, it turns good

  • AT-33A 25 parts challenge 2.3 years ago

    @WinsWings thanks, my original plan was to make it look like the ones our air force had but, well, 25 parts

  • Tutorial Plane 2.5 years ago

    revivio el cine krjo viva robloc

  • Waving Bi Flag on a Pole 2.8 years ago

    gonna add some bi flags to my plane's rudder and roundel and do some funny dogfight against idk maybe winged """based""" fighter

  • GF-63B (25 Block Challenge) 2.8 years ago

    @Lake yeah no problem, one thing though i recommend you make the tip of the wings longer bc it helps for stability, btw do both afterburner and vtol bc why not lol

  • Pre-WW2 Challenge (CLOSED) 2.8 years ago

    @LarryTad wow um thanks!

  • Pre-WW2 Challenge (CLOSED) 2.8 years ago

    @LarryTad well yeah

  • Pre-WW2 Challenge (CLOSED) 2.8 years ago

    Hi, I got a question... are experimental rocket powered? I'm already making something else I just wanna know

  • Avro Vulcan B.1 3.1 years ago

    @IdnManufacturer the plane's cool, my crapy laptop could barely run the plane but i liked to (try) blow up some tank. Epic flying dorito

  • Avro Vulcan B.1 3.1 years ago

    gonna fly this damn british flying dorito!

  • Curtiss Wright Model 19R 1.4 years ago

    i swear this makes me really anxious to come back to this game and make a Fiat C.R.20 with the paraguayan insignias just to fight this thing as if it's the Chaco War

  • Smol plen challenge (closed) 1.9 years ago

    define mobile friendly

    like, so my 4gb ram laptop doesn't go under 20 fps? I'd guess 85 parts or less would be enough right?

  • LAS project (closed) (A different kind of challenge) 2.0 years ago

    just realized the deadline and uploaded it with some tiny upgrades to the first test one from a month ago

    it doesn't have the successor thing :(

  • MAPA Challenge [CLOSED] 2.1 years ago

    does my plane need landing gear? like i tried landing with no flaps or wheels using the engine pods to soften the landing and did not explode

  • J21RA 2.1 years ago

    one of the 2 successfully produced piston aircraft turned to jet fighters, along with the Yak-15, nice

  • LAS project (closed) (A different kind of challenge) 2.1 years ago

    @BeeEngineer something like this or what did you meant

  • LAS project (closed) (A different kind of challenge) 2.1 years ago

    if i already have a redesigned F-5 can it be allowed?

  • Attack Aircraft Challenge 2.1 years ago

    Hello, I've been thinking about a single engine light attack with a small cannon and up to 6 hardpoints, will it be okay if I make just 1 plane but 3 different loadouts for all of those missions? (4 AA missiles, naval loadout, bomber loadout, etc) so that I don't need to bring 4 missiles and just 2 remaining pylons for 2 AG weapons.
    The reason I want a light attack aircraft is so that it can be (sort of) realistic to the budget of my own country's air force that to this day only operates 6 turboprop light attackers and 1st gen trainer jets on storage because they don't fly anymore

  • (canceled) War Challenge: New World 2.4 years ago

    I didn't really got the snowstone thing so, they have sort of a civil war and my plane has to be able to go from Wright to Snowstone and back, or is it okay if it just does a stop at Krakabloa for refueling and then it goes to Snowstone or am I missing something

  • Shooting Star Challenge! 2.7 years ago

    @G2 oiko entonces thanks

  • Shooting Star Challenge! 2.7 years ago

    there's this plane called T-33 which is basically an F-80 but with a second seat, it is a trainer version and Paraguay(my goofy ahh country) had some of those from 1990 to 1998(yes, 1st gen fighter jet running in the 90's) does it still count if i make something like that?


    hello bro, i believe it's because the plane turns so tight, the fuselage itself becomes an airbrake since it's really large, but i am not really sure about it since i only tested it for 5 minutes.
    Btw the elevons in the back have an issue with the roll, the right side has to be Pitch+Roll and the left one Pitch-Roll.

    I hope this may be useful.

    haha smol air intake

  • Boeing 727 UDF 2.8 years ago

    looks nice! (lol image glitched)

  • Trans Flag Prop w/ Bendable Flag Post (1:1) 2.8 years ago

    this is the kind of stuff I should be looking at on my informatics class

  • Dassault Mirage IIIEA (FAA) 2.8 years ago


  • COVID19 Vaccine 3.1 years ago

    I literally just came home after getting the 3rd dosis of the covid vaccine Xd

  • THE FLYING CANCER 3.3 years ago

    @Alexberube2000 damn that's good to know, the only problem I had with it(besides landing and being so fricking OP) is the canopy that looks like a square lol

  • THE FLYING CANCER 3.3 years ago

    this is quite... impressive