30.9k DankDorito Comments

  • WHAT AIRPLANE TO BUILD? 6.0 years ago

    Make Saeqeh of the Iranian Airforce!!

  • My Experience As An Android Beta User 6.0 years ago


  • The end of tension 6.0 years ago

    Haha this NUK country barely has any military technology. What kind of war will they fight?

  • No no no no stop this. 6.0 years ago

    lmao this LancasterAce dude can't even spell

  • Watcher Class FFG (upgrade) 6.0 years ago

    Yes frigates are easier to build than aircraft carriers

  • Why do planes look better if they are made on windows? 6.0 years ago

    Just better graphics. You can find them on IOS now too.

  • F-17A "Fearless" SURA 6.1 years ago

    Woops wasactually trying to press the back button

  • Unofficial Rules of Roleplay 6.1 years ago

    I might revise these rules a bit in my post.

    Y'know make the writing more clear, fix all the grammar issues, spelling too yeah.

    Honestly Bman01 these are good rules but if you don't present them in a good way, nobody will follow them.

  • Defiant Seagull (Pre Update) 6.1 years ago

    Good start. Cockpit could be improved.

  • KF-60 PHOENIX 6.1 years ago

    I like it. Very fast and carries lots of weapons.

  • NEVER ENDING CHALLENGE 6.1 years ago

    He means that your plane has to be a successor of this challenge. You do this by putting the plane as a subassembly and the bringing it out after down loading the challenge.

  • Lykins K-2 Vectra B 6.1 years ago

    My air force lacks a stealth fighter, so I would like to produce these under license. What do you suggest the price of the program will be?

  • RP NATION: Greater Iran 6.1 years ago

    Looks less weird now that you've provided some context.

  • Operation Gomorrah 6.1 years ago

    Good but I haven't been able to get into the RP action lately. I'm supposedly in a defence pact with Scarynn (Hellraiser) but he hasn't followed up on it yet.

  • AH-40B CHEETAH II 6.1 years ago


  • Operation Gomorrah 6.1 years ago

    You know man, the more grammatically correct your writing is, the more credible it'll sound.


    It's already done, no need to worry about it now


    It'll literally take 2 seconds

  • 5K Celebration thanks for Gold 6.1 years ago

    hey man, who pushed you to gold?

  • Why the current system of our site is not fair. 6.2 years ago

    @Blue0Bull Yes and he was rightly banned for modifying bogdanx's harrier but that does not mean he has not produced great works of his own. His strategy is to see how specific types of builds are made and then his uses that to create his own. It's called reverse engineering. It is a real-world concept. It is how countries China, Russia, and various other countries create their military equipment.

  • K. Corp MT-21B4 Grizzly 6.2 years ago

    A prime example of what I was talking about. The details are phenomenal and I know that you put some real dedication into this. Yet, why does it only have 17 upvotes and 34 downloads? It's Simple. Somethings that don't deserve recognition overshadow the ones that do. But this doesn't mean you should lose morale. See, you tagged me to your tank, and this allowed me to see how awesome it is. You should try making teasers so that everyone else knows how awesome it is too. In this way, you will earn the recognition you deserve.

  • Republic P-47D Thunderbolt 6.2 years ago

    You flew right past the one point I was trying to prove in that long essay. I am not critiquing the aircraft itself, but the moderator's decision to feature it!

  • CMFJ-100A 6.2 years ago


  • MP Fun 6.2 years ago

    Is that a JF-17 in the first picture?

  • CMFJ-100A 6.2 years ago

    Even if they lack details, most of his aircraft come with great functionality.

  • AKH-155 Sayyed 6.2 years ago


  • AKH-155 Sayyed 6.2 years ago

    @SuperSix @Dakraken @Strikefighter04

  • Bell UH-1 Huey 6.2 years ago

    +1 for Tunisian roundels

  • AKH-115 SAYYED TEASER 6.2 years ago

    soon dont worry

  • AKH-110 MOHMAR TEASER 6.2 years ago

    I would prefer not to kill my device.

  • AKH-110 MOHMAR TEASER 6.2 years ago

    significantly less. 227 parts

  • New/Updated Roleplay Map 6.2 years ago

    how to join RP?

  • What happened to users iriaf 6.2 years ago

    It is only a temporary ban, he will return soon

  • Upload with Screenshots 6.2 years ago

    When I use magnification in freecam, it is not carried over to the screenshot, why?

  • Replica O V E R L O A D 6.2 years ago

    I uploaded the F-16,
    Here's the link (https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/U3un6i/F-16F-Fighting-Falcon)

  • JF-17 2: Electric Boogaloo 6.3 years ago

    My main focus is performance not details.

  • JF-17 2: Electric Boogaloo 6.3 years ago

    @ACEPILOT109 @ThePrototype
    Thank you! any suggestions?

  • F-15C Eagle 6.3 years ago

    Maybe soon, but I am preparing something you might like

  • Q-5 Fantan 6.3 years ago

    Ey that's pretty guuuuud

  • PLAAF J-12 Xiaoling 6.6 years ago

    This one is a combination of a Su-30 And American F-15/16

  • IAI Kafir 6.6 years ago

    Yes I like to take inspiration from real world aircraft to create my own home-brewn designs, And creating them is actually really satisfying.

  • AKH-135 Retaliator 6.6 years ago

    Thank you!!

  • HESA Saeqeh 6.6 years ago

    A lot of their """""""new""""""" aircraft are just reverse engineered F-4s or F-5s

  • JASDF F-03 Shenzhen 6.6 years ago

    Thank you!

  • HESA Saeqeh 6.6 years ago

    @FastDan yeah I focus more on performance than details

  • Dorito Glider 8.3 years ago


  • Mikoyan MiG 35 8.5 years ago

    Grading: 45/50
    Flight Performance: Great
    Historical accuracy: everything is good but one thing, there is one key difference between the MiG-29 and MiG-35, the MiG-35 had a much higher cockpit.
    STRONKNESS: Putin approves!

  • HAL Rakshas 5.6 years ago

    its means "monster"
    Makes sense because this is an attack jet and ground forces will be scared of it.

  • S.T.R.A.S.D 5.6 years ago

    No problem