Alright, I’m gonna lift my silence on this and share what I know. He’s not banned. His SP, discord, and steam accounts have seemingly been disabled or deleted. A few friends and I have been trying to figure out what happened because he was posting normally on discord one hour and less than an hour later he just… vanished. Unfriended everyone on discord and left every server he was in so nobody can message him.
It’d be inappropriate to jump to conclusions at this time. What we do know is that he does have some mental health stuff that flares up from time to time, so this wouldn’t be the first time, but it’s never been like this. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried but at the same time he didn’t say anything at all before disappearing to suggest anything bad. Talking one minute and just poof gone the next.
Tl;dr he has seemingly vanished off the face of the internet with no obvious reason. We can only hope that he’s alright. I really do. CL, if you see this, let us know something man.
Perhaps I might not be the most… qualified person to post here considering all that I’ve posted in my time on the site but I’m still gonna give my two cents.
Honestly, I think it just boils down to kids being stupid. They don’t see the people killed in accidents as people who had lives, hopes, and dreams, but just as silly numbers, probably because they’re too young to grasp what that really means. It could also be a generational thing with some kind of ‘dark humor’.
I see a lot of the same shorts too. Either TFS or SP in nature, always with one of three stupid songs over it, misspelled captions on the video… I might be too old to understand it. The worst ones are the fictional crashes, the same old ‘Lifeboat Airlines’ or ‘Alright Airlines’ I see spammed in my feed again and again. Or god forbid some crap a 6 year old posted to the SP site about Banban Turbo Lines whatever the hell…
Alright that’s it. I am so tired of this. You will not drag my friends into this just because you don’t like someone. Also, let’s be frank here. If you’re trying to imply that you’re a ‘neutral source’, you’re just not. You’re the only person in here complaining about this person… just drop it. The reason, or at least a major part of why Transair got banned is because they kept trying to provoke this individual so much to the point where the mods had to step in. There’s other things in life to get pissed about, move on.
Wait so we’re not allowed to do tag requests anymore? Or is there a limit on how many people we can tag in a post (say hypothetically I get 20 tag requests on a teaser post, is there a limit?)
I mean I wish people would use the jetstream more… but they don’t.
Aight I normally don’t step in on things like this because usually I don’t care enough or it’s not worth my time. However seeing that comment I have to say something and I’m probably gonna get in trouble for this… but that’s absolutely ridiculous telling the OP to block everyone from that post because ’oh they wronged innocent little old me’
People criticized your one post (as they rightfully can and should, albeit some were a bit trolly and perhaps a few mean spirited comments to which you had the right to block …but still), you got mad and blocked everyone who dared question or criticize you (to which you somehow took as the moderators being your buddy and not just people doing their jobs?), then you started playing multiplayer, acting like you were superior to everyone and started screaming, cursing us out, threatening us, and telling us to kill ourselves when you were in the server with us… not once… not twice… multiple times you did this and continue to do this. There’s screenshots as well so don’t try to deny it.
Don’t act like you’re such a good guy standing on a moral pillar. I will not sit here and let you attack me or my friends just because things didn’t go your way that one time.
I’m not going to go into too much detail for everyone’s sake, but the abbreviated story is a bit like this. ‘Mark’ was the alt of another user (who will remain unnamed) who had done a public face reveal on their youtube channel. When the video began circulating in SP discord servers, said user became erratic and claimed he was ‘doxxed’ (he wasn’t). User then got on the nerves of essentially half the community and then left said servers and then reappeared several months later as ‘Mark’ who tried to stir up drama, make false allegations, and then attempted to send IP grabbers to multiple people with disguised links to… get back at them because he didn’t like them? And he got IP banned as a result.
Edit: Yes, this is the abbreviated version of events. I’m not gonna sit here and type out a whole essay.
Actual Ohio resident here… I’m gonna try my best to explain even though I don’t understand the meme fully either despite the fact I’m stuck living here.
Ohio is boring. Like… really boring. Meanwhile places like Chicago and Detroit are only a drive of like 4 hours. In addition, the places that do have things going on have Florida energy if that makes any sense.
Basically Ohio is so boring and un-noteworthy that it became a meme in its own right. Basically overnight transforming from being portrayed as endless corn fields to a place where eldritch lovecraftian creatures roam, where the laws of physics suddenly don’t apply, and where all reason and logic just becomes nonexistent. I don’t think the people making the memes even understand what’s going on either, they’re just going with it.
I appreciate you trying to bring this to attention and believe me I get your frustration. I get so many 'successors' that are literally just reposts with zero changes, just changes to paint color, or the worst being ones that are 'crash sims' where they only add detachers (and don't even hide them, they just take a part off, toss on a detacher, and crudely put the part back on).
To me personally though, it's gotten to a point where I'm just tired of reporting zero effort no change garbage and I don't really even report them anymore. Is it 'free game' once it's uploaded? Sure. Rules also stipulate though that several major changes have to be made to a successor to make it legitimate, and just throwing on a few detachers doesn't do that.
Either way, I've reached a point where I cannot be bothered to care anymore unless the person is trying to bypass the credit system. Otherwise I just let it go, better things in the world to get frustrated with. At its worst it's annoying in the same way when you're trying to swat a fly away and it keeps coming back. My advice, just ignore it. One way or another, you're gonna get to a point where you just get tired of it and just say 'screw it'.
Look. At least you don’t have a friend that spotlights every post that mentions Ohio or Amogus. Wake up, check sp site, check jet stream, ‘new spotlight Ohio Plane 8 months ago’
Rule #1: Never let others know your next move.
(Nah I aint stealing it, I got my own things I'm working on... but I have had to cancel projects because someone either does it first or does it way better than I can. Just some advice.)
…If you only wanted to recreate the aircraft and not the crash, then why did you include not only the flight number, but also remade the crash in thumbnail screenshots and included photos of the actual crash? It’s barely been 24 hours… This really isn’t a good look.
Materials basically indicate the paint color of an object. So for example in that tab you have 5, 2, 12 which corresponds to the same numbered color slots, then those colors are applied to the sections of those parts. So on an engine for example the nacelle might be black, the cone might be white, and the blades might be grey.
The best explanation I’ve heard is that a lot of people find this as a… comfort game if that makes any sense. It’s a game you can come back to and be creative in and just have fun.
Also considering the community has lots of likeminded individuals with similar interests… that probably doesn’t hurt either.
Really didn’t want to get involved but you’re not leaving me with much choice…There is no evidence saying that they were the person you’re insinuating. Account was banned, that’s that. If you’re going to go after this person, at least have evidence rather than making baseless accusations.
How are you going to get mad at me because you're running SP on an etch-a-sketch? Pretty sure the NES got more computing power than whatever you're running. Where does this entitlement come from with mobile users where the mindset is 'My system is terrible therefore you have to downgrade in order for me to play'?
You literally made an account just to make a hate comment. Either upgrade from playing on a rotary phone or go play something else.
As far as I’m aware, there was a significant amount of narcissistic and frankly childish behavior in which they were feigning superiority of their builds over others in the comments of other builds. Granted I don’t know if that alone was enough to get them banned, there may have been more at play, I don’t know the full details.
Alright, I’m gonna lift my silence on this and share what I know. He’s not banned. His SP, discord, and steam accounts have seemingly been disabled or deleted. A few friends and I have been trying to figure out what happened because he was posting normally on discord one hour and less than an hour later he just… vanished. Unfriended everyone on discord and left every server he was in so nobody can message him.
It’d be inappropriate to jump to conclusions at this time. What we do know is that he does have some mental health stuff that flares up from time to time, so this wouldn’t be the first time, but it’s never been like this. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried but at the same time he didn’t say anything at all before disappearing to suggest anything bad. Talking one minute and just poof gone the next.
Tl;dr he has seemingly vanished off the face of the internet with no obvious reason. We can only hope that he’s alright. I really do. CL, if you see this, let us know something man.
+20I cannot emphasize enough how grave of a mistake you have just made.
+12You hear that?
+12That’s the sound of white ranks on their way to add detachers to the nose despite being the complete wrong variant
Perhaps I might not be the most… qualified person to post here considering all that I’ve posted in my time on the site but I’m still gonna give my two cents.
Honestly, I think it just boils down to kids being stupid. They don’t see the people killed in accidents as people who had lives, hopes, and dreams, but just as silly numbers, probably because they’re too young to grasp what that really means. It could also be a generational thing with some kind of ‘dark humor’.
I see a lot of the same shorts too. Either TFS or SP in nature, always with one of three stupid songs over it, misspelled captions on the video… I might be too old to understand it. The worst ones are the fictional crashes, the same old ‘Lifeboat Airlines’ or ‘Alright Airlines’ I see spammed in my feed again and again. Or god forbid some crap a 6 year old posted to the SP site about Banban Turbo Lines whatever the hell…
+11Alright that’s it. I am so tired of this. You will not drag my friends into this just because you don’t like someone. Also, let’s be frank here. If you’re trying to imply that you’re a ‘neutral source’, you’re just not. You’re the only person in here complaining about this person… just drop it. The reason, or at least a major part of why Transair got banned is because they kept trying to provoke this individual so much to the point where the mods had to step in. There’s other things in life to get pissed about, move on.
Instructions unclear. I awoke a Kaiju instead.
Also War Thunder forums are down the hall and to the left.
+10This entire thread gave me severe whiplash.
+9Wait so we’re not allowed to do tag requests anymore? Or is there a limit on how many people we can tag in a post (say hypothetically I get 20 tag requests on a teaser post, is there a limit?)
+8I mean I wish people would use the jetstream more… but they don’t.
+8You can’t say ‘no offense’ and then try to flex superiority of your builds…
Ok, and?
Aight I normally don’t step in on things like this because usually I don’t care enough or it’s not worth my time. However seeing that comment I have to say something and I’m probably gonna get in trouble for this… but that’s absolutely ridiculous telling the OP to block everyone from that post because ’oh they wronged innocent little old me’
People criticized your one post (as they rightfully can and should, albeit some were a bit trolly and perhaps a few mean spirited comments to which you had the right to block …but still), you got mad and blocked everyone who dared question or criticize you (to which you somehow took as the moderators being your buddy and not just people doing their jobs?), then you started playing multiplayer, acting like you were superior to everyone and started screaming, cursing us out, threatening us, and telling us to kill ourselves when you were in the server with us… not once… not twice… multiple times you did this and continue to do this. There’s screenshots as well so don’t try to deny it.
Don’t act like you’re such a good guy standing on a moral pillar. I will not sit here and let you attack me or my friends just because things didn’t go your way that one time.
+7Why are you combining real companies, events, and incidents with fictional events and airlines that either you made up or are from some other game…?
Also the Boeing 747 Dreamlifter is not the biggest plane… it’s not even Boeings biggest plane. The largest Boeing plane to date is the 777-9X.
I’m not going to go into too much detail for everyone’s sake, but the abbreviated story is a bit like this. ‘Mark’ was the alt of another user (who will remain unnamed) who had done a public face reveal on their youtube channel. When the video began circulating in SP discord servers, said user became erratic and claimed he was ‘doxxed’ (he wasn’t). User then got on the nerves of essentially half the community and then left said servers and then reappeared several months later as ‘Mark’ who tried to stir up drama, make false allegations, and then attempted to send IP grabbers to multiple people with disguised links to… get back at them because he didn’t like them? And he got IP banned as a result.
Edit: Yes, this is the abbreviated version of events. I’m not gonna sit here and type out a whole essay.
+6Actual Ohio resident here… I’m gonna try my best to explain even though I don’t understand the meme fully either despite the fact I’m stuck living here.
Ohio is boring. Like… really boring. Meanwhile places like Chicago and Detroit are only a drive of like 4 hours. In addition, the places that do have things going on have Florida energy if that makes any sense.
Basically Ohio is so boring and un-noteworthy that it became a meme in its own right. Basically overnight transforming from being portrayed as endless corn fields to a place where eldritch lovecraftian creatures roam, where the laws of physics suddenly don’t apply, and where all reason and logic just becomes nonexistent. I don’t think the people making the memes even understand what’s going on either, they’re just going with it.
+6Woke up two hours early just to watch the launch livestream. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
+6“Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?”
+6You couldn’t even wait a week?
+5“My disappointment is immeasurable… and my day is ruined.”
+5I appreciate you trying to bring this to attention and believe me I get your frustration. I get so many 'successors' that are literally just reposts with zero changes, just changes to paint color, or the worst being ones that are 'crash sims' where they only add detachers (and don't even hide them, they just take a part off, toss on a detacher, and crudely put the part back on).
To me personally though, it's gotten to a point where I'm just tired of reporting zero effort no change garbage and I don't really even report them anymore. Is it 'free game' once it's uploaded? Sure. Rules also stipulate though that several major changes have to be made to a successor to make it legitimate, and just throwing on a few detachers doesn't do that.
Either way, I've reached a point where I cannot be bothered to care anymore unless the person is trying to bypass the credit system. Otherwise I just let it go, better things in the world to get frustrated with. At its worst it's annoying in the same way when you're trying to swat a fly away and it keeps coming back. My advice, just ignore it. One way or another, you're gonna get to a point where you just get tired of it and just say 'screw it'.
+5Ah yes, pure brainrot.
+5Got Blarg lookin like Soup
Looking at that Jesus gif… there’s only one man I can think of.
“I don’t wanna see that! I don’t wanna see a butt! I don’t wanna see… THE THUGSHAKER!”
+5Look. At least you don’t have a friend that spotlights every post that mentions Ohio or Amogus. Wake up, check sp site, check jet stream, ‘new spotlight Ohio Plane 8 months ago’
If you see this you know who you are ;)
+5Yes, he is banned as well. I’m not allowed to say anything else beyond that as per his request.
+5Rule #1: Never let others know your next move.
+5(Nah I aint stealing it, I got my own things I'm working on... but I have had to cancel projects because someone either does it first or does it way better than I can. Just some advice.)
I hear about this one and how the fire broke out in the backroom. The urge to make Taco Bell jokes is overwhelming...
+5HAHAHA! Now that I possess the power of forklift certification, your demise will be according to OSHA regulations!
+4…If you only wanted to recreate the aircraft and not the crash, then why did you include not only the flight number, but also remade the crash in thumbnail screenshots and included photos of the actual crash? It’s barely been 24 hours… This really isn’t a good look.
I just got back from a fishing charter and am greeted with this info.
Never a dull moment in this community.
+4“We’ve been duped!”
“We’ve been smeckledorfed!”
Materials basically indicate the paint color of an object. So for example in that tab you have 5, 2, 12 which corresponds to the same numbered color slots, then those colors are applied to the sections of those parts. So on an engine for example the nacelle might be black, the cone might be white, and the blades might be grey.
+4Like the 7th time you’ve ‘left’…
+4That guy looks familiar.
+4I mean I would’ve answered Twitter but this works too.
+4The Geneva Suggestion
+4I’m not sure how much I can get into this drama on the SP site. All I’ll say is that they like cars.
Managed to remove the racist child from my shot
Well gee, I sure do hope the ADIRU unit decides to not start sending erroneous data. Bit of a quirky automated system.
-Susdowner 2022
+4Welp… I’m obligated to do this now.
“Bro, are you high?”
+4“Let me check… y e s.”
”High on American Spirit!”
The best explanation I’ve heard is that a lot of people find this as a… comfort game if that makes any sense. It’s a game you can come back to and be creative in and just have fun.
Also considering the community has lots of likeminded individuals with similar interests… that probably doesn’t hurt either.
+3“Scraping for dimes paycheck to paycheck twitch streamer CaseOh.”
Step 1. Cover yourself in oil
+3Really didn’t want to get involved but you’re not leaving me with much choice…There is no evidence saying that they were the person you’re insinuating. Account was banned, that’s that. If you’re going to go after this person, at least have evidence rather than making baseless accusations.
Oh, don't see much of the Trident on the site. Very nice!
+3Also did not know she had an offset nose gear. Interesting.
How are you going to get mad at me because you're running SP on an etch-a-sketch? Pretty sure the NES got more computing power than whatever you're running. Where does this entitlement come from with mobile users where the mindset is 'My system is terrible therefore you have to downgrade in order for me to play'?
You literally made an account just to make a hate comment. Either upgrade from playing on a rotary phone or go play something else.
+3As far as I’m aware, there was a significant amount of narcissistic and frankly childish behavior in which they were feigning superiority of their builds over others in the comments of other builds. Granted I don’t know if that alone was enough to get them banned, there may have been more at play, I don’t know the full details.
+3I doubt it. I have an MD-83 in progress, but not for TWA.
Huh. I didn’t even know you were working on this. Nice.