@GabrielSatori Thanks,AGM-140 has enough explosive to sink naval destroyers aswell.
You can also try attaching air to air missiles to it,Dark Sword is a great dogfighter too.
I gotta love Phalanx builds, when I built my phalanx, it was first on the site however I never updated it.
I really like seeing people building this legendary CIWS :)
@TheFantasticTyphoon Thanks for the challenge !
I haven't been touched helicopter building for ages and this challenge gave me a chance.
Now I'm working on the attack version of my helicopter with new features.
Sleek build
+1@Navyguy https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/a0dDNN/AI-Hawk-Battery
+1You got me off-guard, I was building my IFV in peace now I have to build something that floats !!
+1Bro :skull:
+1@GabrielSatori Thanks,AGM-140 has enough explosive to sink naval destroyers aswell.
+1You can also try attaching air to air missiles to it,Dark Sword is a great dogfighter too.
This has to be the smoothest Mi-8/17 build I have ever encountered. Good Work!
+1Shall we get the 76mm Oto Melera as a build (from the battle tug)
+1My favorite forward wing jet,good job !
+1That Crotale is mine...
+1I can’t read Chinese (??)@Beifenglenglong
+1This build reminds me of the Bell 207 Sioux Scout
+1Now,Go & fight the unholy pirate ship of Jundroo ;)
+1Adam SSB gibi araç basmaya başladı,Parstan nasıl kaplan çıkardın merak ediyorum
+1That SeaRAM looks SUS.
+1I gotta love Phalanx builds, when I built my phalanx, it was first on the site however I never updated it.
+1I really like seeing people building this legendary CIWS :)
You want sum,PARS ?
@Gestour It kinda bounces around on the ocean & codes are not that complicated. We gotta see what is gonna happen
+1@Gestour No problem,there are more to come
+1Bruh it is 5 years old build,check out my new builds@ImAGoodFriend
+1Python MGS foreshadowing from the corner
+1@EngineerOtaku I can hear that music from this post
+1Fastest hand in the West !
+1@EternalDarkness Mistakes made....
+1@dTitanplanesb Maybe you can consider flying away from it,hehe
+1@Rawhide Blue Monday 88' version
+1@MAHADI I tried to built custom wings but I didn't have enough time, Also I hope you liked my Ruhrstahl Missiles.Thanks for the rating results
+1@SledDriver What a smooth VTOL, I love it
+1Awesome !
+1@GroveSreetFamilies Sence ?
+1Awesome !
+1@ElectricVehicle Haha,yes
+1@Spikerya Thanks, I wasn't expecting upvotes since this post fall behind really quick after the release
First,Btw nice Panzer
+1@TheFantasticTyphoon Thanks for the challenge !
I haven't been touched helicopter building for ages and this challenge gave me a chance.
Now I'm working on the attack version of my helicopter with new features.
A Small Teaser
@NFIGMT Thanks for the Upvotes !
@Spassoup Thanks :)
@ChisP Thanks for the Upvote !
SimpleSpaceBattles :)
+1@TheFantasticTyphoon Behold then
+1@TheFantasticTyphoon Is it possible to have a 3-barrel gattling gun ? (same of the T-129's 20mm)
+1@asteroidbook345 One of my japanese friend did that,I'm gonna ask for it.
+1Where is the Automation tho,Beam.ng isn't the "Builder" game.Cars made in Automation can be tested in the Beam.Ng
+1Great description
+1Smooth Model & Flight
Excellent Weaponary
10 /10 !
@Diloph Looks similar to the cat on your picture lmao
+1@grizzlitn Good News !
+1Not gonna lie,this one had some effort !