429 Derpy1109 Comments

  • Nothing to see here! Just a normal everyday 747, or is it?!?! 8.8 years ago

    But how are you going to spy on the humans, if the one side facing them is blocking your cameras?

    I think I just found a flaw in this idea. Needs work, 1/10 would not be spied on.

  • Aero Effect is now available 7.6 years ago

    @AudioDud3 Kerbal Space Program has a very lively plane, rover and even boat-building community. Should it be renamed Kerbal Engineering Program for that reason?


    Personally, I like 1-3-2 in order.
    The first one looks the best out of the three IMO, with familiar delta-winged aircraft proportions, smooth transition from fuselage to cockpit, and the rather lovely-looking split in the main wing near the engines. Its sharp appearance runs through the whole craft, even the bottom (which isn't shown - side note, ALWAYS show the belly in one screenshot).
    I also downloaded it, and the bays look smooth when opening, though I'm pretty sure there are ways to make them open up without using VTOL. I've done it before, can't be bothered to look now though.

    The second is also fine, but looks a bit messier than the first, with rough transitions in the fuselages all over. Apart from that, the plane is a nice take on a wide, sort of rounded delta design. My only suggestion to complete the theme is use multiple small wing sections on the edges to incrementally round the tips, using XML or fine tuner if you must.

    And the third looks nice as well, keeping a rather smooth shape the whole way through. I don't have much to say about it specifically, other than "its nice", keeping its sharp appearance through the entire frame.

    One thing I noticed on all of them is the airbrakes are activated via an action group. It'd probably be better to instead map them to the brakes button, as then it is intuitive as can be, and can be pulsed if you don't need 100% anyway. Other than that, they're all nice to look at.

  • The Blinmobile 8.4 years ago

    Absolutely top-notch, but does it come with the vodka and/or tracksuit necessary for driving at peak performance?

  • "Folders" for uploaded planes 8.6 years ago

    Also in-game folders to sort your creations, IE having one folder for my replicas, one for simple when-I'm-bored builds, and one for downloaded stuff, so that my planes list isn't comically large and I can't find what I want.

    This is just as good, though. We need both.

  • Mapping stuff to landing gear 8.6 years ago

    Ah, thank you. Sorry if it was so obvious :P



  • Sparrow XI 8.6 years ago

    Don't doubt yourself, the plane looks pretty good. There are a few things I'd smooth out (IE the nacelles connecting to the wing), but aside from aesthetics, there's only one other thing I noticed.

    The canards should probably be done via rotors instead of normal wings. If you're worried about how the rotors show on the outside, use small rotors and simply nudge them inside the plane's fuselage (note: do that AFTER mirroring to prevent rotors connected to the fuselage, and thus, nonfunctional canards).

  • FF 106 8.6 years ago

    As I said on Steam

    "You probably happen to have accidentally assigned trim to either roll or yaw if it only occurs as a direct result of trimming. Whenever you only start having weird issues like that after you trim, it's ALWAYS trim. If you're not totally certain it's trim, then trim the other way - if you roll in the opposite direction, and the center of mass is centerline (as it is here), it's confirmed."

    Just so those not on Steam get to see this.

  • XFA-33 Fenrir 8.7 years ago

    @dogspit Uh.. all I'd ever have to do to find that same file is just go searching on GameFAQs. It's how I got my Wipeout 100% saves.

    Speaking of which.. why haven't I done Wipeout craft yet? I really, really should, you know?

  • "Glass" material idea 8.8 years ago

    Yes pls.

    A transparency modifier in the paint data would be nice too, so we can make it totally invisible for some reason, or partially transparent. 1 being opaque, 0 being the unseen.

  • G.O.F. 2 - Pirate Wasp 8.8 years ago

    Needs more Betty.

    But really, it's quite cute, and brings me some nostalgia. Been too long since I booted up GoF.. maybe I should do it again, make some ships. idk.

  • brace yourself... the community is about to change 8.8 years ago

    I'd say you all got less time than you think - a fair few kids may just be taking finals right now. You never know what they all watch..

    In the meantime, maybe we should focus a bit less on hating on infractions apon us and focus more on, you know, constructing airplanes?

  • XFA-33 Fenrir 8.8 years ago

    @GALM1 LSWM*? Unless Fenrir actually is a Gleipnir.. which it may be, knowing those wacky Leasathians :P

  • Scorpion Light Tank Mk 1 8.8 years ago

    I got excited, thinking this was the beautiful, glorious and truly perfect British FV101 Scorpion https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FV101_Scorpion

    But it isn't. Just a light tank with the name.

    Then your write-up seemed to mirror the plucky Brit's history, complete with eventual use by Air Force armoured divisions.

    So.. I'm just going to assume its role and written-up history are inspired by the real scorp, just not the tank's very design. Is this true, or is it just coincidence it's named Scorpion and I'm looking way too far into this?

  • WTF YouTube... 8.8 years ago

    @MrMecha It's automated to my knowledge; Starcrafts (starcraft cartoon) tends to get listed as Club Penguin, even with all the Zergling death screams and Protoss yelling all the time and "do you want a piece of me, boy?"

    Though maybe it tries to identify art style and accidentally lumps cartoons into the same pot.

  • Most High Point Players Do This... Do You? 8.8 years ago

    I guess I cam most easily sum my style up as "spam fuselages until you get what you want," at least when I build high-detail creations. (that I never upload because I'm too scared ;-; sorry i'll upload my fenrir one day) Plus, it helps with making sure I have enough spots to ballast my build from when I need to.

    For reference of my detailed builds, look at this thing, 44 or so parts through when I took it; http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=685470614

    I also try to care about size, hoping a human can fit inside, but then sometimes it's hard to judge without easy access to the dummy model..

  • You never fully knew me. 8.8 years ago

    And you only have 70,000,000 followers?

    Come on man, you know you have about 8,000,000,000 more to entertain!

  • map idea for the next update 8.8 years ago

    If tunnels are what we want, then why not go Ace Combat and build a nuclear launch base, tunnels, everything into a valley, Avalon style?

    (note: I do not play infinity)

    Enter through small hatches on the surface, and fly through rather tight, long tunnels to get back out. Perhaps also have missile silos built in, or some extra hatches that you can escape through if you're maneuverable/precise enough.

  • LMFAO! 8.8 years ago

    Man, Uncyclopedia is great, isn't it?

    They have tons of absurd, crude and just plain beautiful humour all over the place.

    "How to cut your head off with a chainsaw"
    Is a real article delivered in real (fractured 50 words in, of course) tutorial style.

    Also kitten huffing.

  • Some ideas I had for 1.5 8.8 years ago

    How about unrestricting everything we normally can only get to via XML editing, eh?

    Why am I still forced to use Hellfire's mod in order to get on-the-spot updated rotation? Why can't I edit the fuselage's size values directly, allowing quick and easy modification in multiples smaller than 0.25?

    The arrows can be restricted for all I care, but please, let me type in those text fields to enter unlimited values. And also rotation.

  • Sneak Peek of my current project!!! 8.8 years ago

    All you have to do is add a single small fuselage on the other side of the ship, then throw on as much dead weight as needed to bring the center of mass back onto the centerline. Then it's perfectly balanced.

  • Sneak Peek of my current project!!! 8.8 years ago

    If you don't already mod the craft's XML files, you really should. It only takes marginal practice and lets you achieve exactly what you want. You could make this ship run on mobile with post-60FPS with ease, on full settings, just by modding a little bit.

    Just saying.

    Anyway, the craft is actually looking rather decent as of yet, I'm assuming the dangerous bridge location will be fixed later.

  • Sneak Peek of my current project!!! 8.8 years ago

    I think that part count may be because you're using incredible amounts of smaller parts when it's not even necessary.

    Try XML modding the size of them, you can probably make the parts twice, or even 3 times as big, saving part count while keeping a great big boat.

    If you want, you can always divert those extra hundreds of parts into other details, like the bridge or elevators or whatever you do with hundreds of parts.

  • Evener Lighterererererer Gliderer 8.8 years ago

    I don't think anyone has plans on stopping any time soon. Next thing I know we manage to lighten this little bugger down to 215 or less..

  • Even more ligher glider holy cow 8.8 years ago

    Dear god.

    Shorten the tail ever so slightly more, lower the dihedral slightly, and you may well end up sub-220lbs.

    But either way, holy christ..

  • Even More Lightererererer Glider 8.8 years ago

    I'm not feeling like opening SP right now, so I'll just suggest this;

    Make it V-tail, saving the few extra pounds of the vertical stab and simply leaving the elevators on their own.

  • on the subject of weaponry and their realism 8.8 years ago

    I have always wanted to see HP damage in this game, it'll be the ultimate stopgap if they do not want to (and they really don't need to) make super in-depth damage models. They have other priorities, so just make it so that the guns have a set damage, and parts have a set/scaling HP.

  • What if you're suddenly teleported to the SimplePlanes World? 8.8 years ago

    Do an Albert Genette and try to figure out, to the best of my ability, why Snowstone is the only island with a SAM-equipped military base.. not even a whole kilometer away from the nearest neutral/civilian airport.

    Don't bomb it yet, please.

  • CLOSED! Soviet Aircraft Challenge! 8.9 years ago

    Also, unrelated, but other than building off this base plane, is there any way to force the craft into being a successor when one uploads it?

  • Gun Modifications. 8.9 years ago

    "Soviet tracers tended to be green, while NATO usually red"

    Depends on the timeframe, but this mostly refers to rifles, not aircraft MGs and cannons.

    In reality, Russia's 7.62s are green, and I know for a fact their cannons shoot red. Can't remember what colour their 12.7s are, but I do know 20mm+ is red.

    I believe American .50's fire red tracers, and their WWII-Korea cannons, being imported British-built Hispanos, fire white tracers.

    .303 British was typically yellow to my knowledge. See above for Hispanos.

    I honestly do not know what colour most German and Japanese tracers were, my only knowledge is so varied. I want to say German 13.4s are bright blue, and cannons white, but even that is uncertain. And for Japan.. oh god, I have no idea.

    Just so you know the weird, ridiculous world of tracers.

  • Gloster 'Meteor' F.8 8.9 years ago

    Haven't flown it yet, but wing loading implies something fun, and TWR pleases me. I hate TWRs of 1+.

    Also, of course, it looks like a meteor. Which is good news.

    Protip: For future tubular intakes, you can actually nudge the intakes behind the black representing the hole. Just do it by 1 nudge, and noone can see it, yet there is still perfect airflow. This helps make sure the fronts of these intakes don't look ugly at all, as having D-shaped lines in front just starts to ruin a good look.

  • CLOSED! Soviet Aircraft Challenge! 8.9 years ago

    I'll probably enter, first contest I'd be doing.

    Out of curiosity, by "soviet" does it have to be made in the USSR? Could it be a design by one of the USSR's buddies, IE Chinese craft? (J-8 for instance) And must the plane be of a design pre-1991, or can it be of China's latest builds?

    Just curious. Thanks!

    EDIT: Public release version only or beta version?

  • Can someone tell me the islands they've been to? 8.9 years ago

    @AnarchistAerospaceIndustries From Bandit Airport, sorry. Haven't flown from Yaeger or Wright so I wouldn't know.

  • Can someone tell me the islands they've been to? 8.9 years ago


    Fly straight east for a while, preferably bearing 88. If you come across a cracked island, you've found him, just fly low (under 11000ft) over him and he'll wake up. Be ready for jumpscare.

    He whispers a lot when you're outside. Fly into him (crashing works, as I discovered) and he'll start to fill your ears in speech.

  • Be the Bullet (.50 Cal.) 8.9 years ago

    "You see, ivan.."


    I'll have to try this.

  • Cirrus SR22 Private Plane v1.2 9.0 years ago

    Out of curiosity, where did you find the Ragdolls? I'm guessing they're just a hidden part?

  • BvlG-1 Albatross 9.1 years ago


    I presume the anomaly has something to do with where the main wing is located, since if it were based on the flap locations than the elevator would rotate as it normally would. A strange phenomenon regardless.

  • SB-57 Nimbus 9.2 years ago

    I took it out for a spin, and.. did not quite expect it to work as well as it did.

    First; Obviously, the design is really unique. A forward-swept bomber, very interesting idea. I personally think the elevators are ugly (so long), but other than that it's done well.

    Flying it is incredibly smooth given the general class of the craft - it maneuvers in a surprisingly tiny circle, which blew me away rather quickly. Its huge wings seem like they'd ensure no drift as well, which seemed to be my experience. Though it was kinda slow in my testing, I shouldn't be too surprised for a nearly-20000-kilogram monster. Takeoff and landing are amazingly gentle as well, standard procedure is all you need.

    Well done.

  • Ace Combat Challenge 9.2 years ago

    I believe it's obvious you wouldn't ever take unfinished work - it'd be foolish to assume otherwise. Anyway, I'll be sure to upload a finished craft here by time it's all over.

    Also, http://acecombat.wikia.com/wiki/XFA-33_Fenrir I have happy memories from X, and I think it looks lovely.

  • Ace Combat Challenge 9.2 years ago

    Do you have any objections to those with little rep? I sorta want to enter with my own entry.

    Proof I am not a little thief: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=598848364 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=601857058 (just 2 out of the numerous building logs I have, more to come)

  • Forward-Swept Fighter 9.2 years ago

    @Noman0rumeral Or use nudge. Nudge is the best, nudge is love, nudge is life.

  • Bluejay- proto remodel 9.2 years ago

    It certainly looks rather cute, keeping the whole style of my original.. but I fear for choking the engines there, since the little blister clips through the intakes. Apart from that, I don't have a whole lot to say. I'll make sure to test it later.