@DJRianGamerYT @SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore ... why the FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUĆK IS IT PURPLE!!!!!!!!(sorry if I offended you by all caps I did not mean it)
@WritersCrusadersAirCo2 can you make a b-17G with art and decals pls like the amount of kills and bombs on the nose of the plane remember the g in b-17 most is confused id I say b-17g the only difference is the b-17G has a under nose gun
@EarthSensei well if you look up educational hub you will see some anime girls with swin suits on just saying but graet build also I don't give a damn about anime
@RyooSensei my brother laughed so hard when I say it's your girl friend he laughed and say yeah it looks like her but is real life and the ears I an still laughing while I type this.
@DARZAVIATION I have your order ready and sorry if you did not want wepons on you planes if your interested to buy our newest product a bas-2 (bomber air support) carry 6 bombs 3 250 pounds and 3 500 pounds i can fill in for a custom loud out and only for 100k and 4 air to ground missiles and 2 air to air and only 2.5 mil for one fully armed and fueled for the base model its only 1.75mil all military hardware removed
@DARZAVIATION 2 at the moment and give me a few days to get you order ready the de vampire is a brit and south african air craft its one of the first jet in south africa to my knowledge
@DARZAVIATION Lancaster B17 B-24D B-25 F- 104 De Vampire and 2 very expensive space ships p.s I have a restored ww1 plane if your interested but most are restored you can use them in your military if you want but they are more aimed at the collection type of people
Here is a trick edit the mobile controls like take a screen shot between the joystick of life and pause menu so good luck p.s if you have a Samsung galaxy 23 or something you can increase the resolution of the edit photo
@WritersCrusadersAirCo2 I@Boeing727200F @LunarEclipseSP i just spend like a few minutes thinking what is dusty but my smallest brother watch like every week
@LunarEclipseSP hello also it looks like it has a Abrams hull or a south african olifant hull well he olifant hull is most likely bec the Germans did buy 2 marks 1 olifant tanks and used it hull and turret but added sloped pieces to add on bec a flat turret is not good bec if is sloped is most likely to bounce or just dont pen aka go through he armor but the German tiger 1 and panther had flat armor but it was like around 300mm of armor I mean the panther did not have the same armor amount as the tiger but yeah
@ccc12345 yeah but one problem this too much wepons and looks like what my little brother
+1I vuDlIj DachoH 'e' vIwuq.
+1@tarikGR why do you have a anime girl on your profile picture
+1@WritersCrusadersAirCo2 how's it been love your p-38 btw
+1I am the gun
+1@WritersCrusadersAirCo2 looks like a olifant mk 2 tank
+1B-17 (1) dusty (0)
+1@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore can I hit her more then ones to get more mils
+1@LunarEclipseSP yeah I think
+1@Rob119WithA105mmHowitzer thanks that means the world to me
+1@Rob119WithA105mmHowitzer idk I want to I never been pined before
+1@DJRianGamerYT @SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore ... why the FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUĆK IS IT PURPLE!!!!!!!!(sorry if I offended you by all caps I did not mean it)
+1@TatsuTheOtaku hello happy birthday day sorry I am one day late
+1Can I mod this
+1@Rob119WithA105mmHowitzer look at the eyes and pin plz
+1Oof old ass jk happy birthday I am 16 almost bat happy birthday
+1@WritersCrusadersAirCo2 yay thanks
+1@WritersCrusadersAirCo2 can you make a b-17G with art and decals pls like the amount of kills and bombs on the nose of the plane remember the g in b-17 most is confused id I say b-17g the only difference is the b-17G has a under nose gun
+1@WritersCrusadersAirCo2 yeah
+1I find it funny that I was like one of your first upvotes and followers
+1Hello I will repost it just to make a joke but I am asking permission to so it
+1@EarthSensei well if you look up educational hub you will see some anime girls with swin suits on just saying but graet build also I don't give a damn about anime
+1When she comes out of hiding with my heavy tank and saying oh duck in wt
+1@Chaunhkhoa do you take requests if so can you make a f4u crossair with a shark face please
+1@MonsNotTheMonster the street of South Africa Is full of them
+1@RyooSensei my brother laughed so hard when I say it's your girl friend he laughed and say yeah it looks like her but is real life and the ears I an still laughing while I type this.
+1@Mahoots i the one that pick them off one by one with my Churchill or tiger I had someone say who is he so good he is 1v5 us and I said skill issue.
+1@Mahoots is that a war thunder related bec if you see a German player that actually looks around him your f up
+1Dots I am disappointed this is a beautiful plane just remove the upper nose
+1@DARZAIRLINES ah well thanks
+1@upperflat yeah lol
+1@DARZAVIATION I have your order ready and sorry if you did not want wepons on you planes if your interested to buy our newest product a bas-2 (bomber air support) carry 6 bombs 3 250 pounds and 3 500 pounds i can fill in for a custom loud out and only for 100k and 4 air to ground missiles and 2 air to air and only 2.5 mil for one fully armed and fueled for the base model its only 1.75mil all military hardware removed
+1@DARZAVIATION 2 at the moment and give me a few days to get you order ready the de vampire is a brit and south african air craft its one of the first jet in south africa to my knowledge
+1@DARZAVIATION also can I request that I can pre-order my navel darzekk 152 now
+1@DARZAVIATION Lancaster B17 B-24D B-25 F- 104 De Vampire and 2 very expensive space ships p.s I have a restored ww1 plane if your interested but most are restored you can use them in your military if you want but they are more aimed at the collection type of people
+1@UkrTehnoAir can you to play panzerwar de or just panzer war bec I think it's the only GOOD game that has the btr 4
+1@DARZAVIATION my jets what I sell like in a rp way I sell for 20mil just for my oldest tanker
+1Here is a trick edit the mobile controls like take a screen shot between the joystick of life and pause menu so good luck p.s if you have a Samsung galaxy 23 or something you can increase the resolution of the edit photo
+1@WritersCrusadersAirCo2 I@Boeing727200F @LunarEclipseSP i just spend like a few minutes thinking what is dusty but my smallest brother watch like every week
+1@LunarEclipseSP I just use you dark star but I added my own boom and is made the ship go boooooooooom
+1@LunarEclipseSP I just realized you changed your profile picture
+1@LunarEclipseSP hello also it looks like it has a Abrams hull or a south african olifant hull well he olifant hull is most likely bec the Germans did buy 2 marks 1 olifant tanks and used it hull and turret but added sloped pieces to add on bec a flat turret is not good bec if is sloped is most likely to bounce or just dont pen aka go through he armor but the German tiger 1 and panther had flat armor but it was like around 300mm of armor I mean the panther did not have the same armor amount as the tiger but yeah
+1@erotis wf is that profile pic
+1@Monarchii I don't know -oversimplyd
+1@SimpleCreate I forgot to type that sorry it's a few months later
+1I am slapping a few shotgun rocket pod
+1Oh yeah
+1@Apollo018362 my dad brother owns two of them
+1Guns screams battle ship but in star wars we have a munifisint star friget but it's a cruser