okay, this may sound strange.. but for years I've been trying to convince somebody to make a flying weaponized sandwich, but nobody's taken the bait! (insane I know right?? It beats me.)
Just think of all the glorious opportunities that may arise with full sandwich based warfare, condiment based weapons maybe a lettuce death ray, tomato bombs, salami miniguns!
Looks nice! But yeah like you said, performance is pretty garbage(reminds me of my planes lol), flies up constantly in level flight while having no trim, spins like a beyblade.
Something I'll do after being burnt out working on a plane like you said you were, is putting it on the back burner for while until I regain interest and decide to revisit it then again I don't have the best track record for uploading
finally got around to testing this out! Pretty cool, one of the few planes that actually has a useful yaw. I will say one thing though: it would be nice if camera 1 had Auto Center turned off just like camera, makes it hard to look at the instruments when your view keeps getting flicked back to the center
@Chancey21 upload with screenshot mod, you can make a fresh plane with nothing on and snap the pic with F12, when you go to upload the pics will already be there
@FabioGalvao5679 I mean you can try, if it makes your game too slow just install a lower part count plane
+2@BryanO5 yeah probably, part count is a lot lower without the cockpit
+2Advanced Planes
+2oh my god this looks so cursed
+2@FerretAeronautics @MassiveSimurgh @Jerba
+2you have a nice singing voice
+2"frantically changes name back"
+2not even ingame is safe now..
+2okay, this may sound strange.. but for years I've been trying to convince somebody to make a flying weaponized sandwich, but nobody's taken the bait! (insane I know right?? It beats me.)
Just think of all the glorious opportunities that may arise with full sandwich based warfare, condiment based weapons maybe a lettuce death ray, tomato bombs, salami miniguns!
So uh.. yeah that's my build request
+2number 1 for me would be a way to import builds across from sp 1
+2missed a golden opportunity by not calling this a tea-ser
+2@BoganBoganTheMan it's were, I think you're in need of the latest firmware update
+2Looks nice! But yeah like you said, performance is pretty garbage(reminds me of my planes lol), flies up constantly in level flight while having no trim, spins like a beyblade.
+2Something I'll do after being burnt out working on a plane like you said you were, is putting it on the back burner for while until I regain interest and decide to revisit it then again I don't have the best track record for uploading
I like the christmas lights
+2is this even ethan anymore??
+2finally got around to testing this out! Pretty cool, one of the few planes that actually has a useful yaw. I will say one thing though: it would be nice if camera 1 had Auto Center turned off just like camera, makes it hard to look at the instruments when your view keeps getting flicked back to the center
+2@ChisP just attach it too a pylon, since launching it is with a detach group having no specific attach point isn't an issue
+2@BogdanX some screenshots of earlier Works in progress as promised:
+2image 1
image 2
image 3
image 4
you have the most random millstones
+2this series better never end
+2@Chancey21 upload with screenshot mod, you can make a fresh plane with nothing on and snap the pic with F12, when you go to upload the pics will already be there
+2@Chancey21 custom image, load it into designer suite (reminder to use upload with screenshot mod)
+2....and thanks for coming to my TED talk
+2@ChiyomiAnzai I like mine evenmore
+2nice gold you got there, would be a shame if someone was to unupvote one of your posts..👀
+2jk congrats man!
+2@DeidaraEnterprises I am thee uhh gangsta ev ree uh dayy
+2them some nice bling blings
+2- Ghandi
@belugasub I swear to god, you're like a pokemon at this point lol
+2@Notaleopard yeah mine is a completely normal mallard duck but I'm not sure what that abbomination Jamesplanes one is
+2@Roswell ah sorry my bad
+2how are you chucking out planes so fast..
+2not a participant but it does seem kind of weird to get a higher total amount of points if it's a replica and not your own design
+2another way your can do it is setting your plane as a subassembly and then moving it into their planes save
+2how dare you upload this not at the exact time you hit platinum! Shame on you! I expect full reimbursement for time i spent clicking on your post!
+2This looks really nice, are you going to post a build with it?
+2@DarkRainbow2 @ForeverPie @spefyjerbf
+2@junglekiIIer you put ` before an after the words you want to be red
+2Oh dear god...
+2I like what you've done with the nose of the plane, the inside of the cockpit is also pretty sick
+2yeah sound design is far from a strength in this game, car engines are the worst example
+2@MrCOPTY hey thats really cool to hear :)
+1ty for the spotlight! and congrats on nearly 80k
bro race swapped the nighthawk 💀
+1we're so back