35.1k Dimkal Comments

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.7 years ago

    More refined weapon parts (GBUs, AGMs, BVR A2A missiles, etc)
    Modern weapons require lot of parts to simulate real-life weapon functionality.

  • MFF-24 Cossack 5.6 years ago

    looks good but flies terribly. I know that u put a lot of effort to that but u missed a lot of things regarding the flight behavior. Also, the engine power and acceleration is insane, definitely not a P&W F100 engine.I t has severe auto-roll issues and its almost uncontrollable when airborne. Despite its good look I think u should have spent some more time flight-testing it.

  • Mitsubishi T-2 5.6 years ago

    This is one of the best aircraft I've ever seen in the site. It's an extremely nice build with lots of details and highly functional, apart from the auto-yaw issue during take-off roll which can be easily solved via drag elimination. The flight behavior is very realistic and I really loved the sequenced landing gear doors! This build is way ahead of ur level and despite the help u got from other advanced builders it's a very good work! Keep up in the same tempo and hope to see more of u in the forseeable future!

  • Light Fighter Challenge **FINISHED** 6.9 years ago

    @MI 1st. F-16 is NOT a light fighter. It has a MTOW of 45-48.000 lbs.
    2nd. This is a challenge created by a player with specific rules and limitations. If u cannot meet the criteria then do not participate at all. Its not polite to say to the challenge creator that is an egoist or that he does not want his plane to lose.
    3rd. It happens to know @mikoyanster and many things about his game mentality and I reassure u that he is very strict with his rules in challenges because he wants to be fair and have a creative result. No egoism or selfish behavior on him.
    4th. By saying that " I've made a light fighter with only default parts, and I bet it's better than some of the things you guys can put out!" proves that you are selfish, egoist, immature and have no modesty at all.

    PS: That's all from me. Please keep in mind that I'm telling u all these just to protect u from future behavioral mistakes. Have fun and good luck with ur participation!

  • ATJ ''Eaglet'' 5.6 years ago

    Very nice job! Sleek and simple design with decent flight behavior. I just noticed a few things that u can improve in a newer version and make it even better:

    1. Flaps extension is too big. You can make it smaller so u can have better ground clearence.
    2. You can add some underwing pylons with some loads (droptanks, bombs, missiles, pods, etc) so as to exhibit the operational adaptability of the AJT.
    3. Airbrakes position is quite odd but not wrong. It would be more efficient to put them sideways on the aft fuselage. Classic design its always the best!
    4. Put trim surfaces for better handling and activate FLAPS with VTOL slidebar, Its easier to operate and more user-friendly.
    5. Consider adding a refueling probe for in-flight-refueling training and CAS missions support.

    Overall, its a very good-looking plane and flies pretty nice! Don't hesitate to contact me for any help or advice!

  • X-17 Aero Aurora Trainer 4.0 years ago

    @Walvis You can find the tutorial here

  • Fc-912A 4.4 years ago

    Great build with mind-blowing features and sublime detailing. Just one remark: The droptanks should have been on the inner pylons as they are heavier and have more drag and thereafter bigger momentum.

  • Northrop F-5E (72) Shin Kazama 4.4 years ago

    I'm writing this comment so as to help you get a better builder. Being a platinum builder means a lot about your technique and your quality. The aircraft looks really nice, the shape is correct and the specs are close to real-life. But, why the stock wings? You have the experience and the knowledge to build wings with the triangle method. Why the aircraft tends to steer off the runway during take-off? These are rookiw mistakes that I don't like to see in a platinum builder. I expect more from you and I know that you have the quality needed to make awesome planes!

  • Maritime Patrol Aircraft Challenge - RESULTS and FINAL SCOREBOARD 6.6 years ago

    @BogdanX First of all I wanna congratulate u for ur highly detailed aircraft. In terms of building quality and handling ur Catalina is possibly the best in challenge. BUT, it has been clearly stated in the challenge description that armament and anti-ship capability will be taken into account and add extra point. Maybe, I should have established a "TOP BUILDING QUALITY" award too. And u my friend would have won it for sure. I know that u may be upset and angry but I want u to know that I don't have anything against u and consider u still my friend even after all these bad words u said against me...Hope to be well and thnx again for ur participation.

  • Super Delta Dart 6 months ago

    This Super Delta Dart is an absolute masterpiece! The design is sleek, and the attention to detail is incredible. The flight performance feels so realistic, especially with how well it handles at high speeds. I’m seriously impressed with how you managed to depict a plausible upgrade variant of the original aircraft while adding your own creative touch. Definitely one of the best builds I’ve come across!

    I’d love to collaborate on my next project on the field of the fictional background story, and I think we could make something truly epic together! If interested, feel free to reach out to me on Discord. Looking forward to possibly working with you!
    Have fun my friend!

  • Raytheon/Beechcraft T-6A Texan II 1.4 years ago

    @SteveMoneyMan you took me back to 2008 when I was a student pilot and flying this amazing aircraft! Very well built, great handling and fair amount of detail! Overall a great plane!

  • F-6EJ Zenko 4.1 years ago

    @AzureCorp It would be my honor to be featured but my main objective is to provide joy and pleasure to the players and help them through my build to elevate their quality!

  • A-38C/D GrayFox 4.9 years ago

    @Bennet23 Take some Aspirin and avoid looking at them....

  • EF-45H Gecko HAF 5.2 years ago

    @dimindahouse Σ'ευχαριστώ πολύ φίλε μου. Ελπίζω να το απολαύσεις και μπορείς να χρησιμοποιήσεις ο,τι θέλεις απ'αυτό.

  • McDonnell Douglas F-4E Phantom II 5.5 years ago

    That's the best Phantom in the site and one of the most beautiful and amazing builds ever. As a Greek I'm proud of our Air Force still flying this beast in its upgraded form.

  • A-10C Thunderbolt II 5.6 years ago

    @toxicgamer88 Looks great? Yes! Handles great? Hell no! My opinion is that he invested a lot of time and effort in the aeshetic compartment and he severely neglected the flight behavior part. This plane has some really serious issues that almost take all the fun out of it. My upvote is only for the effort and specifically for the general shape. the weapons and the details.

  • MiK ATP 21 6.0 years ago

    @mikoyanster very well-build aircraft! Would love to see it with air-to-ground capability too! And thnx for putting it in a pic with the T-61L Kestrel!

  • Weapons Pack v.4.0 6.0 years ago

    @typeZERO I'm not specialized in Russian weapons, yet. Next pack may contain some russian-made weapons.

  • P-29B Corvus 6.8 years ago

    Aircraft is within rules. Good luck!

  • Maritime Patrol Aircraft Challenge [CLOSED] 6.8 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 I know that and thank you for pointing that out. Unfortunately, mobile and iOS users cannot compete with PC users in terms of detailed builds and xml modding. If u wanna take part in challenge via a mobile/iOS platform u can do ur best an when upload it just put a note that clarifies it.

  • Ar 460 United 6.8 years ago

    @QingyuZhou Propfan is a new type of engine that's still under development and quite promising. Less fuel consumption with high sub-sonic speeds (~400mph). This is what modern airlines want from their aircrafts.

  • PLZ help with airplane post's description! 7.0 years ago

    @Itamar3553 If u still want help with description font style and image, I can send u my latest description in Word file and use it as a template.

  • AF.2M Strikehawk 1.2 years ago

    @AF59 Thank you my friend for your kind words

  • AF.2M Strikehawk 1.2 years ago

    @ALRX The TX-2 provided an excellent basis for me to further develop it into the Strikehawk. You my friend did the most of the job and I'm glad that u let me use it!

  • AF.2M Strikehawk 1.2 years ago

    @proalpha When I'll find some time, I might post a variant with around 1000-1200 parts with basic weapons, no cockpit and fewer details

  • AF.2M Strikehawk 1.2 years ago

    @WinsWings The main inspiration was the Japanese F-1 which in turn had incorporated many design elements from the Jaguar

  • AF.2M Strikehawk 1.2 years ago

    @DwiAngkasaAeronautics I never left. I'm around and playing with all the cool stuff here but I don't have that much time to build and post...

  • AF.2M Strikehawk 1.2 years ago

    @EternalDarkness Thank you my brother! Hope everyone enjoys flying it!

  • EF-45H Gecko HAF 1.3 years ago

    @RaptorAerosystemsCorp I hope u managed to fly it!

  • Convair CV-990 (no mods Version) 2.1 years ago

    Possibly, the best autopilot system in the game! I really admire the effort you did in order to make all the autopilot system functional. I expect so much from you!

  • RJ/SAAB Par Tunnan (double barrel) 7.7 2.6 years ago

    @RamboJutter It's great to see old friends and respected builders keep posting and creating new stuff!

  • Upcoming Naval Strike Aircraft [Collaboration with ALRX] 2.6 years ago

    @ALRX I love it when aircrafts have detailed description and a thorough background (especially fictional realistic ones)

  • Mitsubishi TX-2 Blue tridents 2.6 years ago

    This is an amazing aircraft with a lot of potential! You got me back in the game, bro!

  • RUH-58 Samaritan 3.3 years ago

    Skillful build with a high degree of functionality. I'm amazed by the quality of the auto-hover. Best auto-hover ever seen on SP!!!!

  • Mirthal - 128 LSCM Missile 3.7 years ago

    @DwiAngkasaAeronautics Of course I will credit you! And I'm thinking of renaming it so it can suit better the user-nation of the aircraft.

  • Mirthal - 128 LSCM Missile 3.7 years ago

    @DwiAngkasaAeronautics Very nice built with lot of details and functional features. It's a remarkable weapon and quite impressive for your level. If possible, I want to use this weapon (with some minor modifications) in my upcoming strike aircraft built.

  • SAMC Yumeko T1 3.7 years ago

    @Tsukuyomi Very nice built, with a great amount of detailing and functionality. It has many good elements and the most important a working and stable flight model. I would love to see an armed (attack) variant. I'd be more than glad to assist you on that.

  • Challenger-Class Guided Missile Destroyer 3.8 years ago

    @UnguidedCylinder Please consider to publish each weapon of the ship separate, cause it will be very helpful for other players to incorporate them to their builds. Actually, I'm super interested in the ASM-22A Dainsleif missile for my upcoming strike aircraft!

  • Challenger-Class Guided Missile Destroyer 3.8 years ago

    If I had a Navy I'd buy that ship for sure!!!! Amazing job and believe me when I say that....I hardly ever upvote non-aeroplane builds!!! Wow!!!

  • Suspension is sus again, please help 3.8 years ago

    try connecting the wheel to more connection points or increasing the mass of the part that the wheels are attached to.

  • X-17 Aero Aurora Trainer 4.1 years ago

    I really like the general layout and the concept of that plane. I'd prefer to see it in the role of initial pilot training as a basic trainer. Very sleek and robust design with many futuristic elements. The only remarks I have, are:
    1. Too powerful propulsion. If u delete the central engine and use the other 2 turbojets in a 0.7 power multiplier, it has a very realistic performance.
    2. Why unlimited fuel? Never use that again.
    3. Needs bigger flaps
    4. I'd like u to start using the triangle technique on the wings. Will make ur builds far better!

    Good work bud!

  • F-6EJ Zenko 4.1 years ago

    @Grroro Its the least I can do as a contribution to the honorable people of Japan and the always combat-ready JASDF!

  • F-6EJ Zenko 4.1 years ago

    @GCPrototypes thank you a lot my friend!

  • RamboJutter Zeus Heavy VTOL transport 4.2 4.2 years ago

    YES YES YES! One of your most interesting builds! Excellent handling, realistic performance and cool design! So much room for improvement! I'd love to see a Special Ops variant in deset camo with some modifications such as V-tail for steep combat landings, some basic weaponry, a FLIR turret, more ECM and defence equipmemt and a hell lot of antennnas!

  • The Blue Samurai 4.3 years ago

    @shipster Truth is tha the project is almost 99% complete. Usually, I do a lot of testing and last-minute corrections and the description takes a lot of time. Maybe, it will be my first post for the 2021. Stay tuned!

  • GBU-12 Paveway II 4.3 years ago

    @auxitt Excellent work on dimensions and specifications. Because, I'm one of the few guys here that I'm really interested in air-to-ground weapons, you can have a look on my builds and see many GBUs and you can find the way to make them free-fall air-glide precision-guided munitions. The secret is to finely adjust the position of a zero speed missile inside the bomb so that it has stability and good glide ratio...Send me a message if you want extra info or unlisted weapons to work on and further develop them!

  • A-7D Corsair II 4.3 years ago

    @ChiChiWerx Totally agree with everything. There is potential and good quality here! Besides all the things that ChiChi said, I have to add that I wanted to see one extra thing that is the essence of the Corsair....the f@$king HUGE ventral airbrake.....

  • Zubr-class Hovercraft 4.4 years ago

    Extraordinary build! Ingenious conception and sublime construction! You are one of the reasons I'm still playing this game.

  • RJ FGRII Dragon 4.2 4.4 years ago

    At last! After some quite average builds you found your good old RJ! Great aircraft, with realsitic handling, sexy shape and amazing livery! Love the weapons and the background story! I really enjoyed flying with that British lady!

  • Sukhoi SU-30 Flanker MKK/MK2 4.5 years ago

    One of the best aircrafts I've seen lately on the site. Great handling, many details, realistic performance and a keen understanding of building techniques. This definitely going on my favorite list and I expect to see many many more great builds from you!
